Youth political participation in the United States
Essay - 19 pages - Political science
Statistical analysis of voting trends in the United States show that after reaching stable levels in 1950, voter participation has decreased significantly throughout the last half of the twentieth century. This trend has been especially noted among youthful voters between the ages of 18 and 34....
Amnesty International: An "Indie" Organization
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - International relations
Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security of person, states the third article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The General Assembly of the United Nations adopted this declaration in 1948. The members of the Non-Governmental organization, Amnesty...
An analysis of one of Winston Churchill's most famous speeches: "The Sinews of Peace" or the Iron Curtain speech.
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
Throughout the course of history, notable social and political leaders have offered up their opinions on specific subjects and pressing issues of the day. While many of the leaders have given impassioned, well-reasoned and well-delivered speeches, only a few have gone down in history as truly...
The impact of globalisation on the Aviation industry
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Corporate social responsibility or CSR has become an imperative for modern organizations. Although companies are expected to develop and implement formal policies that ensure that they are contributing to the communities in which they operate, the development and proliferation of globalization...
Douglas and Stowe's work to examine some of the individual differences in experiences with slavery
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Critically reviewing the historical monographs that have been produced during the time of slavery, it is evident that both The Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglas by Frederick Douglas and Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe are among the most notable works to have been produced...
How the Chinese government's control of the media impacts Chinese society
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Introduction The role of modern media in Western culture had been well examined by social scientists. Media in this culture has been used to entertain, inform and, perhaps most importantly, persuade. While the pervasive presence of the media in Western culture may lead one to believe that this...
Tsunami: When nature strikes
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
Just as people thought the world is completely in their hands, a sudden twist of events will occur and prove them wrong. In as much as they endeavor to win over everything, nature strikes back, making them realize how weak they actually are compared to the world where they live in.It was one...
Ocean acidification - published: 03/07/2008
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
Recently, global warming has gained massive attention due to the documentary An Inconvenient Truth presented by former Vice-President of the United States Al Gore. In relation to that, the National Academy of Sciences reported that gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as...
The role of technology in cyborg feminism
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Donna Haraway, in A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century casts the role of technology' in two opposing lights: on the one hand, technology is seen as something women should (indeed must) embrace as a motivator for political...
How dangerous are the lyrics in rock music?
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Music is an important part of people's lives because it has the ability to change one's mood, inspire one to become what he/she desires, motivate one to reach for his/her goals, and help one relate better to others. However, with good comes the bad because recent studies have shown that the...
Wars have their ultimate roots in the nature of human beings. Do you agree?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
The continuing importance of wars in international relations poses the question, where wars actually originate. Are they the inventions of the states , mere accidents of history or as indicated, they are ultimately rooted in human nature. In this essay I will try to find an answer to this...
Blissful thinking: Advertising aspirations for a modern media mindset
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
You drop off your children at school and drive as fast as possible to work because you got off to a late start, and you know it is going to be a hectic day. When you arrive at work, your boss heaps work onto you, pleasantly unaware of the type of day you are having. You end up staying at work...
Are economic sanctions a moral alternative to force?
Case study - 5 pages - International relations
Having witnessed so many wars in history, it would seem an obvious answer that any other solution than force should be welcomed for resolving conflicts in international politics. Economic sanctions, as means of economic statecraft has frequently been used as an alternative. However, not only its...
Critical assessment of the relationships between sovereignty, the nation and the offshore world.
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Although in the contemporary world of globalization, international organizations and institutions blur boundaries between nations and the existence of state sovereignty is frequently questioned, these concepts can still be regarded as points of departure in international politics. Moreover, in...
Environmental ethics
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
As a society, we strive for progress and we have come to view progress as a state of productivity and consumerism. Along this road of mass consumption and industrialization, we have negatively affected the environment; in the U.S. alone, 24 acres per person is consumed but only 4.5 acres are...
Assessment of the invasive species legislation for the Great Lakes
Essay - 14 pages - Ecology & environment
In 1959, the Great Lakes opened to deep draft navigation, and since then these waters have transported an estimated two billion tonnes of cargo from the United States to Canada (Seaway 2008). The lakes have 47 deep draft ports and 55 shallow draft harbors, because waterborne commerce is...
Electoral emendation: Changing the college that chooses our commander-in-chief
Essay - 11 pages - Political science
Stewart is an elector representing the state of Vermont in the Electoral College for the election of the president. The popular vote has been tallied and it is time to finally elect the president. The results for Vermont's popular vote tells Stew that he is supposed to vote for Blaine Darvy,...
Z-Boys: The politics of style
Essay - 11 pages - Economy general
When land designer Abbot Kinney set out to create Venice, California, the European-style beach community of amusement piers son known as the Coney Island of the West, he had no way to foresee the eventual decay of Venice and neighboring Ocean Park and south Santa Monica. But when the...
Trends in US voting behaviors throughout the course of the twentieth century
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
The United States of America was founded on the principle of democracy. The Founding Fathers believed that the power of the government was so great that it should be placed in the hands of the people. As such, the basic framework of democracy that was established by the Founding Fathers was on in...
Examining issues of credible commitment from third parties in the Middle East and Aceh, Indonesia
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
There are universal aims for international intervention in conflict resolution that should be used as a guide by all third parties. Kimberly Maynard mentions some of these aims in her book, Healing Communities in Conflict: International Assistance in Complex Emergencies, addressing issues of...
Crack Vs Cocaine Class Disparities
Essay - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Cocaine is considered to be a stimulant drug which is powerfully addictive. The use of cocaine, in either powdered form or in the crack pellet form, is worldwide and is considered to be one of the drugs that are a great threat to the world. The threats associated with cocaine are the violence and...
One Man, One Culture, One Decade
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
When the culture was based on rebelling against the very culture that we are seeking to explain. Attempting to understand the culture of the Vietnam era will only lead you in a circle of contradictions and ever changing ideals. In part, due to the fact that there was no dominate overlaying...
Into the Mystic: The Possibility of Human Extinction
Essay - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Evolution: In order to understand the next twelve pages of this paper, it is necessary to review the basics of biological evolution and its constituents. Evolution is much more than just change over time. For example, a caterpillar changes into a butterfly and the Earth's tectonic plates move,...
Women in a Changing Economy
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
As of now, countries of South Asia comprise approximately one-sixth of the world's population. India, alone has over one billion inhabitants, and will soon surpass China as the world's most populous nation. In comparison with its size, this area could be considered by some to be one of the most...
The Causes and Consequences of Divided Government
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
Divided party control of government occurs when at least one House of Congress is controlled by a party to which the President does not belong. Much of the most popular research on divided government was done prior to the 1994 elections, when the Republicans took control of the House of...
Latinos and healthcare in the United States: Diverse challenges and unmet needs
Dissertation - 26 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since 2003, Latinos have become the largest minority group in the United States, composing over 12.5% of the population. Unfortunately, many Latinos are not able to access healthcare in a meaningful way, as barriers of availability, accessibility, affordability and adaptability create a...
Community Influences on Nicaraguan Immigrant Acculturation
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
When faced with a host environment, immigrants must decipher the systems of their new community much like their translation of their new language. The incumbent policies and procedures for participating in a host community require a social adaptation on behalf of the immigrants. Therefore, the...
Anticommunism and Racism: Forging African American Identity in a Binary Mirror
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Cold War America was a world of binaries. In a quest for patriotism, white United States citizens defined themselves by mirroring against what they were not: they were Capitalist because they were not Communist, heterosexual not homosexual, coupled not single, Americans not Russians. Black...
Kosovo in the International Arena
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
Kosovo is located in the southern province of the Republic of Serbia in Western Balkans (see Appendix One). The administrative capital is Pristina and the province is separated into thirty municipalities. Kosovo's last official census in 1991 registered its approximately two million population to...
The issue of gay or same-sex marriage and the dichotomy that is created in the context of this issue
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Love, intimacy and marriage are often considered to be private affairs that take place between two individuals. While it is indeed true that love is a private affair, most laymen ignore the political and cultural ramifications that are associated with this issue. For instance, under the basic...