Technology Industry in India
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
To begin with, we will talk about the history of India but without going too far back in time because what we are interested in is the part of the history that still has a significative impact on the current socio-economic situation which leads the Technology Industry in India including IT...
Analytical Report on a Conflict and Conflict Management: The War of the Sands
Tutorials/exercises - 15 pages - International relations
In 1956, Morocco claimed sovereignty over parts of the Sahara which were under Moroccan influence, the Greater Morocco. Interested in Algerian Sahara because of recently discovered resources, France tried to trade these territories against a common organization responsible for...
Theories of British Politics in the 20th century
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Twentieth-century British politics have been linked to one of the most discussed primal concepts within the existing global affairs, particularly throughout the past seven years. With fundamental referendums which exceptionally resulted in the dramatic withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the...
In what ways conflicts between political entities in the Middle East have been shaped by the history of state formation in the area?
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
The key terms to understand such situations are "political entities" and "state formation". Speaking of political entities rather than states shows the diversity of actors that make up the political life of the Middle East and can change the configuration of the borders, ranging from paramilitary...
Apprenticeship in Customer Service Support (CSS)
Diploma Thesis - 10 pages - Foreign markets
CSS service accompanies the sales representatives in order to support them for the cotations of the existing customers. While they are prospecting new customers or anything else, already known customers can send us a cotation request to ship their goods around the world. The missions of the CSS...
Racism Among People of Color in Australia
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Australian racism traces contemporary and historical society attitudes, non-compliance to political matters, and government negligence of citizens' rights. Contemporary Australia results from indigenous people and numerous immigration waves from Ireland and the United Kingdom. Racism forms...
Public Service: The Australian Perspective
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Political science
Public service, in the general context, refers to services which are aimed at addressing specific needs of a certain sect of the general public. In light of a government set up, such services are rendered by public government entities and agencies to the members of public within a governmental...
The European Union and its neighbors to the East and South-East of the Continent and to the Middle East
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The European Union has still very limited means in terms of foreign and security and defense policy, and its members still follow quite different foreign policy agendas. But the EU confronts several and often growing problems and crisis in her immediate vicinity.
The United States and the World: A New World Order?
Course material - 7 pages - Political science
We remember George Bush's optimism in 1990: he had announced "A New World Order", resting on the promotion of liberal democracy and free enterprise everywhere, resting on the UN (at last again effective due to the end of the Cold War) and on American benevolent hegemony. One could have the...
The United States and the World: Bush's Second Term and Current Trends in the US Foreign Policy Establishment
Course material - 9 pages - Political life and election
After Bush's re-election in November 2004, there were some doubts about the kind of policy he would now follow, after the occupation of Iraq had revealed itself as a much more difficult undertaking than what the Administration had contemplated. Many felt at the time the President would vastly...
US Foreign Policy since 2001: President Bush's first term
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
The period since 2001 has been a highly active one for the US: they waged a war in Afghanistan, another in Iraq and they may be preparing another one against Iran. The official rational in Washington, at least initially, for that activity, under the motto of "the war against terror", was the...
The United States and the World - Transnational problems today as seen from Washington
Course material - 12 pages - Political science
In the document issued in September 2002, "The National Security Strategy of the USA", two essential goals of US national policy were stressed: the defeat of "Global terrorism" and "to prevent our enemies from threatening us, our allies, and our friends with weapons of mass destruction". Those...
Towards a "Europe-puissance" or towards a free trade zone?
Course material - 8 pages - International relations
The development of the European Union, along the line of constant progress towards more integration, which more or less prevailed since 1950, appeared to stop suddenly in May 2005 with the French "No" to the so-called Constitutional Treaty. That problem has been solved, at least for now, with the...
The Possible Geopolitical Consequences of Further Enlargements of the EU
Course material - 6 pages - Political science
The big enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the last one in 2007 to Bulgaria and Romania have been greeted with skepticism or even hostile reactions in large sectors of European public opinion. This situation, which probably contributed to the failure of the Constitutional Treaty in France and the...
Towards a European Defense?
Course material - 7 pages - International relations
The problem of a European defense system is not new: we remember the Brussels Treaty of 1948, which was a military alliance between GB, France and the Benelux countries, including a common European general staff which was stationed in Fontainebleau, until it was taken over by NATO in 1951, but...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - The Countries Other than France and Germany
Course material - 8 pages - Political science
France and Germany alone can no longer call the tune in the EU. They henceforth have to take much more into account the agenda of the other members. We shall see first that agenda, regrouping, of course, the different countries into larger groups along their affinities, and then the possible...
The Interplay of National and European Considerations in the Foreign Policy of EU Members - France and Germany
Course material - 11 pages - Political science
Since the origins of the European project, Europe has depended on close Franco-German cooperation. As we have seen, all the big moves forward were possible because of the basic Franco-German agreement; the last major instance was Maastricht in 1992. The other countries had to follow. Of course,...
What is race?
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Through the many works done by different scholars in the field of racism, various scholars have come up with many ways to define what race is. Malik (1996) defines race as a group of people who have a difference in biological traits and society finds them to be socially significant. Race is a...
Representation and governance in international organizations - Rapkin, Strand and Trevathan (2016) - Can international organizations be representative and democratic?
Text commentary - 7 pages - Political science
Due to all the problems associated with globalization, economic or financial crisis, and climates, the importance of international organizations such as the United Nations, or the IMF, has never been greater. As its name suggests, an international organization is made up of a collection of States...
English test - Translation and Essay writing: How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples?
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political science
This document is a corrected English test made of a translation exercise, a fully written essay, and a rough draft of a second essay. How did the Canadian government respond to the report on the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples? Is Australia's origin as a convict colony important?
Welfare Politics - The criticism that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
The objective of this paper is two-fold. First, it aims to discuss the main features of Beveridge's vision of welfare. The other aim is to discuss the Marxism approach to welfare and in doing so analyze the critiques that Marxism presents against Beveridge's welfare.
Renewable Energy Sources in the United Kingdom
Course material - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
Carbon dioxide has some negative effects which include the greenhouse effect, which creates a ground-level ozone layer that prevents the earth from cooling, hence adverse temperatures. Also, it causes climate change and due to the earth overheating, the water levels in the oceans have increased,...
Peace or war : Sharon's legacy of controversy
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
The post-Sharon era began abruptly on January 5, when the 77-year-old Prime Minister of Israel suffered a massive stroke while visiting his ranch in the northern part of Israel (Negev). Everybody seemed to agree that his passing from the political scene would change everything, opening up a...
The treatment of killing acquisitions by GAFAM : Antitrust implications
Case study - 5 pages - Economic politics
In recent years, antitrust authorities have identified "killer" acquisitions as a particular problem for the tech industry. A "killer" acquisition is often described as the acquisition of a small, innovative startup by a large, well-established company. Typically, a startup has limited or no...
Trade and international relations
Worksheets - 2 pages - International relations
We live on an international scene punctuated by globalization and the intensification of trade. We currently exchange more than we produce: a good is exchanged on average 1.4 times. In this perspective, trade (even if it is basically established between two companies) is a way for countries to...
The Establishment of the British welfare State
Course material - 1 pages - Political science
The State intervention in the domain of social affairs dates to the early 1830s but the effective welfare State was made official on December 2nd 1942 with the Beveridge Report. Following the Second World War, the term "welfare State" referred to a major expansion of State involvement in the...
The European employment strategy
Dissertation - 7 pages - European union
Over the last ten years, employment has remained the top concern of Europeans, including new EU members. In fact, due to the lack of change in each national level, EU citizens have grown to trust the European Union more than their own governments to improve their country's employment...
How can hydropower meet tomorrow's electricity needs?
Presentation - 28 pages - Ecology & environment
The gravity dam, in concrete or stone, is the simplest and heaviest dam. It is vertical in relation to the reservoir and inclined in relation to the valley. It relies only on the ground. Thus, it opposes all its mass to the pressure of water.
Country Risk: Fiscal Policy and Public Debt
Course material - 6 pages - Economic politics
Governments refer to (elected) people who form the administrative body of a country. They are important because they take into account externalities and finance public goods (which the private sector would not want/manage to finance). Their objectives are : education, national defense, low crime,...
Country Risk : Social and Political Dynamics
Worksheets - 3 pages - Political science
Despite their effects on growth and macroeconomic equilibria, social and political crises have been introduced only recently into country risk analysis. Recent crises (Syria, Arab springs, Sahel civil war) put forward those issues and highlighted the gaps in current methods. The analysis of...