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Thesis in administrative law

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14 results

03 Jan 2011

Belgian administrative law: Definition, characteristics and sources

Thesis - 11 pages - Administrative law

Administrative law is a set of legal rules other than constitutional law that establish the organization, functions and working procedures of the administrative structures of the state. It comprises all the legal rules, other than constitutional law. The Constitution is the foundation of...

24 Aug 2010

The gas tax: Our government's pickpocket

Thesis - 2 pages - Administrative law

In recent years, the increased gas prices has become a largely debated topic for many drivers. High gas prices have persisted because of the necessary advantages claimed by producers, despite the disadvantages to consumers. In an attempt to ease the effect of consumer disadvantages, government...

02 Aug 2010

Public safety versus civil rights

Thesis - 4 pages - Administrative law

When comparing the rights of one's safety to one's right to privacy the welfare most citizens favor public safety. Privacy is an important right that society needs to protect but not at the expense of safety. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept...

20 Jul 2010

Universal health care and the impact of the patient protection and affordable care Act of 2010

Thesis - 9 pages - Administrative law

Universal Health Care is a system, where the government of a nation interferes in the health care process, to ensure that every citizen or resident has access to required medical facilities and services. Germany has one of the oldest Universal Health Care systems. It was started some time in the...

26 Mar 2010

An analysis of National coalition to save Mall V. Norton

Thesis - 14 pages - Administrative law

The Constitution provides for the protection of rights from the will of the majority through the separation of powers doctrine. Controversy arises when Congress attempts to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, set forth in Article III, section 2 of the Constitution, which...

26 Mar 2010

Administrative agency: In action

Thesis - 8 pages - Administrative law

In 1969 shortly after being sworn in, President Nixon turned to Roy L. Ash, founder of Litton Industries, to chair an Advisory Council on Executive Organization and submit recommendations for structural reform within the federal government. President Nixon was in part reacting to a changing tide...

11 Mar 2010

DNI and IC points of interest

Thesis - 2 pages - Administrative law

An overhaul of the Intelligence System, beyond that established by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, is necessary to improve connectivity between the community, and between the IC and law enforcement. Two of the main issues that remain unsolved are information sharing...

22 Jan 2010

Secretary of state for the home department

Thesis - 3 pages - Administrative law

This case concerns the detention of suspected terrorist suspects who are non British nationals. In the context of a World which is more security alert in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Her Majesty's Government reacted with new laws. However, these laws need to be tempered with age old principles...

25 Nov 2009

Examining California's prison crisis: Where we're at, how it happened and what we can do

Thesis - 3 pages - Administrative law

Even without the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression on hand, California's notoriously dysfunctional prison system requires a much needed in-depth examination. More so, California requires much needed action in a very different direction from the consistent trends of the past...

29 Sep 2009

Courts, unelected tyrants and public forums

Thesis - 7 pages - Administrative law

In 2000, during the American presidential elections, the role of the Supreme Court was highly contested. Indeed, it consists of a majority of judges appointed by republican presidents and it decided to stop counting the voices manually in contested towns in Florida and George Bush won the...

04 Sep 2009

US foreign policy - HS 571

Thesis - 4 pages - Administrative law

When the United States passed the Monroe Doctrine in 1823, the country gave warning to foreign nations that the Western Hemisphere shall be free from European imperialism. While the doctrine was passed on behalf of the rest of the Americas, it gave the US complete control over the foreign...

28 Jul 2009

Ethics of public servants

Thesis - 5 pages - Administrative law

Federal elected officials, appointed political officials and civil service officials are held to a separate standard for their behavior. These people are chosen by the American public and by other officials to serve at their behest. What commonly unites elected and non-elected officials is that...

07 May 2009

The impacts of the common agricultural policy (CAP) in France

Thesis - 10 pages - Administrative law

The CAP is often considered as a debate of the specialists since this is a very complex and technical topic, but nowadays there is a huge public debate on this policy which is one of the most important European policy and also one of the most expensive one. In May 2006 there was the biggest...

07 May 2009

Côte d'Ivoire and the ONUCI

Thesis - 10 pages - Administrative law

Located in the western part of Africa, notably surrounded by Liberia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and Ghana, Côte d'Ivoire constitutes an isolated case in the African History of the twentieth century. Indeed, considered as a model of African success from its decolonisation in 1960 until the...