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622 results

21 Mar 2009

Muslim women caught between two cultures

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The notion of family is one that is important cross-culturally. It fosters a sense of responsibility among its members, and structure that forms the basis of the patriarchal society. Throughout time, and across different cultures, the conception of family has, and is varied, but the essence is...

20 Mar 2009

The business lobby in government and the threat to democracy

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In political discourse, the term lobbying is often thought of in a negative way. This is because lobbyists have earned themselves a reputation of being untrustworthy and even corrupt. Lobbying in itself is certainly not bad though. When a citizen bumps into their elected official on the street...

20 Mar 2009

Mandatory mediation and incentives to settle

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Mediation has long been thought of as a more ideal mode of conflict resolution than when the parties involved instigate proceedings against one another. In the adversarial model, conflict-resolution is possible; however it is based largely on a concrete and relevant appraisal of the...

18 Mar 2009

Analyzing the links between disability and child abuse and evaluating the role of Social Services with regards to Disabled Child Protection

Thesis - 21 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The protection of children is today a high profile issue, within both the voluntary and statutory sectors, although the abuse of disabled children is a matter that has only recently attracted professional interest. Whilst many people find it difficult to believe that disabled children, some of...

18 Mar 2009

The theoretical explanations put forward to explain alcohol dependence: The rationale for prevention programs for hazardous drinkers

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Although the term “addiction” is still widely used current theorists and scholars are tending to use the term “dependence” in modern research and studies. People can become dependent not only on external substances that are ingested but also to risky behaviors such as...

18 Mar 2009

Subhas Chandra Bose: Nationalism, Morality and Empire

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the 1940's the range of Indian nationalism had reached a full spectrum of discourse previously thought impossible. The British declaration of war on the Axis Powers on India's behalf was followed quickly by a mass resignation of elected Indian National Congress (INC) leaders, and in the wake...

17 Mar 2009

Catholic workers: The family life

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Working parents are often faced with the daunting challenge of balancing their time between work and family. As providers, they have to work to support their family, but as parents they have to spend time with their children. Now imagine the plight of Catholic Worker parents. Just how do they...

17 Mar 2009

Advanced clinical techniques/family centered practice with populations at risk (aging)

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

On April 29, 2006 at about 5:30 a.m., May C. fell in her kitchen in a rural area 10 miles west of Yakima, Washington. As she fell her right leg was thrust back while the rest of her body fell forward, resulting in a compound fracture of her right femur. May called her LifeLine service for help...

12 Mar 2009

Aboriginal social problems in Canada: From an anti-oppressive perspective of social work

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social problems are inherent truths within any society. Developed countries have social problems in the same way that developing countries do. However, in many cases in developed countries, the people who live there do not always now that the problem exists, unless in is right in front of them....

12 Mar 2009

Aboriginal social problems in Canada: From an anti-oppressive perspective of social work - published: 12/03/2009

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social problems are inherent truths within any society. Developed countries have social problems in the same way that developing countries do. However, in many cases in developed countries, the people who live there do not always now that the problem exists, unless in is right in front of them....

12 Mar 2009

Rock music in Iran and its impact on youth culture

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Every weekday in Tehran, it is a common scene to see hundreds of worried relatives and parents flock around one of the government buildings to find out whether or not their children have been arrested for breaking the moral laws of the Islamic state. Armed with cash and real estate deeds, these...

12 Mar 2009

The phenomenon of fandom: Refuting the view that consumers of mass media culture are passive cultural dopes?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the last century television, film and video came to dominate the mass mediated world and increasingly continues to do so today with an abundance of entertainment being brought into the homes of millions of people globally provided by the culture industry. A popular and traditional view of mass...

05 Mar 2009

Violence against Aboriginal women

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Violence against women is a persistent and ongoing problem in Canada and around the world. It affects women's social and economic equality, physical and mental health, well-being and economic security. The effects of domestic violence are well-known, and many steps have been taken to minimize...

05 Mar 2009

The impact of violence and aggression on Social Workers

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

‘Violence and aggression pose threats to society and individuals at work or outside of work. The cost in terms of disruption, bad image, and absenteeism, and turnover, accidents at work, burnout and compensation are increasingly becoming apparent. Most importantly these threats negatively...

05 Mar 2009

The process of chemical dependency

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Peele, Brodsky, and Arnold (1991:133) cited in Dowieko (1993:11) maintain that ‘[addiction] is not an all-or-nothing thing, but a continuum from moderate excess to severe compulsion'. With this citation in mind, I will attempt to discuss both the ‘how' and ‘why' of addiction,...

05 Mar 2009

Quebec as a "distinct society"

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For as long as Quebec has been a part of Canada, there has always been debate about what their role is in Canadian federalism, but in most cases it has been nothing more than debate and rhetoric on both sides. There have always been, and will always be people in Quebec and in the rest of Canada...

05 Mar 2009

Five strategy innovations to redefine the debate surrounding baseline national health coverage in the United States

Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Healthcare is the single most pressing domestic issue in American politics. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured; likely twice that are underinsured. 80% of the uninsured are workers, or live in families with workers. Extensive work has documented the market failure related to health...

03 Mar 2009

A class perspective concerning the issue of cloning

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will attempt to address what is perhaps the single most life altering issue facing our societies today. It is life altering in the utmost sense of the word, literally altering life as we know it. Life on this planet has undergone some significant changes since the dawn of civilization;...

26 Feb 2009

A critique of the connection between gender and crime

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Official statistics show that overall males commit or, are charged with, more crimes than females (Scottish Prison Service, 2002). However it has also been shown, that in certain areas of criminality such as theft and fraud, female offence rates seem to be rising faster than males. (Steffensmeir...

26 Feb 2009

Investigating the key issues concerning child protection in the UK and France

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Social policy "is based upon a distinct empirical focus- the support and well-being through social action." (Alcock et al 1998). It draws upon the methods and understandings involved in many social science disciplines e.g. sociology, economics and politics and is founded in many areas of society...

26 Feb 2009

A sociological perspective on the family

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This essay will discuss and analyze the concept of the family from a sociological perspective. Families are the foundation of all societies. They can be formed by father-mother-children combination or even more complicated combination of aunt-cousin-grand relatives along with father and mother....

26 Feb 2009

Public health: The global fight against AIDS

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

At the millennium, over 150 world leaders met at the Millennium Summit to establish a vision for the United Nations in the upcoming years. They discussed the problems of poverty, economic development, public health, and education on a global level and proposed interventions in the form of the...

13 Jan 2009

Liberal feminism, a white, racist bourgeois movement?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Women have always been considered as the ‘weak sex', in opposition to the ‘strong sex' represented by men. Hence, they have always suffered from being oppressed and subordinated to men. Yet in order to be no longer discriminated against a condition which they did not chose, women...

13 Jan 2009

Race and Minorities - Promising Practice

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Urban Enterprise Center was created in 1995 to improve the social relations in Seattle after the celebrations dedicated to Martin Luther King two years prior where the offices of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce were stormed and the local citizens made themselves heard. They made...

13 Jan 2009

Describe what you would want to tell the white community about how the legacy of our history helps to explain racial divisions and disparities that persist today

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

America has a long history of racism and discrimination against its Black community. One has to keep in mind the centuries long history of slavery which came to an end only over one century ago in the South. It is also necessary to remind of how close to us is the end of segregation, as its...

13 Jan 2009

How did patterns of courtship and getting married differ for young women in the 1950's compared to the 1930's?

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The twentieth century has witnessed several changes in social structures and notably with the birth of youth culture, which allowed people between the state of childhood and the one of adulthood to be recognized as a full-fledged category of the society. This change in status has led to several...

13 Jan 2009

Modern Irish society through the decline of the Catholic Church

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Catholic Church has had a central part in the Irish society's life and identity since its independence in 1922. The State conceded huge areas of social policy to the Catholic Church. By linking patriotism with morality, the Church acquired a complete control over politic, cultural, social and...

13 Jan 2009

Eros in fantasy

Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Our study of Eros in fantasy will be based on seven short stories (A. Bierce's The Death of Halpin Frayser, Ch. Dickens's The Signalman, Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, P. Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher, H. P. Lovecraft's The Festival, R. Matheson's Born of Man...

13 Jan 2009

The rise of feminism

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage-that is, the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries...

12 Jan 2009

Descartes' version of the ontological argument in the light of Kant's criticism

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

God has always been a subject of debate and it will probably always be so. One of the reasons leading to this perpetual debate is that people have never agreed on the concept of God. Some religions (e.g. Hinduism) believe that there are several Gods whilst others (e.g. Christianity, Islam,...