On patriotism, by John Bolingbroke, 1730-1754
Book review - 3 pages - Political science
This text is the analysis of an extract from the book On Patriotism, written between 1730 and 1754 by John Bolingbroke. Bolingbroke was a politician and thinker: he participated to the political life in Britain and was particularly MP in the Tories' party, Secretary of State and Minister of...
Power and weakness in "American Power in the 21st Century" by Robert Kagan
Book review - 5 pages - Political science
Robert Kagan is a neo-conservative American scholar and political commentator. He was born on September 26th 1958 in Athens. After graduating from Yale University in 1980, he earned a Masters from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a PhD from American University in...
The origins and diversities of European welfare states
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
Looking at the definition quoted by G.Esping-Andersden, the Welfare State seems to be a really simple thing: it involves state responsibility for securing some basic modicum of welfare for citizens. However, the welfare state corresponds to numerous realities across the world. The...
To what extent does the concept of civil society help in the explanation or justification of the process of democratization?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Renewed interest in civil society emerged in the late 1980s; it coincided with the resurgence of political democracy throughout the world. Indeed, it has been increased with the growing tendency towards democratization in Eastern Europe, and several Latin American countries, where authoritarian...
Manifesto of the Communist Party
Thesis - 3 pages - Political science
Among the numerous works presented in The Marx and Engels reader, edited by Robert C. Tucker, I've decided to focus my study on that which seems to me to be the most influential text in Marx's work, the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The Manifesto was first published in 1848 in London upon...
The Beveridge report: Political and intellectual origins
Thesis - 32 pages - Political science
The historiography of the political and intellectual origins of the Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services - or Beveridge Report, named after William Beveridge, the Chairman of the Commission- was chiefly displayed in the document itself. Published in 1942 and highly edited, the white...
Bush's preventive war: Doctrine of mass confusion (Broadening or contortion of the concept of pre-emptive self-defense?)
Thesis - 23 pages - Political science
The debate triggered by the new Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive action lies in the amalgamation between pre-emptive (i.e. anticipatory) and preventive self-defense. While the former finds legal and political basis, the latter is, so far, hardly distinguished from outright aggression. The Bush...
Is bureaucracy uncontrollable?
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
More and more people are complaining about bureaucracy. Indeed, if we take the example of the current French debate about the European Constitution, we can see that a lot of politicians are ascribed to Brussels bureaucrats; the difficulties people are facing, such as unemployment, delocalization...
Political representation in American thought
Thesis - 8 pages - Political science
Modern democracies are definitely linked to the concept of representation. We do not have any democracy which operates without resorting to representative governance. This principle is solely the fact of our modern times, it seems to have been necessary every time human being tried to implement a...
What was the significance of the Thatcher years?
Thesis - 3 pages - Political science
Although the Thatcher years marked a significant break from the post-war political settlement, Thatcherism did not cause a single, abrupt caesura appearing out of the blues'. Truly, Thatcher's success during her years has mostly depended on a range of circumstances and political commitments...
From left to right: The most liberal conservative, feminist and socialist group in the U.S
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
The wide spectrum of political groups in the United States has expanded as society and technology progress, creating groups that are can be very liberal, very conservative, very socialist, very feminist or any degree of moderate. The most extreme groups offer a foundation for individuals to view...
The European Union and democratic progress in post communist states:The cases of Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, strong winds of change have been sweeping across the European continent. With the growth of the European Union into the region's dominant political force, the last remnants of communism and totalitarian rule are rusting...
Great expectations: Tom DeLay's redistricting fight and what it means in the Texas 17th
Thesis - 14 pages - Political science
Party politics is about power. It's about who has more and by how wide a margin. In an increasingly polarized political culture, a noticeable swing in power to either party could have far-reaching and sweeping legislative consequences. Modern campaigns are costly strugglesfights for a...
A rhetorical criticism of Hillary Clinton's Beijing speech: Women's rights are human rights
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Senator Hillary Clinton's bid for the Democratic nomination for President was historic not only because she was the first woman to ever become a serious contender for the nomination, but also because she was the first, First Lady in history to ever run for President. Senator Clinton's campaign...
The good, the bad and the ugly
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
According to the Richard Harris, author of The Global Context of Contemporary Latin American Affairs," Globalization refers in general to the worldwide integration of humanity and the compression of both the temporal and spatial dimensions of planet wide human interaction. The proliferation...
Nuclear weapons: Engagement versus antagonism
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
Nuclear weapons are as controversial and notorious today as they were in August 1945 when the first atomic weapon was dropped on Hiroshima. These weapons of mass destruction inspire awe and fear, and some believe will eventually result in Armageddon. This paper will endeavor to...
China's one-child policy: Out-of-date and in need of abolition
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Now approaching its 30-year anniversary, China's one-child policy has been in effect since 1979, when it was introduced by Deng Xiaoping. It was a policy that was originally intended to be a short-term solution to an exploding population in the late 1970's. Designed to last a single generation,...
Baby boomers and retirement: The stark reality
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
We are constantly inundated with news about Baby Boomers and retirement, especially as it relates to concerns that baby boomers are not adequately prepared for retirement, and also worry separately about the state of Social Security in America. Many of the concerns that baby boomers have about...
Communism and it's success in China
Case study - 23 pages - Political science
Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It can be considered a branch of the broader socialist movement. Communism as a political goal is generally a conjectured form of future social...
Hillary Clinton: Political persuasion and identification
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Persuasive messages appear in many different types of mediums including television, video games, magazines, books, newspapers, and billboards. One of the newest ways to present a persuasive message is YouTube. YouTube is an internet site that allows users to log on and create or view videos....
To what extent might the constitution of the United Kingdom be improved if provisions from the constitutions of other states were incorporated into it?
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
All modern states have a constitution, albeit each is very different. The main purpose of a constitution is to restrain government, in the sense of ensuring that governments are not arbitrary. Government must be carried out according to established rules. These rules are the constitution. The...
Japanese Canadians, the Second World War and Canada's mistreatment of these ethnic minorities
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Following the bombing, by Japan, of the American naval base at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, the life of Japanese, both immigrants and Canadian nationals in Canada, drastically changed. Well documented are the horrific, slave-like conditions many Japanese immigrants were forced to endure in...
What kind of nation?
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
James F. Simon makes an interesting statement in his book, "What Kind of Nation: Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States," Simon proclaims that the tension between Thomas Jefferson and John Marshall played a huge role in the shaping of our nation. Their...
Democracy in Africa
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
In the sphere of comparative politics, and more specifically, African politics, many notable changes have taken place over the last two decades. In this time, considerable research on African politics has centered on democracy and its implementation is different African nations. It was the...
Federalism and equalization payments in Canada
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Within the realm of Canadian federalism, one of the core principles is the idea of equality between the provinces, particularly when it comes to social programs and services. As a Canadian, there are certain things we all hold dear, many of which are social programs like universal health care,...
Capitalism, socialism, and utopianism
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Since Karl Marx's radical proposition of establishing a new society based primarily around the elimination of the bourgeoisie and the uprising of the working class, there have been an innumerable advocates, detractors, and vehement debates surrounding both sides of Socialism and Communism....
Aristotle, Hobbes and Machiavelli on Governance
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
In the realm of political theory, there are many thinkers whose thoughts and writings have influenced the way that government's and societies operate today. As citizens, it is crucial for us, especially in the democratic systems that we a North American's enjoy, that we place certain legitimacy...
Social movements and depoliticization
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
When one endeavors to study sociology within the context of our society, we must view it and assess it in relation to the social infrastructures that are already in place. This in no small way means that politics needs to be a contributing factor. This is even more relevant in the discussion of...
The alleged 'crisis of the welfare state' and the failure of the traditional defenders of the welfare state to respond to the New Right's critique
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
Nowhere do competing theoretical, ideological and political views rage more fiercely, than in the debates surrounding the existence and organization of the modern welfare state. For some, the welfare state stands as a testimony to human achievement and social progress, it represents a refusal to...
How the Bush administration has abused executive power
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
Since the United States Constitution was written, there has been a constant tug-of-war for power between the three branches of government: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. In this time, the executive has been able to acquire many powers which include being...