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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

09 Jan 2009

Comparative analysis of the political parties and the party systems: the case of the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Case study - 6 pages - Political science

Although sharing institutions for over seventy years, and the transition pathways from communism, the two successor states of the former Czechoslovakia have faced different challenges in the state-building process and adopted distinct economic policies over the past thirteen years since Slovakia...

09 Jan 2009

Human rights and domestic violence

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Human Rights Watch has estimated that 12,000 women a year die in Russia because of domestic violence; Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reports close to 80% of women experience domestic violence; 49,280 rapes were reported in South Africa in 1998; and the CDC estimates at least 1.8 million...

18 Dec 2008

History of Russia: A look at the Russian political gravity

Essay - 8 pages - Political science

Autocratic rule in Russia initially evolved at odds with the interests of the landed gentry before finally undermining their power via the establishment of a service gentry, loyal to the state, and appeasing them with the slow institutionalization of serfdom. The primary ingredients of early...

18 Dec 2008

The presidency: Where foreign policy and domestic politics collide

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Political scientists have long sought to discover where the foreign and the domestic spheres of the presidency connect. Presidents, it is assumed, must balance military needs with political needs, whether those political needs entail gaining domestic support for the president's agenda or...

18 Dec 2008

Morality study: Iraqi refugees under American policies

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

Political theorists have debated for centuries the responsibility of countries to protect the victims of humanitarian crises. Sine the earliest days of international law, Grotius, Kant and Vattel have attempted to strike a balance between realist interests and the duty to help those most in...

18 Dec 2008

Appropriate and necessary: The U.S. Supreme Court's need to intervene in Bush v. Gore

Essay - 6 pages - Political science

The presidential election of the year 2000 will be the source of controversy for years to come. Since its conclusion on Dec.12, 2000, in the U.S. Supreme Court, volumes have been written criticizing the court's decision in Bush v. Gore - which stopped hand recounts of ballots in Florida and gave...

18 Dec 2008

Breakdown of election 2004: Bush v. Kerry

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

On November 2, 2004 almost 120 million voters cast ballots for President of the United States. Just fewer than 60% of the population let their voices be heard in one of the most controversial and closest elections in history (Electoral Results). The phrase characterizing this election, “too...

18 Dec 2008

Review and critique of the social problem solving inventory

Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The original Social Problem-Solving Inventory (SPSI) was introduced in 1990 based on theoretical problem-solving models developed by Thomas D'Zurilla and associates throughout the two previous decades. The most current version is the Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R), copyrighted...

18 Dec 2008

Health care in the United States

Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general

There is not sufficient health insurance for every citizen to have access to adequate and quality health care. This is a pressing concern for 47 million Americans (Bacon). This is also a concern for employers providing health insurance to their employees and to employees that do not have access...

09 Dec 2008

Russia in the 20th century: The Geneva Conference and peaceful coexistence

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

A study of the Soviet press' portrayal of the Geneva conference and the Western powers provides an insight into the role of the press in shaping public opinion for the state and against the West. Furthermore, the image of Soviet-American relations in the press undercuts the tense reality of...

09 Dec 2008

A critical study: Sex workers

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Tania Nicol. Gemma Adams. Anneli Alderton. Annette Nicholis. Paula Clennell. While these names are probably not familiar to you, they are representative of the problems surrounding the commercial sex industry. They were all victims of a spree of brutal murders that took place in December of 2006...

05 Dec 2008

The concept of landscape ecology

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

Landscape ecology is an emerging discipline that aims to understand the environmental processes and patterns in?uencing habitats and species beyond the site level. It arose independently in the latter part of the twentieth century in central and Eastern Europe and in North America as geographers,...

04 Dec 2008

Japanese military independence

Essay - 7 pages - Political science

The Japanese Self-Defense Force (SDF) was developed as a provisionary force during the Cold War and is restricted under Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution. The SDF has been under much scrutiny over the most recent decade. Debates regarding the amendment or abolition of Article 9 itself,...

04 Dec 2008

Perceptions of nature by indigenous communities and their relation to the ecological contexts

Essay - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how indigenous communities perceive and relate to the bio-ecological contexts of which they are part and on which they depend. The main message is that there is much more to learn from them than information about plant resources or methods...

04 Dec 2008

Perceptions, object and observer of forest landscape and planning

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

For many centuries people have been concerned with perceptions of the natural world. Philosophers have written about it, psychologists have studied it, and, more recently, foresters have become concerned with it. However, when we speak of ‘perceptions of forest landscapes' in relationship to...

04 Dec 2008

The role of visualization in forest planning

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

Modern techniques of computer visualization, involving three-dimensional (3D) modeling, computer animation, and virtual reality (VR), are taking their place among decision-support tools for forestry. This article focuses on the emerging role of visualization techniques that simulate the...

04 Dec 2008

International political sociology

Essay - 10 pages - Political science

Political sociology is an interdisciplinary field of inquiry developed by sociologists and political scientists to study the dynamic relationship between society (a complex web of social institutions and social behavior) and politics. Much of the impetus for the development of the field grew out...

04 Dec 2008

Postmodernity and determination of death

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Within nation-state societies, the definition of death becomes a legal concern, with the statutes of the state or the rules of state-approved institutions governing the response technique for the participating citizenry. The transition from embodied person to corpse certainly concerns more than...

04 Dec 2008

Landscape ecology, use and application in forestry

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Many ecological processes result in or are affected by spatial patterns. However, the relative importance of different processes is very sensitive to the scale of analysis. For example, at a very local scale, species diversity is often strongly affected by competition and trophic interactions...

04 Dec 2008

The 'rediscovery' of ethnicity: Theory and analysis

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The end of a millennium provides a rare opportunity to reexamine and assess achievements. In the sociological study of relations between diverse ethnic, racial and minority groups it marks a real, rather than a largely symbolic, watershed. There has been major transformation in the form and...

04 Dec 2008

Visual analysis of forest landscape

Essay - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

This article examines the broad concepts and methods underpinning the management of visual resources in forestry, and describes some of the key scienti?c methods of addressing the often dif?cult issue of aesthetics and public perceptions of forested landscapes. It draws on accumulated research...

04 Dec 2008

The United States and Latin America in the 21st century: Recommendations for a sound and sustainable foreign policy

Essay - 7 pages - International relations

Traditionally, the relationship between the United States and Latin America has been marked by periods of ups and downs, and often indifference. Over the past decade, the latter has largely settled in. However, in view of the region's increased global profile and reach, devising a healthy...

04 Dec 2008

The sociology of housing and the housing problem

Essay - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

At its most elementary level, housing serves as shelter, offering protection against inclement weather and victimization by street crime. Housing fulfils other functions as well. It is typically a significant economic investment, for households as well as builders. Residents also tend to hold...

28 Nov 2008

Impact of forest management on the quality of water

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

In forested catchments the hydrologic cycle, involving precipitation, interception, evapo-transpiration, overland ?ow, subsurface ?ow, groundwater ?ow, and stream ?ow is closely linked to water quality in that water movement through the forest ecosystem also transports sediment, and dissolved...

28 Nov 2008

Forest fires (prediction, prevention and suppression)

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

The problems and negative impacts associated with large-scale uncontrolled forest ?res have increased worldwide over the past two decades. Globally an estimated 300-400 million hectares of forests and woodlands burn annually, emitting an estimated 9.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases; however,...

28 Nov 2008

Human behavior in the social context

Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Humans are a social species. First, we explore the reasons why humans are social beings and briefly consider the broad implications of this characterization. Next, we go somewhat more deeply into the question what it means to be social. In other words, how does an individual function whose...

28 Nov 2008

Soil erosion control

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Soil erosion control in managed forests is undertaken, and best achieved, for two main reasons. The ?rst relates to soil protection for the sustainable productivity of the forest resource. The second relates to the protection of valuable water resources located in forested catchments. The...

28 Nov 2008

The relationship of Science and Religion as seen through the Galileo affair

Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is true that often the church and science have clashed bitterly, leaving both sides--and the rest of the world--with the sense that there will never be a way to compromise. One of the best examples of this clash was in the 17th century, when Galileo crossed the Catholic Church. Although...

28 Nov 2008

Political violence in flux: Changes in today's world

Essay - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Terrorism has fundamentally changed the nature of international relations as a whole. With the emergence of small, non government organizations (or NGOs) that have the capability to inflict massive amounts of damage to life and property, states as a whole now face a strong challenge to their...

28 Nov 2008

Mendelssohn's 'Elijah': An oratorio for the generations

Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

On Wednesday, August 26, 1846, Felix Mendelssohn's revered oratorio, Elijah, was premiered at the Birmingham Music Festival. The work met instant lauds, hailed by the London Times, “Never was there a more complete triumph- never a more thorough and speedy recognition of a great art...