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Administration, economy & politics

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3012 results

20 Jul 2008

The Emerald Isle bleeds red: Religious violence in Ireland

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

To the Western world today, terrorism usually brings to mind some far-flung desert-like country and the people that inhabit it. Sadly, it often brings to mind terms like “Muslim” or “Islam”. When one hears the word terrorism, Ireland is generally not ones first thought, at...

20 Jul 2008

The return of Martin Guerre

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Davis takes a deep look into the lives of the peasants to probe what drives them and what so eagerly fuels their individualistic desires. Davis also details the life of the peasants in not only one specific place, but also details the customs of numerous places such as Hendaye, Artigat, and the...

20 Jul 2008

New approaches to decisions on global warming

Essay - 16 pages - Ecology & environment

Former Vice President Al Gore generated tremendous global awareness and concern for the issue of global warming through his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”. His activism won him a Nobel Peace Prize, and the issue has become a central topic of discussion for many of the world's leaders....

20 Jul 2008

Taixu's revolution

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Early in the 20th Century, China experienced significant political, social and religious upheavals. For the first time in its long history, China was no longer governed by dynastic rulers and the possibility of a republic society emerged. The country and its people were divided when confronted...

20 Jul 2008

Limited role of litigation

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

The role and power of the Supreme Court in the American system of government has long been debated, with scholars arguing both for and against the extent to which the Judiciary can produce social change. Klarman, Rosenberg, and Fisher all take a similar view that the Court does not have enough...

20 Jul 2008

Religion and its problems today

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Religion is often at odds with differing viewpoints in the modern world. Religion especially conflicts with science and some would say that religion inhibits scientific progress. Religion cannot be blamed for sticking to its dogmatic beliefs and ideals-for what is the purpose of religion if not...

17 Jul 2008

Global warming - published: 17/07/2008

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Recently, global warming has gained massive attention due to the documentary . An inconvenient truth presented by former Vice-President of the United States Al Gore. The National Academy of Sciences reported that “gases are accumulating in Earth's atmosphere as a result of human...

17 Jul 2008

Adolescent substance abuse among Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian populations

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Substance abuse has been a significant problem for adolescents in recent years, prompting many community programs for awareness, prevention, and treatment. In a recent survey of nearly 50,000 U.S. students, nearly 50% of high school seniors and 20% of eighth graders reported having used marijuana...

17 Jul 2008

Caucas-o-vision: White portrayal of African Americans in television

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

With the rising number of television sets in American households post World War II, came hope that this unprecedented tool of mass media would bridge the socioeconomic, racial, and cultural divides splintering the county. However, since television's conception in the late 1930's, it has further...

17 Jul 2008

A study into the history of Southern Labor Unions with an emphasis on race and gender

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In David Roediger's Wages of Whiteness, the reader is introduced to the author by an autobiographical introduction that paints the picture of a white adolescent growing up in the turbulent South. The author tells of his experiences with race in a small southern town near St. Louis where locals...

17 Jul 2008

U.S. policy towards Israel and OPEC

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The Arab oil embargo of 1973 had no significant effect in changing the United States pro-Israeli policies, as the threat of an economic sanction alone did not induce policy changes. The embargo did however influence U.S. policy changes toward OPEC member countries, especially in the Middle East...

15 Jul 2008

The literary expansion of Islam

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Editor G.E. von Grunebaum captures the crux of the Islamic expansion by stating that “the civilization demonstrates its richness by being accessible from more than one vantage point” (1). In the process of examining the culture's overall effect, an aspect of Islam's...

15 Jul 2008

The contributions of Buddhism

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

During an “Axial Age” of idealistic creativity, Buddhism emerged as a mystical guide to escape the mundane rituals of the physical world (8 January 2008). Founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the nature of Buddhism transposes Enlightenment against the social conventions of traditional...

15 Jul 2008

Social reaction (labeling) theory

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The social reaction, or labeling theory as it is sometimes known, evolved over time from as early as 1938 (Wellford, 1975). Basically it states that as a person commits a crime, they will receive the label of “criminal”. When a person is labeled as such by society, they are likely to...

15 Jul 2008

African American family: The two models of such families

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This essay aims to reinforce both afrocentric and revisionist models of the African-American family. An integral part of this argument will be to deny cultural deficit theory, and instead to focus on how African cultures blended together with each other and simultaneously adapted to New World...

15 Jul 2008

African American families and military service

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Considering that African-Americans have been soldiers in every war that the U.S. has ever fought, it should be no surprise that sociologists take great interest in the relationship between the U.S. military and the African-American Family (Billingsley 1992). Following Allen's theoretical model...

14 Jul 2008

The Brown Pelican problem

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

The Brown Pelican is part of the family Pelecanidae. “The Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis ) is the smallest (42"-54") member of the seven species of the pelican family. (Wikipedia) ” It is still a relatively large bird, with a long, narrow beak. This specific species of pelican...

14 Jul 2008

China on the I-way

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

China's Internet industry has clearly become a spectacle and a booming phenomenon in the Chinese society. Since it started in the early 1990s, China's Internet industry has grown from a marginal industry into a mainstream and a still rapidly growing industry. When the first commercial Internet...

14 Jul 2008

Muslim view of homosexuality

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The question of homosexuality has been an on-going debate in the last couple of decades, with each religion, ethnic group, and culture expressing their own opinions on the matter. Like the Bible in Christianity, the Qu'ran in Islam can be vague and is interpreted differently depending on the...

14 Jul 2008

Foreign policies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

James Earl “Jimmy” Carter was the thirty-ninth President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. Before becoming president, he was the Governor of Georgia, and served two terms at the senate. He was regarded as an outcast to traditional party politics. The start of his presidency was...

14 Jul 2008

Differences and commonalities between 'Realist' writers such as Thucydides, Machiavelli, Hobbes and Morgenthau

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although realism, as a discipline in International Relations has only been around since the Second World War, it has a tradition that can be traced back to the time of the ancient Greeks. The fact that realism still provides a viable, though frequently criticized theory in politics can be owed...

14 Jul 2008

Does collapse of the state, genocide or ethnic cleansing justify intervention?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although the dilemma of intervention is not new, it emerged as a main topic of debate after the Cold War. The dilemma is whether to intervene in countries where gross human rights violations occur or to respect the sovereignty of the states. Even though a state has a right to sovereignty, thus is...

14 Jul 2008

The basis for and results of a christian philosophy

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The Basis for and Results of a Christian Philosophy The history of ideas is full of steel-traps. Men of science, men of art, men of literature, and men of religion, whose names we utter reverently, and to whom we credit a plethora of theories and analyses, have made the traps that wait there to...

13 Jul 2008

The impact of nazism, if any, on German foreign policy in the period 1933-39

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although it is never only one country that is fully responsible for the outbreak of a war, it can be agreed that the pre-war expansionist foreign policy of Germany was the triggering act behind the start of the Second World War. Therefore it is important to understand what affected German foreign...

13 Jul 2008

Does the origins of the Cold War lie in the politics of the Second World War?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Although the first half of the twentieth century had been more hectic because of the frequent battles of the opposing powers in the two world wars, the second half of the century, the decades of the Cold War can be characterised as more tense because of the lack of direct clashes between the two...

10 Jul 2008

Ethnicity, identity, unanimity, and garvey

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For centuries, people of African descent have faced systems of racial discrimination and stratification that have affected their life chances. Regardless of class, gender, ethnicity, education, or nationality, these systems have mostly effected the socioeconomic position of Blacks in damaging...

10 Jul 2008

La violencia, la literatura, y como se responde la una a la otra

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

El poder de la palabra escrita radica sobre todo en su pretendida autonomía. Los escritores deben tener la libertad de hablar sobre cualquier tema que les venga en gana. Como miembros de una institución del arte, ellos seguramente funcionan como los símbolos de la potencia creativa humana. Sin...

09 Jul 2008

A descriptive study on the job satisfaction of correctional officers

Tutorials/exercises - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It must be conventional knowledge to assume that staying in an environment where individuals charged of different crimes, from the simplest to the most heinous, is somehow risky and hazardous. While this might be true for all inmates staying in the same cell, this may also pose dangers to the...

08 Jul 2008

Environmental Cluster

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

Learning about how to preserve the environment has always been one of my interests, and having a forester as a grandfather encouraged my passion for the environment and animals. A couple years ago, I took a class called Religion and the Earth with Dr. Christopher Bache, and it made me more aware...

08 Jul 2008

A public speaking guide and workshop

Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

An absolutely critical element of any presentation is maintaining professionalism. This encompasses many aspects of a speaker's behavior and appearance. One very important and often ignored aspect of professionalism is maintaining a professional appearance. The first thing that most people...