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19 Jan 2009

Assess the claim that Thatcherism decisively recast political and economic relationships in the 1980s

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Thatcherism is a political thought applied by the 3 successive governments led by Margaret Thatcher, from 1979 to 1990. It quickly evolved as a doctrine. Thatcherism came at a time when the post-war consensus was collapsing, and aimed at checking the decline of the British economy, suffering...

16 Jan 2009

Democratic transitions in the Arab world

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

At the end of the Cold war, the political models of modernization different from democracy were totally discredited. Democracy, defined by Ghassan Salamé as an ‘arrangement institutionnnel qui permet de garantir la participation des citoyens au choix de leurs dirigeants par la voie...

16 Jan 2009

The American way of life in the fifties

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Between 1947 and 1960, the average real income for American workers increased by as much as it had in the previous half-century. Over the same period, the GDP soared 220%. Consumption of personal services increased by 3 times. In 1960, per capita income was 35% higher than even the boom year...

16 Jan 2009

The far-right in Europe

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The far-right in Europe has been a permanent feature in the European countries since the fifties. But for some years the far-right movement, most of the time a mix of populism and nationalism, has an increasing audience among the European population. Earlier it was indeed seen as a marginalized...

16 Jan 2009

Can the military be a-political? Should it be?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

The world has been stunned since 1989 by the speed with which the countries of Eastern Europe abandoned four decades of Marxist-Leninist rule and moved into Western-style democracy and capitalism. Although the process of transition was, of course, delicate, it seems that very often economic and...

16 Jan 2009

Critical summary and reflective analysis of Gerard Alexander's essay, "Making Democracy Stick."

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Published in the issue of December 2005 & January 2006, the article “Making Democracy Stick” written by Gerard Alexander is part of a wider movement distancing itself from the American muscled intervention in Iraq and its lack of preparation for democratic consolidation. The initiators...

16 Jan 2009

The United States: A "theodemocracy"? The ambiguous relationship between religion and politics

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

As Julia Gronnevet said, “comparing the United States to the Roman Empire is a popular pastime” . For instance, in his book entitled Are we Rome?: the Fall of an Empire and the Fate of America (2007), Cullen Murphy established some parallels between these two political entities both...

16 Jan 2009

Did government policy influence the development of large local firms and/or business groups in South Korea? What have been some of the long run benefits and problematic legacies of such policies?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The South-Korean state's industrialization programs achieved national economic ob-jectives through the use of government economic policies, defined as “measures by which a government attempts to influence the economy” (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2008). This paper focus on three government...

16 Jan 2009

The construction of the modern State

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

'Man is by nature a political animal', arguing on that Aristolte induced the existence of political communities. Men lived in communities for decades. However, man's living condition has changed with the passage of time. One landmark change was in his environment. Each evolution was a...

16 Jan 2009

Saving souls or saving the world: The Jesuits and politics in the 20th century

Essay - 17 pages - Political science

On Monday 7th January 2008, the 35th “General Congregation” of the Society of Jesus, the famous religious order founded in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola and some followers, met to elect its 29th “General Superior”, after the demission of P-H Kolvenbach for cause of old age. The...

15 Jan 2009

Child protection and child abuse

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

The problem of child ?buse h?s become incre?singly evident in ?ll p?rts of the world including ?meric? ?nd Europe. Between 1980 ?nd 1993, for ex?mple, the number of children reported once or more than once to the public ?uthorities complaining about m?ltre?tment. The number has more th?n doubled...

15 Jan 2009

The function of democratic control of the European Parliament - Analysis of S. Veil's speech

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Since the origins of the building of the European Community, the idea of a direct election of the EP was present. In the Rome Treaty, the commitment to abolish the system of nominated members was settled, but no timetable was laid down. Thus, it occurred only in 1979, after the reluctance of the...

15 Jan 2009

The suburbs in France: Drugs, violence & riots

Essay - 13 pages - Political science

This paper gives the reader an introduction to a real French suburb. Recently, the suburbs of France are quite in the picture of the world's media, because of the several riots in November 2005 and even now at this moment. On October the 27th it will be precisely one year ago that the hype...

15 Jan 2009

"Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism" by Ian Gilmour

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The document under study here is extracted from Dancing with Dogma. Britain under Thatcherism, a book by Ian Gilmour, a Scottish leading figure on the liberal, or "wet", left-wing of the Conservative party, essentially under the governments of Heath and Thatcher. The piece of writing concentrates...

15 Jan 2009

The balance of power

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

It was not until the beginning of the 17th century, when the science of international law took shape at the hands of Grotius and his successors, that the theory of the balance of power was formulated as a fundamental principle of diplomacy in the realist theory. According to Cobden, the first...

15 Jan 2009

Try and identify Jonathan Swift's political stands

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

To put it simply, party politics in England during the 18th century were practiced in two different camps - Tory and Whig. Globally, the differences of opinion between the two were based on three key topics - (1) the origin of government, (2) the position of the Church in society and (3) the role...

15 Jan 2009

The third way

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In 1999, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder issued a joint statement entitled The Third Way, Die neue Mitte. The statement committed itself to a “newly defined role for the active state” and stated that “the essential function of markets must...

15 Jan 2009

Is there a French Affirmative Action Policy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Affirmative action was born in the United States. It was originally designed to favour Black people, whose ancestors where slaves. Then, such programs extended to other underprivileged categories of the population: the disabled, the women, the Latinos. The first to use the phrase...

15 Jan 2009

Case Study: Surasia's ministry of internal affairs (headquarters)

Essay - 13 pages - Political science

This paper will analyse the Suraisia government Ministry of Internal Affairs' attempt to introduce an innovative culture to the Ministry of internal affairs HQ (MIQ) through the creation of “SSS” and “3i” initiatives. This analysis will take into account the drivers of the...

15 Jan 2009

Building democratic institutions: East and West Lecturer: A. Dimitrova

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The accession in May 2004 of eight countries from Eastern Europe to the European Union and the future membership of Romania and Bulgaria in 2007 tends to show the importance, for these post-communist states, to find a new order and to gain more stability and security. Indeed, the end of the Cold...

15 Jan 2009

To what extent can the Thatcher-type reforms be applied in France or adapted to France?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

During the past twelve years, three of Jacques Chirac's Prime ministers -Alain Juppé, Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Dominique de Villepin- decided to reform but backed out in the face of protests. The election of a new President, who claimed that he was the candidate for change, during the whole...

15 Jan 2009

What's wrong with the elite theory of democracy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The elite theory of democracy has emerged out of two major concerns of its precursors: no theory of democracy until now has given leadership the importance it ought to have, and none has really settled the issue of whether the common man is up to the task of governing a modern and large society....

15 Jan 2009

Towards a democratisation of the Middle-East?

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The Middle East has traditionally been a region where democracy has never really managed to break through. The times of the caliphs had been replaced by a more or less violent period of colonisation. When the time for decolonisation finally came, most of the states -some more or less artificially...

15 Jan 2009

The nature of present-day public administration theory

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

“A state without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation”. This quote from Edmond Burke can be applied not only to the state but also, to some extent, to the field of public administration. Indeed, a book such as The Public Administration Theory Primer (2003),...

15 Jan 2009

Critically consider Thomas Franck's argument about an emerging right to democratic governance in international law with particular reference to the recent Palestinian elections returning a Hamas governing authority

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

“Democratic tradition involves a richly evolving collection of diverse beliefs, processes and structures that are neither easily characterized in concise terms nor summarized in a single systematic philosophy of governance” . The complexity of democratic governance could not be better...

15 Jan 2009

Social policy and practice in Canada, a history, by Alvin Finkel

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Social Policy and Practice in Canada is a history book, which deals with the birth and the evolution of the Welfare State in Canada since pre-confederation times. It aims at narrating but also analyzing the social policy, defined as a “set of non-market decisions, public and private, that...

15 Jan 2009

Quebec separatism

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

One of the main concerns since the creation of the Canadian Confederation in 1867 has been the Quebec question. Nowadays, it is still a big issue in Canadian politics. Quebec has always appeared as a 'distinct society' within the country. It is the core of the main cleavage in Canada: the...

15 Jan 2009

Judicial activism in Canada

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

In 1982, Canada has known a very significant shift with the adoption of the Charter of Right of Freedom. Before this date, Canada only had a Bill of Rights (1960's) which was a statute and did not allow the courts to restrict the action of the Parliament. But the 1982 Charter of Rights and...

15 Jan 2009

How far have the French succeeded in imposing a necessary reduction on the role and power of the state?

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The French state has always occupied a central and essential role and has over the years taken measures to reduce state power. This necessity has to be related to the unprecedented shift in the balance of power, when the Socialists won the elections in 1981. For the first time during the Fifth...

15 Jan 2009

What are the causes and the consequences of division within the mainstream Right, and to what extent has the creation of the UMP in 2002 created a new unity?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The French party system has traditionally been very divided. However, the Fifth Republic is the most “efficient” and stable democratic regime France has ever experienced. Despite this, there still appear to be divisions between the mainstream Right. Therefore, to begin with, the...