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07 Dec 2007

Freedom and Women in American Realism

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Freedom is a prevalent theme in a lot of the American realism stories. However, in most of these stories, the focus is on a man's literal quest for freedom. Less common, but not infrequent, is the portrayal a woman struggling for that ideal. The woman's pursuit is more abstract than a man's. They...

07 Dec 2007

On My Honor

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Boy Scouts of America in all forms, across the United States, involve young boys and young adults in a number of healthy and education experiences in their programs. Since the Scouts' founding 1910, the organization has sought to help shape boys into lively and well-rounded adults. The...

03 Dec 2007

Typical Assimilation?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The stereotypes presented in the novel, Typical American by Gish Jen, clearly show a mutual misunderstanding between races. It also illustrates the use of racism as a defense mechanism when new to integration and assimilation. Stereotypes in this story are a sort of segue from an old way of...

27 Nov 2007

Student Culture and Michael Moffatt

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Michael Moffatt, author of Coming of Age in New Jersey, performs a study at Rutgers University during the mid 1980's. In hopes of gaining a better understanding of the student culture, Moffatt conceals his anthropologist identity by resembling - in appearance and in manner - a freshman student at...

04 Nov 2007

Communication Theory within Interpersonal Communication

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Hikrokawa and Gouran were two experts on group communication. They figured out the most effective ways that groups communicate and the most practical solutions to everyday group communication, whether in a business environment or a personal relationship. At its core, Functional Perspective on...

04 Nov 2007

Group Theory and Uncertainty

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Relationships are still a mystery to many people in many walks of life. Man to woman, woman to woman and man to man. Dating is not just the only form of relationship in question by theorists of communication but all types of friendship are thrown into the controversy as well. In 1973, Altman and...

22 Oct 2007

Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The concept of Artificial Intelligence has fascinated humans for as long as computers have been around. It should come as no surprise that countless engineers, programmers, and researchers are intensely studying AI in an attempt to create intelligent machines that can mimic human thought and...

22 Oct 2007

Feminism and Eve

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the dawn of time, women have been fighting for equality. Although it has been a difficult battle, women have come a long way. They are able to vote and make their voices heard. They have careers. Women are becoming more independent and liberated each and every day. Feminism is not just a...

19 Oct 2007

Plain Sex

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

We are all born to love; whether this is a gift or a curse has yet to be decided. In the world of George Orwell's 1984, to love is to commit a crime of treason. On a shallow level, this portion of totalitarianism appears completely unjust. But if one is to look a little deeper, and understand...

19 Oct 2007

Ronald McDonald is More President than Bush

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Throughout history, the global aristocracy has faced only one task more daunting than that of achieving prosperity: the eternal struggle to stand undoubtedly separate from the impoverished, and consequently, to subordinate them. And they have made this separation very clear with the use and abuse...

19 Oct 2007

Paulie's Sacrifice

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Homosexuals are not a recent plague, their fight for marriage not a new phenomenon. Gay couples have been seeking this right since the day straight couples were guaranteed it. But the times have changed, and the debate over the issue is no longer unequal; in its continuous strive to assert...

19 Oct 2007

Let's Talk About Girls: The Negative Impact of Feminism on Modern Society

Essay - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

On June 28, 1998, Ally McBeal graced the cover of Time magazine; not in the name of television or Hollywood or fashion, but in the name of feminism. According to The American Century Dictionary, feminism is the advocacy of women's rights and sexual equality. So how does an upper-class woman who...

19 Oct 2007

Exploring Developmental Forces

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Almost the exact opposite of what The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo represented, this show represented how children should act. They should be open, accepting of their peers, seeking what is on the inside versus what is on the outside. Unlike Saving Faces, it downplayed the role of physical...

19 Oct 2007

Expectation and the Age of MTV: A New Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

First impressions are unavoidable. From high school to the work place to any social situation, the fantasies of love at first sight and sudden distaste are brought to life through the senses. The key word is unavoidable: as Ann Gazin states in Instructor, “as fallible humans, [it is only]...

19 Oct 2007

Between Affliction and Alcatraz

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

History is littered by the decaying carcasses of punishment, institutions that will forever be remembered for their severity, even amidst the global hunger for something worse. The tortured ghosts of this nation's blackest memories still walk the halls of Alcatraz. The billowing sails of the...

12 Oct 2007

Touching and Lying: A Christian Dilemma

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Personal space is a very ‘touchy' area for most people and Christians are all the more affected by its presence because God first stated it. In the book of Genesis, God says clearly, “‘you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch...

09 Oct 2007

Anthropological Analysis of an Egalitarian Society (The Lahu people)

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Until recently, according to an innumerable amount of anthropologists and feminists, a gender egalitarian society was simply a utopian ideal (Du, 1-6). It was a concept unattainable to any individual society unless certain concessions were made, such as the view that women and men have...

05 Oct 2007

Mixed Messages

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

During the 1960's, the civil rights movement swept the nation as African Americans rallied to overcome segregation and bigotry. Although in the long run these activists furthered the constitution's promise of equality, they met strong resistance from the predominantly white majority....

03 Oct 2007

The Illusion of Civilization and Illusions Within

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An illusion has the ability to distort the perception about reality. It can be used as a way to disguise something from its true nature. In his work The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud offers an analysis on illusions. He suggests that an illusion is different than an error, because an...

02 Oct 2007

Love: The key to the Human Soul

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Love has played a significant role in people's lives since they have been able to acknowledge it. Romance appears in almost all aspects of human life from entertainment to politics to business to children's movies. As soon as children can read, write, speak, and understand the world around them,...

02 Oct 2007

Who Puts the Food in Your Mouth?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“Super Size Me”, rather than being a straightforward example of debauchery, is an allegory for the desperate need to change personal nutrition in America. Morgan Spurlock challenges the limits of obscenity in making “Super Size Me”, in which he goes on a thirty day...

18 Sep 2007


Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Atheism is a very unique non- belief system that rejects the existence of any deities or any other religious beliefs. As a result, atheists are commonly thought to be irreligious, and even some other religions such as Buddhism have been thought to be atheistic in nature because of their lack if...

17 Sep 2007

Out of Africa vs. Multiregional

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

One of the biggest debates today in paleoanthropology concerns the origins of modern humans. Before humans evolved into modern form, Homo sapiens populated Africa and the Middle East, Homo erectus lived in Asia, and Neandertals populated Europe. As time went on, this diversity came to an end...

22 Aug 2007

Defining Islam

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Frederick M. Denny's Islam and the Muslim Community and John Alden Williams's The Word of Islam contain some common concerns. The authors do, however, take different approaches on some topics. They also use vastly different source material. Both books emphasize a certain difference between Muslim...

21 Aug 2007

American Culture and Code: Technology, Reinforcement, and Collective Perception in Don DeLillo's White Noise

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

DeLillo's White Noise is largely a critique of American culture after World War II and after the popularity of home television in the 1950s. In White Noise, white noise itself has covered up a gaping hole in American culture. The hole is the obtrusive, persistent, and arguably natural...

18 Aug 2007

Hunter/Gatherer Generalizations

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Hunter/gatherers are not all alike. They can be very diverse or very similar to one another. For the most part, hunter/gatherers are not solely one “type,” although they often do have a few similar characteristics. Obviously, they are much alike economically simply because they use...

08 Aug 2007

Fetal Abuse

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A human being can be defined as a living thing that has, or can develop, the ability to act or function independently. In the simplest terms possible, it is the state of existing. How do we judge the value of human life? What makes one life more precious than another? There is great...

07 Aug 2007

The Politics of Liberty

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The new generation of American children is the first in United States history who are expected to live shorter lives than their parent generation. The trend is largely a result of poor health and not projected increases in crime or auto-accidents or some other factor. And the new generation's...

04 Jun 2007

Cognitive behavioral therapy : an effective treatment for convicted offenders ?

Essay - 13 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) are considered by psychologists to be one of the most efficient ways to change people's behaviors by making them understand how their feelings and behaviors are caused by what they think. The objective of this review is to see whether or not cognitive...

18 May 2007

"Imagine the subculture of the future"

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is hard to determine which subculture is likely to become dominant in the future (or at least very popular), considering the plethora of influences and socioeconomic factors that play a role in the emergence of new subcultural forms. Moreover, no subculture is static: they all evolve and...