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3011 results

19 Oct 2007

Expectation and the Age of MTV: A New Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

First impressions are unavoidable. From high school to the work place to any social situation, the fantasies of love at first sight and sudden distaste are brought to life through the senses. The key word is unavoidable: as Ann Gazin states in Instructor, “as fallible humans, [it is only]...

19 Oct 2007

Between Affliction and Alcatraz

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

History is littered by the decaying carcasses of punishment, institutions that will forever be remembered for their severity, even amidst the global hunger for something worse. The tortured ghosts of this nation's blackest memories still walk the halls of Alcatraz. The billowing sails of the...

12 Oct 2007

Touching and Lying: A Christian Dilemma

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Personal space is a very ‘touchy' area for most people and Christians are all the more affected by its presence because God first stated it. In the book of Genesis, God says clearly, “‘you must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch...

09 Oct 2007

Anthropological Analysis of an Egalitarian Society (The Lahu people)

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Until recently, according to an innumerable amount of anthropologists and feminists, a gender egalitarian society was simply a utopian ideal (Du, 1-6). It was a concept unattainable to any individual society unless certain concessions were made, such as the view that women and men have...

08 Oct 2007

The Foreign Policy Transition: Isolationist to Internationalist

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Many people describe the period between World War I and World War II as a time of United States isolationism, but that is a common misconception. While it is true that during the interwar period America was very politically isolationist, the country was very imperialistic economically. Following...

05 Oct 2007

Mixed Messages

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

During the 1960's, the civil rights movement swept the nation as African Americans rallied to overcome segregation and bigotry. Although in the long run these activists furthered the constitution's promise of equality, they met strong resistance from the predominantly white majority....

03 Oct 2007

The Illusion of Civilization and Illusions Within

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An illusion has the ability to distort the perception about reality. It can be used as a way to disguise something from its true nature. In his work The Future of an Illusion, Sigmund Freud offers an analysis on illusions. He suggests that an illusion is different than an error, because an...

02 Oct 2007

Love: The key to the Human Soul

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Love has played a significant role in people's lives since they have been able to acknowledge it. Romance appears in almost all aspects of human life from entertainment to politics to business to children's movies. As soon as children can read, write, speak, and understand the world around them,...

02 Oct 2007

The Physiology of Love and Homosexuality

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Usually love finds its place in literature, an ideal romantics hold closely to their hearts. Studies, however, show that love belongs more in the logical world of science rather than the idealistic realm of romance. Darwinian evolution, neurotransmitters and autonomic functioning appear to...

02 Oct 2007

Who Puts the Food in Your Mouth?

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“Super Size Me”, rather than being a straightforward example of debauchery, is an allegory for the desperate need to change personal nutrition in America. Morgan Spurlock challenges the limits of obscenity in making “Super Size Me”, in which he goes on a thirty day...

18 Sep 2007


Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Atheism is a very unique non- belief system that rejects the existence of any deities or any other religious beliefs. As a result, atheists are commonly thought to be irreligious, and even some other religions such as Buddhism have been thought to be atheistic in nature because of their lack if...

17 Sep 2007

Out of Africa vs. Multiregional

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

One of the biggest debates today in paleoanthropology concerns the origins of modern humans. Before humans evolved into modern form, Homo sapiens populated Africa and the Middle East, Homo erectus lived in Asia, and Neandertals populated Europe. As time went on, this diversity came to an end...

30 Aug 2007

The Relationship between Corruption and Economic Development

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

Through the quantitative comparison of corruption and economic development, it can be found that GDP per Capita is partially dependent on the amount of corruption within the governing body of a given nation. The independent variable (x) is the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) as made available...

30 Aug 2007

What kind of leader is Condoleezza Rice?

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Political science

Dr. Condoleezza Rice was sworn in as Secretary of State on January 25, 2005. She is a clear example of a leader, which possesses certain traits that have led her to where she is today. In order to evaluate her as a leader, it is necessary to look at different aspects of her leadership. It is...

22 Aug 2007

Why Can't the Music Industry Stop Illegal Downloads?

Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Political science

Can't wait for the new Jay Z album to go on sale to get your own copy? Don't want to shell out $19.99 (plus tax!) for the latest Modest Mouse record? For those growing up in the Internet generation, these hurdles are trivial. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing has made acquiring media online...

22 Aug 2007

Defining Islam

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Frederick M. Denny's Islam and the Muslim Community and John Alden Williams's The Word of Islam contain some common concerns. The authors do, however, take different approaches on some topics. They also use vastly different source material. Both books emphasize a certain difference between Muslim...

22 Aug 2007

Seeds of Peace: Triumphs and Trials

Tutorials/exercises - 6 pages - Political science

How can one solve an ancient conflict? Is it possible for reconciliation to occur after years, even centuries, of dispute? How can one even attempt to play a constructive role in such a conflict? Seeds of Peace has attempted to make a change in such ancient battles as the Israeli-Palestinian...

21 Aug 2007

Sustainable Agriculture: Achieving Food Reform

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

We have a global crisis on our hands. For decades, industrial agriculturists have ravaged and monopolized our global countryside and our global resources. Recently, as world hunger awareness has grown, these corporations would claim in the name of good will and the elimination of world hunger...

21 Aug 2007

American Culture and Code: Technology, Reinforcement, and Collective Perception in Don DeLillo's White Noise

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

DeLillo's White Noise is largely a critique of American culture after World War II and after the popularity of home television in the 1950s. In White Noise, white noise itself has covered up a gaping hole in American culture. The hole is the obtrusive, persistent, and arguably natural...

18 Aug 2007

Hunter/Gatherer Generalizations

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Hunter/gatherers are not all alike. They can be very diverse or very similar to one another. For the most part, hunter/gatherers are not solely one “type,” although they often do have a few similar characteristics. Obviously, they are much alike economically simply because they use...

08 Aug 2007

Fetal Abuse

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A human being can be defined as a living thing that has, or can develop, the ability to act or function independently. In the simplest terms possible, it is the state of existing. How do we judge the value of human life? What makes one life more precious than another? There is great...

07 Aug 2007

The Politics of Liberty

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The new generation of American children is the first in United States history who are expected to live shorter lives than their parent generation. The trend is largely a result of poor health and not projected increases in crime or auto-accidents or some other factor. And the new generation's...

02 Aug 2007

American Foreign Policy Regarding Israel and Palestine: From 1998-2002

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

Since the founding of Israel, over 50 years ago, America has taken the fledgling country under its wing . The sympathy of the American people towards Israel has wavered little despite the ups-and-downs Israel has been through in its short history . Especially throughout the Clinton...

04 Jun 2007

Cognitive behavioral therapy : an effective treatment for convicted offenders ?

Essay - 13 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) are considered by psychologists to be one of the most efficient ways to change people's behaviors by making them understand how their feelings and behaviors are caused by what they think. The objective of this review is to see whether or not cognitive...

18 May 2007

"Imagine the subculture of the future"

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is hard to determine which subculture is likely to become dominant in the future (or at least very popular), considering the plethora of influences and socioeconomic factors that play a role in the emergence of new subcultural forms. Moreover, no subculture is static: they all evolve and...

03 May 2007

Female infanticide and female feticide

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Female infanticide and female feticide represent serious social problems in India. However, these issues also create much debate over a woman's right to choose whether or not to have a child. While women in India do have the right to terminate a pregnancy, there are several legal stipulations...

03 May 2007

Contemporary "Othering"

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A few weeks ago, I joined a protest on the quad against the “Conservative Coming Out Day”, which was organized by the Orange and Blue Observer and a conservative student group on campus. The conservative group held a “coming out day” because the members say they feel...

03 May 2007

A New Set of Tools

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Audre Lorde's article, “The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House”, the title of the article frames her main argument. The motivation for this article was Lorde's experience at a humanities conference, at which she was one of two black women invited to speak. Lorde...

03 May 2007

Deconstructing Society's Rules

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Before children are even born, their gender is already being regulated. With the advent of technology, such as the sonogram, parents can learn the sex of their child before its birth. When it is time for the baby shower, if parents choose not to find out the sex of their child, guests must buy...

03 May 2007

Constructing Sex

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The social construction of gender is evident in today's world: girls are given pink clothes, Barbies, and they are encouraged to express their emotions. Young boys on the other hand are told to play sports, and they are reprimanded when they cry or when they express interest in toys considered...