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Essays in social, moral & civic education

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308 results

13 Nov 2024

Are School Uniforms Beneficial?

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

School uniforms have long been a subject of debate in educational communities worldwide. Advocates see them as essential for creating an equitable and disciplined school environment, while critics argue they stifle individuality and impose unnecessary conformity. However, the evidence supporting...

04 Nov 2023

A responsible use of food should be encouraged through financial incentives (taxes or fines and discounts) - Opinion essay

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The exercise instructions are the following: Read both articles, take notes and decide where you stand as regards the statement. An essay in English does not have to present both sides. So you can totally agree or disagree with the statement and write the essay on this theme if you wish. You just...

19 Oct 2023

Federal and States restrictions on abortion, with a focus on Oklahoma

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The year 2023 will mark half a century of legal abortion in the United States. However, Roe v Wade, the landmark abortion decision, may not survive as the Supreme Court might soon overturn it and enable states to criminalize abortion. The term "abortion" in this essay will refer to the...

13 Oct 2023

Is violence the best way to protest? - published: 13/10/2023

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

We are currently witnessing a surge in popular unrest all across the world. In that regard, 2019 has been a very busy year. Protests that sometimes turned violent have happened in many countries, including but not limited to France, Hong Kong, Lebanon, and Spain... 2020 will probably be no...

09 Oct 2023

A Multigenerational Working World

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today's workplace is multigenerational. Indeed, for some decades, we can identify 5 generations who have to work side by side within a single workplace. This co-living isn't only due to the put off of retirement age, but also to the fact that younger generations start working later....

05 Sep 2022

Labor and the National Question

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In many social instances, the representation of interests and issues affecting a specific group is greatly felt and taken seriously when presented in numbers. It is through this line of thought that lobby groups are formed to jointly represent the concerns of their members. A perfect example of...

05 Sep 2022

Hypothesis on the Emergence of Obligate Bipedalism

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Bipedalism is one of the evolutionary processes that hominines went through to reach the development of walking on their two lower limbs. Like any other mammal, the human biped system has evolved differently as compared to other mammals that utilize bipedalism in locomotion. However, humans are...

23 Aug 2022

Politics and crisis management

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors and critics try...

25 Jul 2022

What is race?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Through the many works done by different scholars in the field of racism, various scholars have come up with many ways to define what race is. Malik (1996) defines race as a group of people who have a difference in biological traits and society finds them to be socially significant. Race is a...

06 May 2021

Locations and forms of power - Who will win the fight against violence in the United States?

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The notion of locations and forms of power covers a wide range of different topics. Thus, we will mainly focus on forms of power, in other words, all the elements that can give more importance, more weight to one man rather than another. In the United States, we notice that the right to bear arms...

13 Jan 2017

Different methods of birth control and their history

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Modern birth control went through many obstacles before it was available to the public. In the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries, birth control and contraceptives were social issues that were fraught with controversy. This backlash led to legislation (e.g. Comstock Law) being...

28 Nov 2016

Description of Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This is an initiative by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that is meant to reward or punish acute-care health centers through incentives payments depending on the care quality given to beneficiaries of Medicare. It was authorized by the Congress under the Affordable Care Act...

24 Jul 2015

Discrimination against women

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Discrimination may be defined as the “treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor or against a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.” (Landrine and Klonoff) It is not limited to...

24 Jul 2015

How we should think of homelessness

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Our nation is plagued with an array of issues. Some problems are foreign, but many are domestic issues. With domestic issues come the possibility for domestic solutions. In other words, you and I can help solve these problems. Homelessness illustrates the potential we have of solving domestic...

24 Jul 2015

The world hunger

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Everyone human being experiences with some form of struggle. It is an inevitable part of life. However, some struggles are a bit more serious in nature than others. Hunger provides an example of this. Hunger is a world issue that has yet to be resolved. The issue has been evident for several...

12 Mar 2012

The impact and the economic consequences of the one-child family policy on the age structure of China's population

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The world population is increasing at a rapid rate and aging fast in developed areas, soon the planet won't be able to satisfy needs of all humans living on it, however China did find a way to slow down the speed of population increase: The One Child Policy. It is a policy that some people...

12 Dec 2011

Greek crisis concerning social justice

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Greece has been in a serious economic downfall since early 2010. Riots and protests began on May 5, 2010 and continue to today. This protest in early May was one of the largest protests in Greece's history where three people were killed. This led to more anxiety and unease about the economy and...

14 Sep 2011

Climate Change and Civilizations: Lessons from the Past

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Anthropogenic climate change constitutes an alarming threat to the safety and health of humankind. According to a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, some of its consequences will include heat waves, loss of biodiversity, food and water insecurity, an increase in water-...

26 Aug 2011

Women in Judaism: An in-depth study of gender and religion

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The role of women in Judaism is grossly misrepresented and misunderstood even as we shift into the 21st century. Until now, such a topic has never had as much stamina and opinion as it does today. People today have gone as far as stating that roles of women in Judaism are sexist; however, it is...

07 Jul 2011

Samurai - Class of military nobility in pre-industrial Japan

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Samurai were members of a class of military nobility in pre-industrial Japan. They were bound by a code of honor known as “Bushido.” When roughly translated, “Bushido” means “the way of the warrior.” The Bushido was a moral code that all samurai were expected to...

29 Jun 2011

Evaluating Allan Gibbard's views on morality and objectivity in his essay 'Moral Judgment'

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In this paper, I wish to critically evaluate the views of Allan Gibbard related to morality and objectivity, found in his essay 'Moral Judgment and the Acceptance of Norms', and his book 'Wise Choices, Apt Feelings'. In these readings, Gibbard tackles many issues, but I wish to...

28 Jun 2011

The Relationship between Westerners and Outsiders

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The relationship between Westerners and those that they labeled “outsiders” in the early modern period was a tawdry one, rooted in the notion that the Westerner was the superior and the “outsider” the sycophant. The term “outsider” meant anyone not white, Christian,...

27 Jun 2011

Two Critiques on Forster's Belief of Hope in Hinduism

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The authors Allan Findlay and Tracy Pintchman have taken on the task of interpreting E.M. Forster's intentions in his portrayal of spirituality in his novel 'A Passage to India'. The novel contains a significant amount of symbolism, word play, and deliberate characterization conveying...

27 Jun 2011

School Uniforms: Beneficial or Right Infringing?

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When most people think of school uniforms, they think of stuck up private or preparatory schools with a strict and limiting dress code. They think of pressed pants, collared shirts, perfect ties, plaid skirts, clean-cut jumpers, and uncomfortable shoes. Many people are also offended by the rights...

27 Jun 2011

Different views on the 'definition of death'

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

What exactly is death? What is the after life? Is it even possible to define them? Pose these questions to several different people, and several different answers will be the result. Death itself and other related ideas such as the after life are presented in many different ways in each of...

23 Jun 2011

A Sociological perspective of poverty in Urban America

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

During the course of this report, we will investigate leading theoretical reasons behind the poverty of minorities in urban locales. A multi-level or holistic approach as to how neighborhoods of the inner-city became poor may provide much wanted evidence as to the origins of metropolitan...

08 Jun 2011

Importance of food in the Jewish culture: Research writing

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Food is, and always has been, a recurring theme throughout Jewish life, culture, and tradition. All services, Bar or Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, funerals, holidays, etc. commence with diverse and suitable meals. This culinary theme, which stays apparent throughout an entire Jewish year, culminates...

04 Apr 2011

Cultural Relativism: Female Genital Mutilation

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Anthropology defines cultural relativism as the unbiased viewpoint of a culture different from one's own. The concept of pure culture relativism is a nearly impossible concept to incorporate into one's belief system because one can never fully separate oneself from his cultural identity;...

30 Mar 2011

Question of wage discrepancies between professional women and men

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Women earn, on average, 20% less than what men earn in western nations. It was not until 1920, across North America, that women were given the right to vote. Today, more women than men are enrolled in professional, post degree programs in Canada and the United States. Today, women comprise 46% of...

03 Feb 2011

Beginning of television in the United States

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The history of television is probably one of the biggest stories of the century. The history of American television began long before the marketing of the first receivers in the late 1940s.It took a long time to develop the technology for television. The concept of the television was implemented...