The process of chemical dependency
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Peele, Brodsky, and Arnold (1991:133) cited in Dowieko (1993:11) maintain that [addiction] is not an all-or-nothing thing, but a continuum from moderate excess to severe compulsion'. With this citation in mind, I will attempt to discuss both the how' and why' of addiction,...
Capital budgeting: India
Case study - 35 pages - Economy general
An efficient allocation of capital is the most important financial function in modern times. It involves decision to commit firm's funds to long-term assets. Such decisions are tend to determine the value of company/firm by influencing its growth, profitability & risk. Investment decisions...
Quebec as a "distinct society"
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
For as long as Quebec has been a part of Canada, there has always been debate about what their role is in Canadian federalism, but in most cases it has been nothing more than debate and rhetoric on both sides. There have always been, and will always be people in Quebec and in the rest of Canada...
Five strategy innovations to redefine the debate surrounding baseline national health coverage in the United States
Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Healthcare is the single most pressing domestic issue in American politics. Over 45 million Americans are uninsured; likely twice that are underinsured. 80% of the uninsured are workers, or live in families with workers. Extensive work has documented the market failure related to health...
How the Bush administration has abused executive power
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
Since the United States Constitution was written, there has been a constant tug-of-war for power between the three branches of government: the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the legislative branch. In this time, the executive has been able to acquire many powers which include being...
Democracy deficit in Canada
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Canadians have always loved the fact that their nation is a democracy, and arguable one of the most developed democracies in the world. However, now more than ever before, there is a call from many Canadians to reinvigorate and revitalize democratic institutions in the country. One only needs...
The Taliban in Pakistan: Before and after 9/11
Thesis - 6 pages - International relations
It is safe to say that in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks, the United States had little to no working relationship with Pakistan, especially when it came to stopping the Taliban. In fact, the United States contributed to the creation and rise of the Taliban: according to Prime...
The erosion of the welfare state in the United States
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
For more than a century welfare states have developed both in Western Europe and in North America. The welfare state is based on the idea that the state or the government should be responsible for maintaining a certain level of service for its citizens. This is a model whereby the state assumes...
A class perspective concerning the issue of cloning
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This paper will attempt to address what is perhaps the single most life altering issue facing our societies today. It is life altering in the utmost sense of the word, literally altering life as we know it. Life on this planet has undergone some significant changes since the dawn of civilization;...
A critique of the connection between gender and crime
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Official statistics show that overall males commit or, are charged with, more crimes than females (Scottish Prison Service, 2002). However it has also been shown, that in certain areas of criminality such as theft and fraud, female offence rates seem to be rising faster than males. (Steffensmeir...
Investigating the key issues concerning child protection in the UK and France
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Social policy "is based upon a distinct empirical focus- the support and well-being through social action." (Alcock et al 1998). It draws upon the methods and understandings involved in many social science disciplines e.g. sociology, economics and politics and is founded in many areas of society...
A sociological perspective on the family
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This essay will discuss and analyze the concept of the family from a sociological perspective. Families are the foundation of all societies. They can be formed by father-mother-children combination or even more complicated combination of aunt-cousin-grand relatives along with father and mother....
Is women's status dependent on childbirth?
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Nepal, situated in South Asia, is a patriarchal country where the main religion of practice is Hinduism. Most of its population, 90 percent in fact,( Providing Quality Reproductive Health in Nepal 1) lives in rural villages. Although many of these villages are developing, most lack even everyday...
The injustice of appearance discrimination
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
My paper is directed towards businessmen and women and business students. People who read Business Week Magazine are well educated and knowledgeable about numerous aspects of business and are most likely aware of the controversies due to treatment in the work force. Owing to their involvement in...
Public health: The global fight against AIDS
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
At the millennium, over 150 world leaders met at the Millennium Summit to establish a vision for the United Nations in the upcoming years. They discussed the problems of poverty, economic development, public health, and education on a global level and proposed interventions in the form of the...
An assignment addressing key issues in social work
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This assignment will focus on the key issues socially, economically and personally for the Hughes family, also the two methods of social work intervention I will use to assist with elevating issues, task-centred practice and crisis intervention. I will endeavour to critically analyse the...
Tajikistan: Battling corruption
Thesis - 12 pages - Political science
Tajikistan is a landlocked country in Southwest Asia surrounded by Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China. The country is a republic headed by President Emomali Rakhmonov and Prime Minister Oquil Oqilov. There are currently NATO forces operating out of Tajikistan in support of the war in...
Re-entry programs for juveniles: Suggestions for improving rehabilitative efforts and including juveniles in the community
Essay - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Children who have spent time committed in juvenile facilities need assistance with returning to their communities. In collaboration with various educational institutions and other non-profit organizations, the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, has created a number of community re-entry...
To what extent should social work practice be informed by social research?
Essay - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Within this work I will be looking to examine the effectiveness of using research in social work practice. I have chosen to do this by reviewing both historic and current research on the outcomes of adoption. Part 1 will consist of a literature review, detailing research findings on this subject....
Efficiency and efficacy of Tricare
Essay - 7 pages - Political science
The US Department of Defense's health care program is perhaps one of the most complex in the country. With 91 hospitals and 374 clinics facilities spread over the entire country and overseas for the uniformed service individuals in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guards, Marine Corps, Public...
Social work: Board presentation
Presentation - 28 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The illness impacts ability to seek/obtain care, nutrition, transportation, maintain housing, etc. Individual medical crisis impacts multiple systems: family, friends, neighbors, employer/ co-workers, schools, taxpayers, social services, national economy, etc. Care givers often need Social Work...
Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life
Book review - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Robert Bellah's Habits of the Heart Individualism and Commitment in American Life chronicles the history, definition and present condition of individualism in America, and how it has affected the lives of modern society. Bellah attempts to define individualism by mapping its evolution in...
Race Poverty and the Underclass by Christopher Jencks
Book review - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In his book, Race Poverty and the Underclass, Christopher Jencks formulates a thesis that is aimed at revealing the short-comings of popular social policy remedies. He addresses options that are based on political ideologies which do not fare well in recognizing the reality of social problems in...
Conservation issues for tropical reef fish spawning aggregations
Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment
Coral reefs are in decline worldwide due to a variety of anthropogenic factors, of which overfishing is the oldest and most egregious (Bellwood et al. 2004, Graham et al. 2006). Tropical reef fish spawning aggregations (FSAs) are preferentially targeted due to their predictable spatial and...
Critically evaluating the ASPIRE model of social work
Essay - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In this essay I will look at the ASPIRE model as a process within social work. I will demonstrate my understanding of the model and its stages and reflect on how values inform each stage of the process. I will look at each stage individually whilst evaluating its effectiveness as a process. I...
Becoming a healthy eater
Essay - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Becoming a healthy eater can be hard. It requires you to be both educated and smart about eating healthy. Food smart isn't about calculating the amount of grams or fat but about labels and counting calories. Eating healthy requires you to eat at least 3 healthy meals a day. It's all about...
Economics of prostitution
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
The market that buys and sells prostitution is very similar to other types of human interaction. It has deep roots in history and society, and has survived through the ages; resisting legal and economic uncertainties. It has become apart of Western culture just as much as much as fast-food and...
Seeking evidence of corporate profiteering in Australia
Essay - 4 pages - Economy general
Despite media outcry's, Australia's legal system largely protects its citizens from the effects of corporate profiteering. Whether it is complaints over the rising cost of fuel or even the price paid for a kilogram of Bananas, Australian's are quick to condemn business and large corporations if...
Conciliating God and evil
Essay - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Few arguments pursue such a simple logic against theistic thought more effectively than the Problem of Evil. In short, this analyzes god's properties and the incoherent nature of his good verses the evil in the world. In response, Alvin Plantinga makes a compelling Free Will Defense argument for...
Internationalization of SME's
Essay - 6 pages - Economy general
The 20th century is one of the most revolutionary periods in economic history as national economies around the world dramatically shifted and changed to cater to burgeoning demanding global markets. Barriers to cross-border trade and investment fell as businesses around the world capitalized on...