Modern Irish society through the decline of the Catholic Church
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Catholic Church has had a central part in the Irish society's life and identity since its independence in 1922. The State conceded huge areas of social policy to the Catholic Church. By linking patriotism with morality, the Church acquired a complete control over politic, cultural, social and...
Eros in fantasy
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Our study of Eros in fantasy will be based on seven short stories (A. Bierce's The Death of Halpin Frayser, Ch. Dickens's The Signalman, Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, P. Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher, H. P. Lovecraft's The Festival, R. Matheson's Born of Man...
British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...
The rise of feminism
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage-that is, the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries...
To what extent have developments in individual rights in Britain delivered family friendly working practices, and with what implications for all relevant stakeholders
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since New Labour came to power in May 1997 some developments in employments rights have aimed to promote the balancing between work and family life: Families are the core of our society, but they are under pressure. Women and men struggle with choices over work and family...
Aristotle and the best kind of life in society
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Nicomachean Ethics (NE) is generally considered, not without any reason, as one of the main books in the history of the ethics. Indeed, Aristotle describes and constructs in his book major concepts, like virtue or happiness that have been used for a long time, from Kant to Arendt and that do...
Descartes' version of the ontological argument in the light of Kant's criticism
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
God has always been a subject of debate and it will probably always be so. One of the reasons leading to this perpetual debate is that people have never agreed on the concept of God. Some religions (e.g. Hinduism) believe that there are several Gods whilst others (e.g. Christianity, Islam,...
If you lack money do you also lack freedom? Please explain your position with reference to the works of at least two of the following: Berlin, Taylor, and MacCallum
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe. (Edmund Burke). Defining justice and how achieve a just society depends on the conception we have of the notion of liberty and equality. These two elements are the core notions of political...
Multiculturalism in the UK or the end of a Utopia?
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Have you ever tried to fill in a job application form in the UK? If so, you may have been surprised, as a foreigner, to be asked the colour of your skin (white British, white West European, white East European, black, etc.). In France such a thing has long been unfeasible, even if today, the...
The universal human rights concept has its roots in western political thought, so can we say that it applies to all human beings?
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders...those are some of the many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) around the world based on the protection of human rights. Given they are international organisations, does it mean human rights are universal, i.e. they apply to...
Feminist perspectives : The contribution of Ann Ticker to the revision of the concept of security
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
As a searcher in international relations, Ann Tickner was firstly stroke by the law number of women working in the field. She then realised that not only were women excluded as researchers, but also as subjects of study. That was the first step of her carrier as one of the main feminist authors...
The "Memorial Laws"
Tutorials/exercises - 13 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the first part of this paper, I give an account of a recent controversy that arose in France and in which historians played a significant role. This controversy involves a number of actors: the French government, which passed the so-called memorial laws; the interest groups that...
Social welfare system in transition: The reform of the pension system
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy, from communism to democracy, and from unitary to a federal state had extreme consequences for the overall welfare of Russian population: including health services, social protection, and pension system. The Plan for Social and...
Is it conceivable that you might survive the death of your body?
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
If somebody thinks thoroughly about life, he will naturally come across the thought of death. We see death as a natural consequence of life. Everyone is not agreeing on the meaning of death though. Some see it as the end of everything, a total annihilation; others see it as the start of a new...
Politics is just show-business for ugly people
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
On October 7, 2003, the 2003 California recall resulted in Governor Gray Davis being recalled with 55.4% of the Yes vote. Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California under the second question on the ballot. On this day, a large majority of the world population discovered,...
To what extent is the British newspaper market is a pluralist market?
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
According to former MP William Hague, Britain 'has a great and vibrant tradition of a free and pluralist press and media, rich in its diversity and opinions.'(Hague; 2000). It is true that in the past decades, the British newspaper market has always been referred to as being effervescent...
Communication & youth
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The media view of youth is hardly encouraging. We read about hoodies, happy slapping', teenage pregnancy, drugs, STDs. And these days too, we find part of the world's youth actively turning themselves into would-be suicide bombers. So, why do we get so obsessed about marketing to them?...
Children and conflict: Afghan children and post conflict processes
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Historically, the processes of securing peace, reconciliation and reconstructing a country have neglected the specific needs and rights of children. However, the approach to the role of children in post conflict societies is slowly changing. To ensure the long-term peace, security and development...
The gay community in the USA: from marginal to mainstream?
Thesis - 14 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Today, the concern of minorities' rights is crucial in the United States of America. The rights of the homosexual community represent a wedge issue. The homosexuals, indeed, acquire more and more rights in the United States and this acquirement causes a great debate in the entire country. It...
Intercultural communication: interaction in a changing world
Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
When euripides wrote, all is change ; all yields its place and then goes in 422 B.C., he probably did not realize that he would be helping to introduce a book on intercultural communication. Yet, that study of intercultural communication is about change. It is about changes in the world and how...
When "just say no" does not work
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Growing up in a small suburb of Tulsa was an experience one might want to soon forget. I grew up in Glenpool, Oklahoma for the first eighteen years of my life. It was a small, poor suburb with only one school. Despite all the churches in Glenpool, which numbered eleven at my last count about...
The idea of a fundamental agreement between Confucianism and Christianity
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
After about 400 years of study and research, Confucianism in the West is still a subject which only involves a small group of scholars. It is more than surprising when we actually realize how wide and deep is the effect of Confucianism on Chinese culture and society. More interesting,...
Human rights and domestic violence
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Human Rights Watch has estimated that 12,000 women a year die in Russia because of domestic violence; Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reports close to 80% of women experience domestic violence; 49,280 rapes were reported in South Africa in 1998; and the CDC estimates at least 1.8 million...
Review and critique of the social problem solving inventory
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The original Social Problem-Solving Inventory (SPSI) was introduced in 1990 based on theoretical problem-solving models developed by Thomas D'Zurilla and associates throughout the two previous decades. The most current version is the Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R), copyrighted...
A critical study: Sex workers
Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Tania Nicol. Gemma Adams. Anneli Alderton. Annette Nicholis. Paula Clennell. While these names are probably not familiar to you, they are representative of the problems surrounding the commercial sex industry. They were all victims of a spree of brutal murders that took place in December of 2006...
Postmodernity and determination of death
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Within nation-state societies, the definition of death becomes a legal concern, with the statutes of the state or the rules of state-approved institutions governing the response technique for the participating citizenry. The transition from embodied person to corpse certainly concerns more than...
The 'rediscovery' of ethnicity: Theory and analysis
Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The end of a millennium provides a rare opportunity to reexamine and assess achievements. In the sociological study of relations between diverse ethnic, racial and minority groups it marks a real, rather than a largely symbolic, watershed. There has been major transformation in the form and...
The sociology of housing and the housing problem
Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
At its most elementary level, housing serves as shelter, offering protection against inclement weather and victimization by street crime. Housing fulfils other functions as well. It is typically a significant economic investment, for households as well as builders. Residents also tend to hold...
Human behavior in the social context
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Humans are a social species. First, we explore the reasons why humans are social beings and briefly consider the broad implications of this characterization. Next, we go somewhat more deeply into the question what it means to be social. In other words, how does an individual function whose...
The relationship of Science and Religion as seen through the Galileo affair
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
It is true that often the church and science have clashed bitterly, leaving both sides--and the rest of the world--with the sense that there will never be a way to compromise. One of the best examples of this clash was in the 17th century, when Galileo crossed the Catholic Church. Although...