Middlemarch, Part 6, Chapter 56 - George Eliot (1871-1872) - How does George Eliot, through a posterior view and a description of fictitious events, manage to present the prejudices of the time on the progress?
Text commentary - 3 pages - Economic politics
In 1919, Virginia Woolf writes, about Eliot's contribution to English literature, that her masterpiece Middlemarch is "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people". Indeed, Eliot's novel is known for its realism and its psychological insights on its different characters from...
Between 1856 and 1914, how did the authority of the central power try to build and impose itself on the multiethnic Russian imperial domain despite the rise of national affirmations?
Essay - 9 pages - Political science
On the eve of World War I in 1914, Russia is one of the most backward powers and the entire political system collapses in 1917 with the Russian Revolution. However, these two elements are opposed to the will of the tsar Alexander II in 1856, who, after the defeat of the Crimean War, decided to...
Taiwan's Semiconductor Shortage: Origins and Geopolitical Future
Case study - 6 pages - International economy
Semiconductors have become a central factor in our 21st century. As technology is used in all fields of human activity, from refrigerators to laptops, from electric cars to artificial intelligence, and from solar panels to military weapons, the need for electronic chips has grown and the demand...
John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Murder and Conspiracies
Course material - 2 pages - Political science
On the 22nd of November 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed in Dallas city center while riding in a presidential car to promote his reelection. Shot with several bullets, the youngest president of the United States died a few minutes later. It was an incredible shock for America and the...
Political Inaction
Essay - 1 pages - Political science
Democracy allows people to make choices. We can see it for instance nowadays with the choice of being vaccinated against coronavirus. In France, there is the possibility for a group of citizens supported by senators to make a referendum. Hugo Clement, a journalist, decided to use this possibility...
The High Share of Temporary Employment in Spain
Essay - 2 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
Temporary employment is an important issue in Spain regarding the high share of workers engaged only for a specific period of time. Indeed, according to OECD data, Spain has one of the highest rates of temporary employment among the labour force (aged between 15-65 years): 1 out of 4 dependents...
Global Warming: Causes and Chemistry of Climate Change
Course material - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
This report serves as an overview of important aspects related to global warming and climate change. It touches on the relevant international organization and authorities in the field of climate change, forecasts of temperature increases, greenhouse gases, atmospheric chemical reactions and...
Ocean carbon dioxide removal: a necessity for climate action or an additional impact to be avoided for the ocean?
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
This document is a group work about Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal. As of today, there is done not nearly enough to prevent dramatic consequences of climate change. Ocean carbon dioxide removal shows great potential to be a part of the solution. Scientists argue that cutting the CO2-emissions is...
Workshop about Sustainable Alimentation
Internship report - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
I took this workshop because it is fully related to SDG15 and SDG2 and because in my studies I did not have the opportunity to be made aware of this issue. This conference was structured around: CO2 emissions, the ethical aspects of food, and health and nutrition. The main goal of this conference...
Foundations of Economics and Sociology Foundations of Economics
Course material - 25 pages - Economy general
It is within the multiple and different enterprises, which together define to a large extent a national economy, that the observation of economic and social facts is the most extensive and undoubtedly the most visible. The company is a reality that weaves its way through our daily lives because...
Haiti briefing note and building mission solution : state of the country and developments of solutions
Case study - 7 pages - Political science
In October 2015, elections were deferred indefinitely due to allegations of fraud. The new elections were further postponed due to Hurricane Matthew and finally took place in November 2016, Jovenel Moïse won 56% of the vote. There was a holding of an electoral tribunal to conduct a verification...
Future Opportunities, Threats, Challenges and Goals of the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - European union
The European Union is the largest and most successful political and economic union in the world, making it a key player. Research on the European Union focuses mainly on its construction, its functioning, the challenges and threats it faces. Our research aims to examine the responsibilities and...
Dangerous Tales: Dominant Narratives on the Congo and their Unintended Consequences - Autesserre (2012) - The Legitimacy of Simple Narratives and their Effects and Consequence on the International and Local Plan
Summary - 2 pages - Political science
The Democratic Republic of Congo, the largest country in Sub-Saharan Africa has always been the gravity point of political conflicts and insecurities. The DR of Congo claimed its independence from Belgium in 1960, however, the country has been subject to many secessionist movements since then,...
Geopolitics of the Iranian Country
Course material - 16 pages - Political science
Islam became more militant after the fall of the caliphate. From the beginning of the 1920s, the Syrian Rashid Rida (1865-1935) was the first to refer to the notion of the Islamic State (al-dawla islamiyya), but without proposing a systematic political program. The return to Islamic Law...
Critically evaluating the ASPIRE model of social work - published: 17/11/2022
Course material - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Social work traditionally utilizes a series of strategic steps or procedures to aid in problem resolution. In many cases, the steps include the collection of critical information concerning subjects of interest (assessment), analysis to draw information from collected information (diagnosis),...
How to Manage Great Resignation - The Economist (2021) - How Firms can Rethink their Recruitment Strategy for Keeping their Workforce in Place and Motivated?
Text commentary - 4 pages - International economy
This article from The Economist was edited approximately one year ago (late November 2021), two years after the pandemic crisis. Economies are impacted in many ways. First of all, human resource managers have to reinvent their job. For two years, the job market has been struggling due to the...
Essay: the coronavirus crisis, a result of political mistakes across the world?
Essay - 4 pages - Political science
Mistakes often take place when critical policy-making institutions and politicians take wrong decisions - for instance through under-reaction or overreaction to critical issues, as a result of preoccupation with symbolic and ideological concerns - or as a result of the adoption of wrong policy...
Financial Market Offenses and Crimes Against the State in the US
Course material - 6 pages - Economic politics
The French AMF is an independent public authority. It is made of two distinct bodies (the board and the enforcement committee), there is no hierarchy, board members cannot be members of the enforcement committee at the same time. The AMF is in charge of overseeing the protection of savings...
The British Parliament
Course material - 24 pages - Political science
This document is a lesson on the British Parliament, explaining how it is constituted and how it works.
The System of Government and the Prime Minister
Presentation - 23 pages - Political life and election
This document tackles the British system of government and the role of the Prime Minister.
November 20, 2014, televised speech - Barack Obama (2014) - How does the search for a middle ground end up being an ambiguous approach towards immigration ?
Text commentary - 5 pages - Political science
The issue of immigration has always been central to Barack Obama's presidential term. As early as 2010, the Obama administration tried to get Congress to adopt part of the "comprehensive immigration reform", it included several measures such as a program to provide a path to legal status for...
Counterfeiting - Business process and government response
Tutorials/exercises - 3 pages - Economic politics
The creation of a fake replica to replace an original form of an object is illegal and referred to as counterfeiting. This action is often perpetrated to take advantage of the monetary gain by exchanging an object of greater quality with something of inferior quality. Counterfeiting has been...
Community Health Promotion Program: Transition to Ontario Long-term Care
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
This is a community health promotion program designed to promote the transition to long-term care in the province of Ontario, Canada. According to a report by the Ontario Long-term Care Association in April 2019, more than 115,000 elderly people in Ontario are in long-term care support. It is...
The Ethical Implications of Police Officers Accepting Free Goods and Services from the Public On- or Off-Duty
Essay - 3 pages - Political science
Ethical issues define the moral responsibility that an individual has, which defines and shapes their conduct. From Kantian ethics, the duty obligation is supposed to limit the behavior of an individual, which is supposed to be defined by the standards that are supposed to be held. Police...
Labor and the National Question
Essay - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In many social instances, the representation of interests and issues affecting a specific group is greatly felt and taken seriously when presented in numbers. It is through this line of thought that lobby groups are formed to jointly represent the concerns of their members. A perfect example of...
Hypothesis on the Emergence of Obligate Bipedalism
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Bipedalism is one of the evolutionary processes that hominines went through to reach the development of walking on their two lower limbs. Like any other mammal, the human biped system has evolved differently as compared to other mammals that utilize bipedalism in locomotion. However, humans are...
The similarities and differences in the development of labour movements in different parts of Canada
Dissertation - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment
The labour history of Canada can be traced back several years to 1812 when Halifax formed a union for the tailors. Just four years later, the formation of labour unions was deterred by the Nova Scotian Union which passed the Anti-union Act. Such has been the trend in the Canadian labour movement....
Sub-populations within a population - The older age group
Dissertation - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Sub-population refers to a minority group within a population. Understanding these groups assists governments when developing policies that touch on the general population. In Canada, the government considers anyone from the age of 55 years to belong to the older age group population in society....
Politics and crisis management
Essay - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Crisis management has certainly become a critical feature of contemporary management and governance. During periods of crisis, members of organizations and communities expect leaders to work out strategies that minimize the impacts of crises at hand, while bureaucratic competitors and critics try...
Global Business Economics and Finance - AmRest Holding SE
Case study - 13 pages - International economy
AmRest Holdings SE is a public limited company with operations in the global bar and restaurant industry. The firm's headquarters are in Madrid, Spain. AmRest enjoys market dominance in Eastern and Central Europe. It operates several subsidiary firms, including Burger King, Pizza Hut,...