Economic and political transition in Bahrain: Strong Rentier States and Strong Rentier Societies
Essay - 18 pages - Political science
Bahrain, often overlooked in both academic and media analyses of the Middle East, has a strategic importance hidden by its small size. As home of the American Fifth Fleet, Bahrain hosts a deterrent against Iran from blockading the Straits of Hormuz as it has recently threatened to do. As such...
Conflicting Zionisms in the context of George Orwell's "Notes on Nationalism"
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
I begin this essay with an anecdote: when I read the headline announcing the resignation of Fidel Castro, I asked several American friends their instinctive reaction to Castro, regardless of their views on his forty-nine year rule. While the reactions were not as visceral as one might expect...
Islamic finance and the gates of Ijtihad
Essay - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
If the sharia comes from God, then how can it change? This question, quite reasonable in itself, misses a large point about the sharia. When the Quran and the Sunnathe sources of the shariawere compiled soon after Mohammad's death, there was no assumption on the part of Muslim...
The developmental state in pre-revolutionary Iran
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
The oft-repeated maxim of Italian politics, that when Mussolini was in power, at least the trains ran on time, while probably inaccurate, summarizes well the widely popular belief that authoritarianism serves for (sometimes brutal) efficiency in government. Indeed the opposite saying...
How Jazz Musicians inspired a political re-imagining of America
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The concept of jazz music being truly American art form is both sadly ironic and inspiringly beautiful. Being that the music itself is a direct product of the black experience in America, it is a national symbol that while challenging the nation has come to define it. As Eric Porter describes...
Robert Johnson: A profile
Tutorials/exercises - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
America is the land of opportunity. The saying is a bit cliché, but is it also validated by our plethora of rags to riches stories. John Wayne had a 4 a.m. paper route and delivered groceries after school to help pay the bills. Johnny Cash, born in Arkansas in 1932 to a family of...
A world without Music
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
I walked nervously down a dark, damp, crowded corridor. Condensation, like a light but steady rainfall, dripped from the poorly maintained air conditioning system high above in the ill lit hall way. Unfamiliar faces gazed in my direction with zombie-like indifference as I brushed shoulders,...
Stephen Colbert: Truthiness of the times
Essay - 12 pages - Political science
By any historical standards, the last decade has been an extremely eventful and difficult one for America. With the flawed and still-debated 2000 presidential election we witnessed a fault line in our democracy and the election of a politically radical president; September 11th forced many...
A better look at Islam and Al Qaeda
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the words Muslim and Islam have become synonymous with the feared word terrorism. As Americans learned that the enemy was factions of Muslim extremists operating in the Middle East and that they were driven to...
Guatemala and the Spanish conquest
Essay - 6 pages - Political science
Spain mercilessly imposed it control over the territories that today encompass Central America. Enslavement and European diseases severely depopulated the indigenous civilizations, and the territories that made up New Spain became heavily Iberian in nature not by influence but rather by force....
African American economic growth
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
African American community as far as the 1960s has maintained a rich tradition of philanthropy due to the challenges the community faced in the past decades. The resources that contributed to the philanthropic activities include the mutual aid organizations, churches, major political...
Obesity in children
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the year 2002, America watched closely as Samuel Hirsch, a lawyer from the federal court of Manhattan, filed a lawsuit against McDonalds. Hirsch filed a complaint against the famous fast-food chain accusing the company of violating the state of New York consumer fraud statutes by intentionally...
Alternative energy
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
This article explains the importance of the alternate energy. The traditional energy which we are using is not going to be adequate for our future needs and that too it reached its peak. Apart from its inadequate supply it is also producing enormous amount of pollution which is questioning the...
Monetary policy and Inflation
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
The US economy has always seen turbulent cyclical effects of inflation and deflation. To gauge the balance between the two experts at the Federal Reserve has always adopted the traditional macroeconomic tool of monetary and fiscal policies. These policies depending on the nature of the situation...
Secrets uncovered: A textual analysis of the use of rhetorical strategies in Teen E-Zines
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Using specific rhetorical strategies to persuade and inform is a writing technique that has been used for many decades. The art of rhetoric is often taught in higher education, particularly in persuasive writing classes. However, these strategies are not always used to accomplish what many would...
Race, immigration and changing U.S. - Cuban relations
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
United States - Cuban relations over the last century have been rocky to say the least. Just 90 miles South of Florida, the U.S. has always liked to think of the island as within its sphere of influence. In the long Cuban war for independence from Spain the United States sheltered leading...
Hungary's economic plight, the result of imperfect politics
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
While the international community, business leaders and politicians may have known the degree of Hungary's economic crisis, it wasn't until mid-September, 2006, with the leaking of MSzP (Hungarian Socialist Party) Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány's confession of lying morning, evening and...
Investment Banking
Essay - 5 pages - Economy general
Investment banking activities make up the majority of bank's services. Investment bankers are responsible for generating customers, introduce them with the kind of services available by ascertaining their financial needs and manage their accounts. However, unlike typical banking activities,...
World cities: The global north and south
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The 20th century witnessed the pivotal inauguration of Western expansion, also historically known as the Age of Exploration. The Europeans were the first people to manipulate global affairs to a large extent. Consequently, this period of discoveries, occupations, and colonization put forth a...
Famine in developing countries
Case study - 5 pages - Economy general
Everything happens for a reason. For a global crisis, which is famine, this saying is fairly accurate. Yet, famine happens not only for a reason but for complex reasons. Aside from its characteristically intricate origins, the consequences of famine are also multifaceted. Likewise, the definition...
An expansive republic: The Federalist response to Confederate failure
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Of the many issues that Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay sought to confront and explain in their Federalist Papers, one of the overriding matters of contention was the new Constitution's focus on expanding the proposed size and scope of the republic. The Federalists believed that...
Ensemble GREEN: Innovation and preservation in the Los Angeles music culture (A musical ethnography)
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This analysis of the new music group EnsembleGREEN comes as the result of an in-home interview with director Paul Sherman, e-mail correspondence with other group members, and from a year of becoming familiar with the ensemble's operations. In March of this year I had the opportunity to hear a...
Charles Sanders Peirce, the fundamental hypothesis
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Peirce's presentation of the fundamental hypothesis centers around his notion of doubt. The hypothesis is fundamentally a scientific one and supports the fact that things exist and have ascertainable causes and consequences. Doubt, for example, arises in the face of uncertainty, and the...
Effects of environmental enrichment on the consumption of a palatable food reward
Case study - 13 pages - Ecology & environment
Environmental enrichment (EE) is the study of organisms reared in complex, varied environments and the subsequent influences on behavior. Studies have shown many mechanisms for how EE elicits changes in behavior, mental and physical processes, and neurophysiology. EE has been shown to work as a...
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Panentheism (Latin for All in God) posits the view that there is a God who encompasses the Universe but was not completely identical with that said Universe: in other words, that God encompasses the physical Universe, but also transcends it. First coined as a formal name and organized...
Marxism and the peasantry
Essay - 8 pages - Political science
The majority of Marxist theory correctly focuses on the revolutionary role of the urban industrial proletariat. A deeper reading of the first successful proletariat revolution reveals that a key albatross pulling on the neck of the Soviet system was the question of what to do with the rural...
Advantages and limitations of using tourism as a rationale for nature conservation and protected area establishment
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Nearly everyone on the planet would love to see animals and wildlife in their natural habitat with plenty of the space and the resources they need to survive on their own. The problem is that this level of nature conservation is expensive. Leaving land free from development comes at a price. One...
The introduction of Cannabis
Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Cannabis Sativa, also known as: Hemp, cannabis hemp, muggles, weed, pot, marijuana, reefer, grass, ganja, bhang, "the kind," dagga, herb, or dank. All of theses refer to the same plant. They refer to a plant so controversial that that it could save your life and jail you at the same time. The...
The breath of God (Acts 2: 1-12)
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Jews and all the holy men from all the races in the world residing beneath the heaven were staying in Jerusalem. Once the people were informed of the news about the presence of these holy men in Jerusalem, they gathered together and they set out to the Holy Land. The people who witnessed the...
Emerson's struggle for self-transcendence
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In his essay "Experience", Ralph Waldo Emerson lays down the essential components of his ascetic, solitary life. His writings are essentially of the existential struggles that he has encountered in living his life. He does not design any sort of moral code or cohesive philosophical doctrine....