Has European integration contributed to save or to undermine the nation state?
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
In 1882 Ernest Renan declared: a Nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things, which, in truth, are really one, constitute this soul, this spiritual principle. One is in the past, the other in the present. One is the possession in common of a rich legacy of memories, the other is the...
The relations between Macedonia and Albania
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
Macedonia has particular features in the Balkanic entanglement. On the one hand, we could say it is a classical Balkanic country, with all the negative connotations this adjective unfortunately implies: a post-Yugoslavian country, which encounters difficulties to ensure its authority,...
Eros in fantasy
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Our study of Eros in fantasy will be based on seven short stories (A. Bierce's The Death of Halpin Frayser, Ch. Dickens's The Signalman, Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil, P. Highsmith's The Snail-Watcher, H. P. Lovecraft's The Festival, R. Matheson's Born of Man...
Parties and party systems in contemporary democracies
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Laver and Schofield wonder what makes length of a government's life through the examples of Italy and Germany, but also of other countries. Firstly, is the number of parties of the political system related to cabinet stability? This is right in Italy, Belgium and Finland. They have a higher...
Have we reached the limits of the EU enlargement?
Thesis - 8 pages - European union
In the light of the massive 2004 European Union (EU) enlargement and the current one of Bulgaria and Romania, the question of whether the EU is reaching the limits of its enlargement shows all its relevance. In fact, since the moment the European integration process was launched, it has welcomed...
British housing policies Case study: Impact on the social exclusion experienced by the Pakistani minority
Case study - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Water and food are commonly accepted as the basic needs of life. Housing, by providing us a shelter, is also necessary so that you survive. Therefore it is also a fundamental need. However, every house should not only be a shelter, but also a real home. What makes a house a home is a complex...
Mahathir's legacy and the stability of Malaysia
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
Nowadays, Malaysia is known as a model of rapid development. Indeed, in the middle of the twentieth century, the economy of this country is agriculture-oriented and nothing hints any economic boom to come such as the one which occurs a few years later. The economic growth starts to soar as soon...
The rise of feminism
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage-that is, the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries...
To what extent have developments in individual rights in Britain delivered family friendly working practices, and with what implications for all relevant stakeholders
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Since New Labour came to power in May 1997 some developments in employments rights have aimed to promote the balancing between work and family life: Families are the core of our society, but they are under pressure. Women and men struggle with choices over work and family...
The political role of the judges in law and politics
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
My presentation is concerned with the relationship between law/the judiciary and politics. The laws relating to civil and criminal wrongs are indeed made either by Parliament in the form of Acts of Parliament (also called statutes) or by the judges themselves (then called the common law). The...
Aristotle and the best kind of life in society
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Nicomachean Ethics (NE) is generally considered, not without any reason, as one of the main books in the history of the ethics. Indeed, Aristotle describes and constructs in his book major concepts, like virtue or happiness that have been used for a long time, from Kant to Arendt and that do...
The European Union's Policy in African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries: Towards an Effective Democratisation?
Essay - 7 pages - European union
Since 1992, the European Community has included in all its agreements with third countries a clause defining respect for human rights and democracy as essential elements' in the EU's relationship. This clause is unique in bilateral agreements. This approach has been further...
Explain Marx's conception of communist society and assess critically in comparison and contrast with the social ideals of Rousseau
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
"A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism." This is the prophetic opening line of The Communist Manifesto, published in 1848, one of the major and most well-known work of Marx and Engels, dealing with their ideal of a communist society. However, The Communist Manifesto is not a...
Milestones in the emergence of the Palestinian problem and the Arab-Israeli conflict
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
In January 2006, the Islamic militant group Hamas won the Palestinian Parliamentary elections, with 42.2% of the votes. The election in Palestine of a group that remains committed to an armed struggle, the destruction of Israel and retaliatory attacks on Israeli civilians shows that nearly sixty...
The Committee of the Regions
Thesis - 3 pages - European union
The construction of the European Union is, and has always been done by states. Since the Maastricht treaty however, sub national authorities have an official advisory body from which they can influence the making of the European policy: the Committee of the regions. This committee is made of 317...
Cultural relativism or universalism ? An essay in political ethics
Essay - 10 pages - Political science
This is an essay on cultural relativism in the field of political ethics. Yesterday confined to anthropological studies, the idea infiltrated the domain of international morality after the Second World War. It developed from its original virtues of tolerance and understanding to more defensive...
Can any theory fully explain the process of European integration? If not, why not?
Essay - 13 pages - European union
European integration is a process which began with the birth of the European Coal and Steel Community the 18th of April 1952. This process was at first essentially economical, but the necessary structures needed for an economic integration led also to a political integration. This process has...
The employers' organizations in Britain: The case of the CBI
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
I decided to speak about employers' organisations in Britain because of a personal and very simple interrogation: I was actually wondering what the equivalent of the French MEDEF in Britain was. At first sight, I discovered quickly that this equivalent is the CBI, The Confederation of British...
Descartes' version of the ontological argument in the light of Kant's criticism
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
God has always been a subject of debate and it will probably always be so. One of the reasons leading to this perpetual debate is that people have never agreed on the concept of God. Some religions (e.g. Hinduism) believe that there are several Gods whilst others (e.g. Christianity, Islam,...
The revival of the small business sector in the UK
Thesis - 11 pages - Economy general
According to data from Labour Market Trends in 1999, enterprises with fewer than 50 employees provide 45% of UK non-government employment and account for 38% of turnover, the employment figure includes the self-employed who employ no one and comprise 2.3 Million out of a total of 3.7 million of...
The European Commission
Thesis - 6 pages - European union
If Jacques Delors, one of the most famous President of the European Commission (between 1985 and 1995), called the European Union as a UPO or Unidentified Political Object, it can be explained by the special characteristics of its architecture. The European Commission (EC) is undoubtedly one of...
If you lack money do you also lack freedom? Please explain your position with reference to the works of at least two of the following: Berlin, Taylor, and MacCallum
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe. (Edmund Burke). Defining justice and how achieve a just society depends on the conception we have of the notion of liberty and equality. These two elements are the core notions of political...
Niccolo Machiavelli
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) is one of the most ambiguous political scientist of the history. Some used to qualify him as being immoral because of his promotion of force and deception to protect a State. However, according to the researchers that have analyzed his works, he is the...
International Organisation: The UN system
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
Is global governance a chimera in a world of states, or is there as Keohane suggests, limited global governance in a partially globalized world, or is global governance an effective form of western hegemony? Is global governance a chimera in a world of states, or is there as Keohane suggests,...
Multiculturalism in the UK or the end of a Utopia?
Essay - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Have you ever tried to fill in a job application form in the UK? If so, you may have been surprised, as a foreigner, to be asked the colour of your skin (white British, white West European, white East European, black, etc.). In France such a thing has long been unfeasible, even if today, the...
The European North: Historical Geopolitics and International Institutional Dynamics
Thesis - 8 pages - International relations
A brave political experiment calling for unconventional decisions promoting sub-regional cooperation that ultimately might develop into a common European social and economic space : this is how the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Viktor Khristenko, identified in...
The universal human rights concept has its roots in western political thought, so can we say that it applies to all human beings?
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Reporters Without Borders...those are some of the many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) around the world based on the protection of human rights. Given they are international organisations, does it mean human rights are universal, i.e. they apply to...
Essay - 3 pages - Economy general
« Globalisation » is a word that comes up much more often than others in debate topics. For some, nothing better than globalization (and the liberalizing process that comes with it) could happen to us. On the other side, globalisation's detractors hold it responsible for a great number of the...
Why did Clinton Health Security Act of 1993 failed despite the opportunity to reform?
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Reforming the US health care system was one of the top priorities of the presidential battle in 1992 and William Jefferson Clinton managed to appear as the most competent candidate to deliver a comprehensive plan to solve this problem. Since the late 1970's, the country was facing problems...
US policy towards the Taliban since the end of the cold war
Thesis - 2 pages - International relations
The withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989 did not provoke the fall of Najibullah's communist regime, but rather the beginning of Civil war between the different factions and ethnics. The US was officially not interested anymore in that part of the world and focused primarily in Europe. However, the...