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03 Dec 2010

Is there a right to health in Europe?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In opinion surveys, European citizens put health, that is to say, the protection against risks of illness, at the peak of their concern. However, health is not defined in terms of European law. The European Commission has just recommended harmonization, without specifying what could be the...

02 Nov 2010

Islam and National identity in Indonesia

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Because Indonesia's culture is strongly linked to the Islamic religion - Indonesia is the world's largest Muslim population, with today about 200 million Muslims out of 230 million Indonesians , in other words 86% Indonesians are Muslim - both the official definition of Indonesian national...

20 Oct 2010

The place of Islam in the Chechen conflicts

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The mass-media often give us the image of Chechnya as being a “Jihad land”, in which the war against Islamic terrorism is led. In fact, the lack of valid information from Chechnya can be misleading and it does not actually guarantee an accurate report of the advances of Chechen...

20 Oct 2010

The Horror and the Holocaust

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Darwin's Origin of Species outlines the natural selection that occurs amongst the relations between species of animals. Darwin sought to answer the question: “How and why are new species created?” He came to the conclusion that the fittest will survive and reproduce. Darwin...

19 Oct 2010

Cause of Fannie Mae's Conservatorship

Thesis - 18 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Everyone should have a home despite their economic struggles. Fannie Mae was founded on this premise during the Great Depression in 1938. The issue evolving from this seemingly beneficial and civil service sponsored by the government is the risk involved with lending to subprime borrowers. The...

12 Oct 2010

Daisy Bates: The engagement of a woman into the Civil Rights Movement

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Daisy Bates was a woman who decided to not submit to the white violence that black people were facing in the South. She is an interesting case because of her evolution from hatred to activism. Scholars do not usually stress the role that Daisy Bates played within the Civil Rights movement...

29 Sep 2010

The political and social upheaval in France in 1968

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In May 1968, France experienced a political and social upheaval that shook the regime to its foundation. May 1968, also called May 68, is the name given to a series of events that started with a student strike in France, which broke out at a number of universities and high schools in Paris. In...

27 Aug 2010

Panoramic photography

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A panoramic photograph differs from a conventional photograph as it is wider and covers a large area to look at, such that you have to stoop to scan the picture and be able to appreciate its details. It showcases the scene in its entirety. Scenes of epic dimensions like cityscapes, beaches, a...

27 Aug 2010

Chaos in Africa: Causes and consequences

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Ever since the end of the Cold War in 1991, Africa has faced ethnic conflicts that had led to the destabilization of several of its countries. It also paved the way for the collapse of regimes and led to large-scale massacres in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Rwanda. The neighboring states that were...

25 Aug 2010

Women's work culture in Europe and U.S

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

From time immemorial, women have been a part of the world's work force in various spheres. She has faced turbulent times during which the status and rights of women's progress were challenged not only with regard to the rights of workers but also their right to work. Contrary to popular belief,...

25 Aug 2010

What is ethnology?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Anthropology is the study of humanity. It studies the evolution of Homo sapiens and their gradual development over the years. An anthropologist is often seen an adventurer. The British anthropologist Nigel Barley confesses ironically that in anthropology, there is a tradition that the amount of...

24 Aug 2010

Unnecessary measures: The overmedication of the American population

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Here in America, we put a lot of effort into making life effortless. We check Mapquest for the shortest and easiest route; we stop by McDonald's for the fastest and cheapest meal; and we swipe our credit cards so we never have to take the time to write a check or wait for change. These...

24 Aug 2010

What does technology serve

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

These days it seems like every aspect of civilization is somehow tied to technology. The most powerful man in the world fought to keep his personal Blackberry. The seemingly simple act of texting has spawned a multi-billion dollar industry. And from the alarm that wakes us in the morning to...

24 Aug 2010

Native cultures

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When settlers first began to arrive in what is now the United States of America, they encountered a land already populated with indigenous people. To these first early settlers, and for many of the settlers that followed, these indigenous people all seemed alike. They spoke languages the settlers...

24 Aug 2010


Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The term “Zionism” is attributed to Nathan Birnbaum and was first used in 1890. The Zionist movement itself was founded in 1897, by Theodor Herzl (Jewish Virtual Library). Many definitions of Zionism exist, offered up by both Zionist groups and non-Zionists alike. Some of the...

24 Aug 2010

Culture and disease

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Tuberculosis is considered to be one of the leading causes of death for one third of the world's population. South-East Asia and the Pacific region are one of the areas affected most by tuberculosis infections. According to the World Health Organization, 95% of tuberculosis cases reported occur...

24 Aug 2010

A study on the Native Americans

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Indigenous peoples have endured many hardships and damages inflicted on them over the years. They have dealt with attacks by foreign peoples, with forced removal from their own land and the development of reservations, with forced assimilation encouraged both by society and government policy, and...

24 Aug 2010

Health care: A political issue

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

What to do about healthcare in our nation is a much debated topic in current politics. Questions arise concerning the availability, cost, and quality of healthcare for American citizens. In recent years, citizens have seen the cost of health services skyrocket. Healthcare insurance offered...

24 Aug 2010

Women in Cherokee society

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Cherokee are people who are rich in cultural identity and history. Their nation flourished in North America long before the European ancestors chose to settle here. Originally residents of the American southeast region, the Cherokee tribes resided throughout Georgia, North and South...

24 Aug 2010

Gender in American English: How women are socially muted through speech

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This paper will explore the theory that women as a minority group are socially muted through the prevalent use of masculine and male created language in American English to describe common activities at home, work place and in the society. The research was started with the question, “How...

23 Aug 2010

The family and the other models of family in the Western World

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The family is a group of people united by a particular link. This link may be a relationship, a relationship of alliance or a link to it. In civil law, a family can be defined as a unit that is a collection of all people who have descended from a common ancestor, and are bound together by...

23 Aug 2010

Democracy and religion

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Religion and democracy, though resting on similar principles, have been at logger heads constantly. There are several instances in history that have depicted a constant clash between these two concepts. Democracy has battled with theocracy and has replaced in many parts of Europe. There have been...

23 Aug 2010

Islam and democracy

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, political scientists and researchers in international relations have abandoned the bipolar pattern between the USSR and the United States. Following the implosion of the Soviet bloc in 1991, issues concerning the East-West conflict have disappeared,...

23 Aug 2010

A critique of education strategies

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Only by not imposing barriers in one's learning process can one become truly educated. This fact can be better illustrated through Adam Urbanski's saying, as he once stated that “If we always do what we've always done, we will get what we've always got”. In other words, improvement in...

19 Aug 2010

Autism and emotions

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by impairment that includes verbal and nonverbal challenges and difficulties in social interactions. In 1943, Kanner accumulated data showing the relationship between emotional deficits and autism. This data was considered important...

19 Aug 2010

Margaret Mead: Social life and sexuality

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Margaret Mead (1901-1978), was a famous American anthropologist. She joined Columbia University in the 1920s, where she met the man who became her mentor, Franz Boas (often called "the father of anthropology"). Under his direction, she went to study mores and beliefs of four indigenous tribes in...

19 Aug 2010

Evolutionary based gender differences in online mate selection

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This study was an attempt to determine whether or not men and women still pursue a romantic partner as influenced by evolutionary necessity. Thirty-six personal ads written by 18 men and 18 women ranging in age from 25 years old to 44 years old were read and coded. Results support an...

19 Aug 2010

The Mid-Atlantic region: William Penn and Pennsylvania-The planning of Philadelphia

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

William Penn was a man with remarkable leadership qualities. His conversion to the Quaker religion at an early age testified to his capacity to function as an individual apart from his affluent upbringing (William Penn). His amiable treatment of the native peoples upon arriving to the Quaker...

19 Aug 2010

Why Euro-centric isn't so appropriate: Why the history of the United States matters

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Christopher Columbus was the gentle white man who co-existed peacefully alongside the indigenous people. Thomas Jefferson indeed was the savant who penned our nation's most admirable document. And Abraham Lincoln, the lanky, equitable man who inherently felt the plight of the slaves, these are...

19 Aug 2010

That which nourishes me also destroys me

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

That which nourishes me also destroys me. That Latin proverb has become the unofficial motto of the eating disorder community. It has gained notoriety and possibly even infamy due to actress Angelina Jolie's tattoo of those words. You will not find it written about in books, scholarly articles or...