Wacquant's contrast of French and American 'ghettoes'
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The American ghetto is far more closed, penalizing and violent than the decaying French periphery' This introduction by E. Mingione to Wacquant's study summarizes the contrast demonstrated between the Red Belt', that is the French working class cities and the Black Belt'...
Southern attitudes towards Northern Ireland
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since the creation of the Republic of Ireland in 1922, the territory of Ireland is divided between two parts. The first one, Northern Ireland, is still taking part of the United Kingdom whereas the Republic of Ireland became an independent state. Since then, there is a constitutional conflict...
John Barry, social theory and the environment, London: Routledge, 1999, chap.5 "Gender, the nonhuman world and social thought" & Mary Mellor, "Eco-feminism and environmental ethics: a materialist perspective", in Michael E. Zimmerman (ed.)
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The first text, gender, the nonhuman world and social thought, presents the concept of eco-feminism by highlighting the links between environment, gender and social theory. The main movements within eco-feminism are explained with both their advantages and limits. The author chose...
Exploring the dematerialization of the body: Gender roles in cyberspace - Imagination as resistance or global extensions of consumer capitalism
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This is a research paper which will investigate the relationship between architectural space, i.e. the home, the work place, the gendered body, in relation to the cyber-body as utopian space or new mechanism of containment and surveillance and re-inscribing of the dominant capitalist ideology....
Impact of immigrants on Canadian economic development between 1987 and 2007
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will explore the economic contribution made by immigrants to the Canadian economy over the past 20 years. This period of immigration has been different from the historical patterns of immigration that opened up Canada. Patterns of immigration over the past 20 years have been more to...
HIV/AIDS and stigma theory: Conceptual understandings and possibilities for intervention using sociological models
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
People with HIV/AIDS face social ostracism and stigmatization, a sociological term used to describe inscribed difference. The way that this is experienced is both subjective and is structurally organized. Difficulties in sociological definitions of stigma, and terminology that is specific enough,...
Native education in Canada following the residential school era
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The history of Native-white relations in Canada is historically, colonial in nature and paternalistic in design, and racist.(Miller: 185) In addition, schooling may not be an idealistic location of growth and study but rather as Metis educator Fyre Graveline (1998) contends, ideological...
The central role of women in food security in Africa
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will explore the problem of food security in Africa. It will provide a general overview of the problem. Then it will relate the issue to the specific ways in which food security involves women in Africa, as producers and consumers of agricultural products. It will show links between...
Blame in the Walkerton water tragedy - A systemic problem
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will present a case study of the Walkerton, Ontario water tragedy. In particular the paper is concerned to analyze what happened to determine guilt. Who is responsible for what was ultimately a preventable toxic contamination of a town's water supply? What does this tell us about the...
Women in higher education: Exploring historically and in the present, the links between educational achievement, feminism and struggles for workplace equality
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The continued discrimination against women in higher education, and in the career path after graduation, is the topic of this essay. It is based upon a review of literature covering the subject of women's acceptance into higher education programs, the kinds of programs they excel in, and the...
Change management - Support for day care workers encountering integration
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There is a growing acceptance of the need to integrate children with extra support needs into daycare programs, and more and more daycare centers are attempting to integrate these children. To support the daycare workers who must learn to accommodate children with extra support needs, we must...
Citizenship status, racism, gender and violence: Aboriginal women in Canada, international sex trade - finding the links and associations
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the forward to Andrea Smith's (2005) book Conquest. Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide, Winona LaDuke, writing about Native Women's experience in Minnesota, writes that Native women in the state, which borders Manitoba, have a ten-times higher chance of dying a violent death than a...
Comparing the response to cholera in Zimbabwe with SARS response in Toronto - Public health systems in crisis
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This is an article about two diseases: cholera and SARS. Pandemics today potentially can spread from one part of the globe to another. The spread of SARS from Hong Kong where it was first identified and isolated, to Toronto (which was particularly hard hit), in part has to do with the new...
Comparing Italian American immigrant families to black American families: A sociological analysis of the family in America
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will offer a comparison between African American families and Italian American immigrant families, by exploring family cohesion and identity. What are the ways that the black American family is written about in sociological literature, and how does this differ from the perspective or...
Resist drug abuse
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Resist Drug: it is learned that often, young people and adolescents are introduced to drugs by friends or people they admire. In adolescence, the influence of peers is very strong. Thus, for "being in the loop" to be "cool", they commit acts that they would not have committed otherwise. Adults...
Shape of the Caribbean following emancipation
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the Caribbean Diaspora, following the Emancipation from slavery (which took place at different historical moments, depending on the European nation controlling a particular colony) there were attempts to reconfigure the socio-economic, political and cultural landscape of domination that had...
Globalization, food production and links to obesity
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will investigate the links between globalization, food production and consumption, and a marked increase in obesity rates in North America in recent decades. (Shaw, 2004; Young, 2004) Phillips (2006) examines the international production, distribution systems and consumption patterns...
Mary Magdalene: Legend to history
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the early centuries of Christian history the circles that led to the development of the official Church focused on her role at the crucifixion and the tomb. She was praised by many of the early group, called the Church Fathers, such as Tertullian of Carthage (ca. 160-225), Origen of Alexandria...
A call for change : Socio-economic and political causes of the French revolution
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The French Revolution was a decade of political and social upheaval in France between the years of 1789 and 1799, which affected not only the French society and government, but had considerable repercussions for the rest of Europe as well. The primary changes that occurred as a result of the...
The Cathars and Mary Magdalene
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Cathars were an alternative Christian or semi-Christian group who were condemned as heretics by the Roman Church. They lived and practiced their religion in the Languedoc, an area of what is now southern France, from the tenth through fourteenth centuries. Because the Cathar scriptures were...
Doomsday cults
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Of over ten thousand new religious movements across the globe, less than twenty are considered destructive cults. The contemporary definition of cult refers to a relatively small group of people whose religious beliefs and practices depart from the conventional standards of society. Most cults...
A discussion and analysis of community health in Manchester
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The aim of this essay is to show an understanding of community health. For the purpose of this essay the community, which will be discussed, will be Priory ward in Sale, which is part of Trafford in Manchester. The role and function of agencies and professionals in the delivery of health and...
The public health environment in England: Focus on specific policies
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The nature of major causes of work-related ill health makes occupational health fit more closely than ever before into the public health agenda. The government has been quick to recognize the role of occupational health nurses in reaching the public health targets set in recent public health...
Mary Magdalene: The woman who needs no introduction
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The writers of the New Testament gospels introduce most of the characters in the stories to their audiences. For example, the reader of Mark is told that James is the son of Zebedee, his brother's name is John, and Zebedee and his sons are fishermen (Mark 1:19-20). The Gospel of Luke reports that...
The status of Women in first-century Jewish culture
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Traditionally Christian scholars have argued that women held a low status in first-century Judaism and their situations improved in Christianity. This argument ignores the fact that Christianity was a sect of Judaism, not a separate religion, through much of the first century. Jesus was Jewish,...
Employee rights from behind the veil of ignorance
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In this paper I intend to create an analogy between the workplace and society in general, so that principles used in determining political and social systems of ethics in the social sphere might be applied to the work place. I will specifically focus in on John Rawls's theory of justice as...
The systematic failings of the prison system
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The prison system has held a legitimate place within society for so long now that it is difficult for us to imagine that there was a time when it did not exist. However, just because there has been a complex system of correction and social control put in place for centuries does not mean that...
In search of a new metaphysics: A summary and critical analysis of the ideas of E. F. Schumacher
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The human species faces an unprecedented number of problems now that we have entered the 21st century. Global warming, overpopulation, food and water shortages, pollution, economic crises, resource depletion, and various other issues make up the agenda which concerns politicians and the public...
Evaluating western religion via Rosenzweig's template
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Franz Rosenzweig began his career in philosophy by discussing the origins of German Idealism and the philosophies of G. W. F. Hegel, who is generally regarded as the culminating point in the development of post-Kantian idealism in Germany and unquestionably one of the most...
The virtue of humanism: Refuting Ayn Rand's anti-altruism through Sartre's existentialism and Rorty's concept of contingency
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The writing of Ayn Rand is given little to no regard in most academic circles, yet it remains one of the most persuasive and popular endorsements of ethical egoism in the world today. Consider, for example, that both Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead are respectively placed first and second on...