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Political science

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648 results

07 Jan 2025

Democracy in Action: The Essential Role of Citizens in the United States

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In a nation built on the ideals of freedom and democracy, the role of active and informed citizens cannot be overstated. The United States has thrived on the principles of civic involvement and participation since its founding. To sustain and strengthen the democratic fabric of the nation, it is...

30 Dec 2024

Margaret Anstee's peacekeeping mission in the Angolan civil war

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In February 1992, Margaret Anstee took the head of a peace-keeping mission in Angola, UNAVEM II, under a mandate of the United Nations. The initial UN mission in Angola was supposed to last 7 months but the circumstances obliged Margaret Anstee to stay in the country for 17 months, she will...

30 Dec 2024

Voting, determinism and free will: How do voters choose?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In a democracy, elections are, for voters, the means to express their own ideology. Therefore, to understand the reason behind the voter's choice, we will first focus on the social forces that shape one's ideology. One's ideology is defined by Ian Budge. It is a relatively stable body...

30 Dec 2024

How did Anthony Lake's ideas shape US strategy in the context of the immediate post-cold war period?

Presentation - 5 pages - Political science

This document is about Anthony's Lake contribution in US strategy post-cold war.

30 Dec 2024

France in NATO, in practice, not in principle?

Essay - 9 pages - Political science

In August 2011, President Nicolas Sarkozy of France praised NATO's military intervention in Libya operation, calling the Alliance "an indispensable tool" . He added that the success of the operation justified his decision to integrate France into NATO's military command in 2009, ending...

29 Dec 2024

The International Community response to the 2006 North Korean nuclear crisis: overcoming stick-and-carrot diplomacy?

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

On October 9, 2006, the North Korean state news agency announced that the country had completed its first nuclear test with success. This "great leap forward" was the first step toward a "powerful self-reliant defense capability". In the following days, Moscow and Washington confirmed that North...

29 Dec 2024

Who's in control: the politicians or the media?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

This paper will focus on the case of the United States. In the US, the coverage of most national news is in the hands of the "Big Media" (ABC, CNN, PBS, NBC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Garnett (which publishes various papers, including USA Today), The Washington Post (which...

28 Dec 2024

How the Trump Administration Refashioned American Strategy - Elbridge A. Colby and Aaron Wess Mitchell (2020) - The first Trump administration : isolating allies and encouraging enemies

Text commentary - 10 pages - Political science

I choose to work on the reading How the Trump Administration Refashioned American Strategy written in 2020 by Elbridge A. Colby and Aaron Wess Mitchell. When Donald Trump announced that he would seek the Republican nomination in June 2015, the media described him as an eccentric billionaire and...

13 Dec 2024

How Did the Media Influence Spain's Journey to Democracy, Shape Public Perceptions, and Tackle the Challenges of Moving From Censorship to Independence?

Essay - 1 pages - Political science

The media's role in shaping public opinion during Spain's shift from dictatorship to democracy was powerful and profound. As the country moved away from Francisco Franco's authoritarian rule, media outlets—previously controlled by the state—suddenly became key players in a...

04 Dec 2024

Power and sovereignty in politics

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Power and sovereignty in politics play a crucial role in shaping the world's affairs and international relations. Power can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others, while sovereignty refers to a state's ability to govern itself without interference from external...

26 Nov 2024

Why Marijuana Should be Legalized?

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Throughout the 20th century and onwards, marijuana has been considered by society as a dangerous substance that should not be cultivated or consumed. Several studies and informative materials have been provided to people to establish the claim that marijuana is unsafe for health and can lead to...

24 Nov 2024

Healthcare Costs Issues in USA

Case study - 1 pages - Political science

The federal public health agency I have chosen for this project is the United States Department of Health & Human Services. In the health care field, a lot of time is needed to take care of patients effectively, in this crucial field time matters more than anywhere else because the lives of...

31 Oct 2024

Lincoln's Reasoning

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Abraham Lincoln's presidency was a defining crucible in the evolution of the American nation's conception of democracy, as the burning issue of slavery precipitated an existential crisis that challenged the very foundations on which the republic was built. And so the debate on the...

22 Oct 2024

Racial or Ethnic-Based Profiling: A Violation of Justice in the Name of National Security

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The profiling of race or ethnicity appears to be an inadequate and inappropriate practice that harms the core values of equality, justice, and human rights. Despite the propaganda that it is a must for national security, racial profiling has failed; we usually find that it produces fake...

22 Oct 2024

Policy Section

Case study - 3 pages - Political science

To overcome the relentless challenges of drug smuggling in the Laredo Sector, a holistic and multifaceted approach should be deployed. The accordant policy recommendations that follow represent a solution to established threats and opportunities.

22 Oct 2024

Community-oriented Policing, Multicultural Community Relations, and Law Enforcement

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Community-oriented policing (COP) explains the principle that promotes institutional strategies that back the general utilization of unions and problem-resolution methods to actively deal with the direct circumstances causing public safety problems. Law enforcement refers to the activity of...

21 Oct 2024

Cooperation and Conflict: Barack Obama's Relationship with Congress

Dissertation - 15 pages - Political science

In our quest to uncover the complex relationship between Barack Obama and Congress, we will find ourselves on a fantastic journey through one of the most dramatic periods in United States political history. Obama's presidency, from 2008 to 2016, is an example of how a leader can overcome...

20 Oct 2024

America's Post-Cold War Security

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science

The Cold War was a prolonged period of political rivalry between the US and USSR and their allies, the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc, beginning in 1947 and ending in 1991. The term "cold war" refers to the absence of direct, large-scale warfare between the two superpowers, as they supported...

20 Oct 2024

US Foreign Policy: Multilateralism vs. Unilateralism

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

In the course of international relations, the United States, as usual, faces a challenge that consists of two choices in strategy dictating methods of dealing with international problems. A feature of multilateralism, not a unilateral one, is international cooperation and participation between...

19 Oct 2024

Inequalities Against Women in India

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The social framework of India is mainly responsible for the persistence of gender-based violence (GBV), as there are persistent gender disparities that stem from patriarchal practices. In India, dowry, child marriages, child murder, selective terminations of pregnancy, sex trafficking, sexual...

19 Oct 2024

Body-Worn Cameras and their Impacts on Police Activities

Litterature review - 3 pages - Political science

One major problem hindering law enforcement from delivering effective services is police brutality that goes unnoticed and the use of force unnecessarily to target the minority and arrest and kill some of them. With the adoption of the BWC, it was expected that it would ensure transparency in...

19 Oct 2024

The Guardian, Embarrassing Stories, and Who Pays? Trump trial key takeaways, day seven - Sam Levine (2024) - From Representation to Ideology

Text commentary - 2 pages - Political science

This essay critically examines the article "Embarrassing Stories, and Who Pays? Trump Trial Key Takeaways, Day Seven" published by Guardian Australia. Amid the adultery scandals of former President Donald Trump, this piece discusses the discreet use of "catch and kill" communication as a tool for...

18 Oct 2024

Leadership in Diverse Development Contexts

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The Global Development Initiative (GDI) is one of the most influential participants in the complex world of global development, as it strives to catalyze the transformational process for many low- and middle-income countries and development sectors. The projects of the Global Development...

18 Oct 2024

Definition of Intergovernmental Administration in the United States and the Practice of Intergovernmental Administration

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The dynamics of governance in the United States are mainly attributed to the federalism system, which the Constitution established, and hence power is divided between the federal government and the states, with each having different authority. As seen under this framework, intergovernmental...

17 Oct 2024

Cop Culture

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Despite over three decades since the implementation of stop and search legislation, no police force has fully grasped the consequences of utilizing these powers. This has resulted in evident disproportionality, as reflected by statistical data. For example, in the 2019/20 period, individuals...

12 Oct 2024

Training Day - Antoine Fuqua (2001) - Abuse of power

Artwork commentary - 2 pages - Political science

Antoine Fuqua's 2001 film 'Training Day' explores the darker side of Los Angeles through the eyes of a rookie cop named Jake Hoyt, who is eager to advance to a senior position within the squad. However, the investigator's methods blur the lines between criminal activity and law...

12 Oct 2024

Presidential Powers Assignment

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Over the decades, presidents of various political parties have gradually expanded the scope of executive authority. However, previous administrations have demonstrated that surveillance programs, military interventions, and executive orders substantially use presidential power. Furthermore, these...

12 Oct 2024

President Obama Did Not Have Legal Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

Case study - 2 pages - Political science

President Obama, by order of May 2, 2011, started the secret military operation Geronimo; it was the end of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Indeed, the departure of the founder and the leader of al-Qaeda was an undoubted triumph in the War on Terrorism; however, grave legal problems...

12 Oct 2024

Populism as a Political Style

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The American political scene has seen the emergence of populism as a major phenomenon, especially in the way that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have conducted their election campaigns. Moffitt's explanation of "populist political style" gives us a key soft factor that...

11 Oct 2024

Political Parties and Interest Groups

Litterature review - 3 pages - Political science

Political parties and interest groups are two leading players in the American political system in which different roles are allotted, but to some extent, there are common issues. Political parties and non-government organizations (NGOs) are similar in that they are each geared at shaping...