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Administration, economy & politics

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3012 results

04 Aug 2008

Philadelphia Quakers as an Anti-Racist Organization

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

There is no question that Quakers strive for racial justice, for their shared history and social beliefs explicitly call for ongoing anti-racist action. Given Philadelphia Quakers' early influence on U.S. governmental framework and their ongoing reputation for egalitarianism, an investigation...

04 Aug 2008

Ford Motor Company, Inc. and Toyota Motor Corporation analysis of the Japanese-American trade relationship using the gravity, Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin Models

Presentation - 28 pages - Economy general

Why is the trade balance debate important? Technology has minimized trade barriers World economies more integrated International exchange vital to industries such as agriculture and auto manufacturing. Drives many economic and political policies i.e., taxes, tariffs, interest rates Blamed for...

04 Aug 2008

Medicare Prescription Drug act of 2003: Its implications to the US Health Care Systems

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The Medicare Prescription Drug Act of 2003 introduces one of the most innovative additions to the present Medicare Law. It has been hailed as one of the truly heartfelt laws to come along. It now attempts to cover outpatient prescription drugs. The present law covers drugs received by inpatients...

04 Aug 2008

Long term effects of an oil spill on the environment and the economy

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Despite these effects, however, the response of most people to oil spills is one of passing curiosity. The media may provide extensive coverage of the disaster, but few people would react to an oil spill the same way they would react to news of a hurricane. Certainly, the fact that oil spills...

04 Aug 2008

Harakat Al-Maqawama Al-Islamiyya (Hamas): From terrorism to politics

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“Believing in the sacredness of Palestine and its Islamic status, Hamas believes it impermissible under any circumstances to concede any part of Palestine or to recognize the Zionist occupation if it.” (Simon and Stevenson, 2003, p.59) This paper posits that Hamas' transformation from...

01 Aug 2008

The voices and visions of our youth for a better Philadelphia

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Philadelphia has been inundated with a wave of violence in recent years: youth violence, gun violence, and an increase in homicides. To better understand the concerns our youth have about these issues and to begin to assess the impact of their exposure to such violence, a letter writing...

01 Aug 2008

Lula and the myth of the Flying Dutchman: The play written by Amiri Baraka

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Amiri Baraka's play, Dutchman, is a deeply powerful one act which reflects the racial and societal tensions of the 1960's in the setting of a moving subway car. The interaction between the two main characters, Lula a sinister, white woman and Clay an African American intellectual, illustrates the...

01 Aug 2008

David, Jesus, Paul, and Plato: The Christian doctrine of the afterlife

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Within the scheme of contemporary Christian theology, there appears a common theme that the afterlife proposed in the Bible represents simply a doctrine of the immortality of the soul. Critics of this view have suggested that this viewpoint is a result of Platonic philosophy creeping into...

31 Jul 2008

In search of identity: The evolution of Indian political theatre

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The study of Indian political theatre is the study of a quest for identity on a grand scale. Political theatre in post-independence India is marked by the expression of conflicting social paradigms, whose complex interplay signifies a deep-seated confusion regarding the question “What does...

31 Jul 2008

Integration of music and literacy

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Enacting the fallacious theory of standard-based education reform, the “No Child Left Behind” act has proven severely detrimental to The United States Education System. The staunch ordinance, forcing the state to impose more standardized tests in order to receive necessary federal...

30 Jul 2008

The role of litigation in intercollegiate athletics of title IX

Case study - 8 pages - Political science

Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments Act reads “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial...

30 Jul 2008

The U.S. intelligence system post 9/11

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

September 11, 2001 marked a turning point in American history. The terrorist attacks which transpired that day brought the country into a struggle against a foreign enemy that had no boundaries or limits. The U.S. population was outraged and felt vulnerable. At the time, the government saw it...

30 Jul 2008

Cuba: Prospects for democracy

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

Cuba, largest and most western island of the West Indies. For most of its past, Cuba was the wealthiest island of the Caribbean due to its fertile soil and abundant sugar and tobacco production. Its strategic location and wealth of resources contribute to a long history of external intervention,...

30 Jul 2008

U.S. immigration policy: Cuba vs. Haiti

Case study - 10 pages - International relations

United States immigration policy towards Haitian and Cuban immigrants is often discussed for its discrepancies. Historically, both countries have experienced political and economic instability that have inevitably led to massive out migration, a large portion of which headed towards the U.S....

30 Jul 2008

Questions: Of God and belief

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Questions, questions… the good disciple is always full of questions. Josef Pieper held that the only true happiness comes from the gradual quenching of the intellect by God's infinitely unwinding mystery. God is somewhat like a riveting, never-ending mystery novel in which the plot keeps...

29 Jul 2008

Nietzsche's "Life not an argument"

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“The conditions of life might include error,” Nietzsche says, yet without these conditions “no one could endure living” (Williams 117). Though we have forms, rules, and facts, he argues, we've merely invented them to cope with the mysteries of our environment. These...

29 Jul 2008

Eurocentrism and the noble savage

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Europeans of the fifteenth century undertook a daunting task: to explore the entire world. Looking back on it today, we can see that the sheer size of this venture would naturally impede the flow of accurate information about discoveries of new lands and peoples. Yet, it seems that pragmatic...

28 Jul 2008

The political theory of totalitarianism and its relationship to terrorism:A discussion on the relationship between totalitarianism and terrorism in the context of political theory

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Throughout the twentieth century the concept of Totalitarianism has functioned on political, moral, religious and theoretical level. Designating regimes that maintain themselves in political power by means of propaganda, state-controlled media and economy and restriction of free speech,...

28 Jul 2008

A wife's role in marriage

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A wife's submission to her husband is important to a successful marriage. When two people are bonded together to form one union, there are bound to be trials and disagreements. However, when there is a head of a household, the marriage runs more smoothly. The man should be the head of the...

28 Jul 2008

Economic crisis in South-east Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In order to fully appreciate the nature of the economic crisis in south-east Asia, it would be necessary to have at least some insight into the nature of these economies prior to the financial problems they experienced1. Before the onset of the Asian crisis, the south-east Asian countries...

27 Jul 2008

The holy union: Religion and marital conflict

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In a time when conservatives worry that allowing homosexual to marry will destroy the sanctity of marriage and the family, heterosexual Americans are divorcing at a greater rate than ever before. The ratio of divorces to marriages is around 50% , suggesting that half of all marriages are doomed...

27 Jul 2008

The clash of civilizations or the clash of ignorance?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

The end of the Cold War marked a turning point in international politics and in the way in which political scientists defined world conflicts. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States became the sole hegemonic power. Academics rushed to demarcate future sources of conflict and fault...

25 Jul 2008

The Melting Pot

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

America is country proud to call itself a melting pot of different people, cultures, and languages. With the exception of Native Americans, who lived off the land for thousands of years before the discovery of “the new world,” every one in the U.S. is an immigrant or came from...

25 Jul 2008

Commercialism in music: Sellout, sell-in, or move on?

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is hard to make a clear definition of what is artistic, and what is commercial in the world of musical culture. Even more confusing is the concept of “commercial art”, or that art and music for the purpose of commercialism can actually be a genre or specification of a high art. For...

24 Jul 2008

Guatemala : An economic overview in a historical, social, and political context

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

The purpose of this paper is to explore the emergence of Guatemala into the global economy, and explore the viability of trade and investment in the country. In order to gain a proper perspective on Guatemala's current and future economic position, this exploration must be carried out in the...

23 Jul 2008

Prospects for green energy sources

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Global warming has increasingly become an all-encompassing issue in both the media's and public opinion. It is only logical then that more and more attention is being paid to alternative energy sources which may have the capacity to not only provide a more environmentally friendly way of...

22 Jul 2008

Federal policy changes after 9/11

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

September 11, 2001 was a date that was very tragic for the American people since this was the date that America was attacked by terrorist groups using commercial airplanes to destroy the Twin Towers of New York and other federal buildings in America. Because of the tragic events that occurred...

21 Jul 2008

Initiative and Referendum

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

Initiatives and referendums, two words that extremely excite or worry people, but why? Initiatives have the power to place any measure, put forth by any citizen, on a ballot to be voted on by their fellow citizens. This worries some because of the extreme power uninformed individuals can have...

21 Jul 2008

Comfort women in twentieth-century Asia

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The concept of profiting off of women's bodies has been around since commerce began. Different cultures have built up different ideologies to justify this act, whether it's for spiritual purposes, economic hardship, privilege of the wealthy or just dominance over females in general. While...

20 Jul 2008

Gender wage gap : Why is it that the median male wage earner earns 20% more than the median female worker?

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The wage gap between men and women is a widely recognized concern in today's society. In this paper I will try to address the main reason for this difference. Why is it that the median male wage earner earns 20% more than the median female worker? While there are many suggestions out there for...