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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

12 Nov 2008

The Baghdad crucible

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

What is going on in Iraq since the 2003 invasion and, by extension, since long before during Operation Desert Storm is in many ways a paradigm—an ever-evolving view into a society that has, for internal and external reasons, become one of the most turbulent areas in the Middle East and in...

11 Nov 2008

A more perfect union: Utopian communities in Tennessee

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Tennessee has long been regarded by historians as a crossroads of different ideas and people, its unique geographic position separating it from being overly dominated by established traditions for much of its history. It is this unique situation that makes Tennessee a favored home for idealists...

11 Nov 2008

A study of the beginnings and effects of country clubs in American society

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In today's current society, there is an aspect of social life that is experienced by a portion of those in America's middle and upper classes. This aspect is the country club, which is major part of some American's lives. In present times, such institutions are viewed as places where people are...

11 Nov 2008

Primate seed dispersal: Implications for conservation tactics

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Many frugivorous primates act in an important ecosystem role as seed dispersers for local flora. The importance of this relationship is apparent through the realization that there is variation in the species of plant seeds dispersed by primates and non-primates, with primates often serving as the...

11 Nov 2008

The mysterious history of Scientology

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

What is Scientology? The answer is as simple or as complex as the one asking and the one answering wants to make it. Since its creation in 1952, Scientology has been seen by some as a religion, others as a cult, still others as a joke. Is it, as its creator L. Rob Hubbard asserted, a philosophy?...

11 Nov 2008

The effect of USSR on Cuba

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The second half of the 20th century saw a great deal of USSR involvement in Cuba economically, politically, and militarily. The USSR contributed large amounts of money, weapons, subsidized goods, and other aid to the Cuban government lead by Fidel Castro. Cuba underwent a great many changes...

11 Nov 2008

Cultural and material remains of the Chiricahua Apache

Essay - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Chiricahua Apache, prior to forced displacement, occupied a broad swath of land surrounding the modern nexus of New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora, and Chihuahua. This traditional territory offered a spectrum of natural environments that varied from mountainous regions to desert environments to...

11 Nov 2008

Cultural analysis: The Maury Povich show

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The Maury Povich show is a television programmed that has been syndicated to networks since 1991, hosted by Maury Povich (IMDB). His most popular “theme” of his series is paternity tests for woman, or their man who is involved in a dispute surrounding the baby's father (Wikipedia). It...

06 Nov 2008

Religious ambivalence: Geology and the Victorian crisis of faith

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Edmund Burke wrote, “There is nothing so fatal to religion as indifference.” If religion were the driving force in pre- and early Victorian society, indifference and confusion would have been the contenders of its power. Religion, a societal stabilizer, political voice, and moral...

06 Nov 2008

Families make a difference

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Research suggests that adolescent delinquent substance abuse is one of the more prevalent social problems in the United States. I chose this topic because I have seen it among my own peers. Substance abuse is a problem regardless of race, class, ethnicity or gender among adolescents. In a study...

06 Nov 2008

The origins and functions of religion

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Religion is a subject that has been of constant interest to anthropologists. Before discussing origins, functions and examples of religion however, it is first necessary that we develop a proper definition. For the purpose of this paper I will define religion as a group of beliefs concerning the...

04 Nov 2008

Economy of Vietnam

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

In order to have an overall understanding of a given economy, one must take into effect numerous elements and factors. It starts with a general economic framework for the particular country or region, as it gives the necessary background figures to analyze the economy as a whole. Predicting the...

04 Nov 2008

Religious belief and religious identity as separate forces in politics in the Middle East

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the debate over slavery that took place in America in the nineteenth century, apologists for both sides appealed to Christianity, the Union's dominant religion, to justify their respective cases. George Armstrong, in his 1857 book The Christian Doctrine of Slavery, stated that, “[I]t...

04 Nov 2008

Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies

Essay - 18 pages - Political science

Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...

04 Nov 2008

Conflicting Zionisms in the context of George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism"

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

I begin this essay with an anecdote: when I read the headline announcing the resignation of Fidel Castro, I asked several American friends their instinctive reaction to Castro, regardless of their views on his forty-nine year rule. While the reactions were not as visceral as one might expect...

04 Nov 2008

Islamic finance and the gates of Ijtihad

Essay - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education

If the sharia comes from God, then how can it change? This question, quite reasonable in itself, misses a large point about the sharia. When the Quran and the Sunna—the sources of the sharia—were compiled soon after Mohammad's death, there was no assumption on the part of Muslim...

04 Nov 2008

The developmental state in pre-revolutionary Iran

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

The oft-repeated maxim of Italian politics, that when Mussolini was in power, “at least the trains ran on time,” while probably inaccurate, summarizes well the widely popular belief that authoritarianism serves for (sometimes brutal) efficiency in government. Indeed the opposite saying...

31 Oct 2008

How Jazz Musicians inspired a political re-imagining of America

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The concept of jazz music being truly American art form is both sadly ironic and inspiringly beautiful. Being that the music itself is a direct product of the black experience in America, it is a national symbol that while challenging the nation has come to define it. As Eric Porter describes...

31 Oct 2008

Robert Johnson: A profile

Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“America is the land of opportunity.” The saying is a bit cliché, but is it also validated by our plethora of rags to riches stories. John Wayne had a 4 a.m. paper route and delivered groceries after school to help pay the bills. Johnny Cash, born in Arkansas in 1932 to a family of...

14 Oct 2008

A world without Music

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

I walked nervously down a dark, damp, crowded corridor. Condensation, like a light but steady rainfall, dripped from the poorly maintained air conditioning system high above in the ill lit hall way. Unfamiliar faces gazed in my direction with zombie-like indifference as I brushed shoulders,...

08 Oct 2008

Stephen Colbert: Truthiness of the times

Essay - 12 pages - Political science

By any historical standards, the last decade has been an extremely eventful and difficult one for America. With the flawed and still-debated 2000 presidential election we witnessed a fault line in our democracy and the election of a politically radical president; September 11th forced many...

06 Oct 2008

A better look at Islam and Al Qaeda

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the words “Muslim” and “Islam” have become synonymous with the feared word “terrorism.” As Americans learned that the enemy was factions of Muslim extremists operating in the Middle East and that they were driven to...

06 Oct 2008

Guatemala and the Spanish conquest

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

Spain mercilessly imposed it control over the territories that today encompass Central America. Enslavement and European diseases severely depopulated the indigenous civilizations, and the territories that made up New Spain became heavily Iberian in nature not by influence but rather by force....

06 Oct 2008

African American economic growth

Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

African American community as far as the 1960s has maintained a rich tradition of philanthropy due to the challenges the community faced in the past decades. The resources that contributed to the philanthropic activities include the mutual aid organizations, churches, major political...

01 Oct 2008

Obesity in children

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the year 2002, America watched closely as Samuel Hirsch, a lawyer from the federal court of Manhattan, filed a lawsuit against McDonalds. Hirsch filed a complaint against the famous fast-food chain accusing the company of violating the state of New York consumer fraud statutes by intentionally...

01 Oct 2008

Alternative energy

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

This article explains the importance of the alternate energy. The traditional energy which we are using is not going to be adequate for our future needs and that too it reached its peak. Apart from its inadequate supply it is also producing enormous amount of pollution which is questioning the...

01 Oct 2008

Monetary policy and Inflation

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

The US economy has always seen turbulent cyclical effects of inflation and deflation. To gauge the balance between the two experts at the Federal Reserve has always adopted the traditional macroeconomic tool of monetary and fiscal policies. These policies depending on the nature of the situation...

30 Sep 2008

Secrets uncovered: A textual analysis of the use of rhetorical strategies in Teen E-Zines

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Using specific rhetorical strategies to persuade and inform is a writing technique that has been used for many decades. The art of rhetoric is often taught in higher education, particularly in persuasive writing classes. However, these strategies are not always used to accomplish what many would...

29 Sep 2008

Race, immigration and changing U.S. - Cuban relations

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

United States - Cuban relations over the last century have been rocky to say the least. Just 90 miles South of Florida, the U.S. has always liked to think of the island as within its sphere of influence. In the long Cuban war for independence from Spain the United States sheltered leading...

29 Sep 2008

Hungary's economic plight, the result of imperfect politics

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

While the international community, business leaders and politicians may have known the degree of Hungary's economic crisis, it wasn't until mid-September, 2006, with the leaking of MSzP (Hungarian Socialist Party) Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's confession of lying “morning, evening and...