"In the last resort, states with classical military forces prevail": How does the realist theory contribute to foreign policy?
Thesis - 6 pages - International relations
The theory is mainly a tool for the study of International Relations. It allows for the building of a conceptual framework upon which the events of world politics are analyzed. Theory provides with models that help unravel the mechanisms at work in the international system. Each theory is like a...
Should we stick to the stability and growth Pact?
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
The Stability and Growth Pact is an essential element of the European Monetary Union and has been often criticized. One of the sharpest and most violent attacks came from the President of the European Commission, which is supposed to be the watchdog of the Treaties and laws, Romano Prodi who...
To what extent has the N.H.S. fulfilled its commitment to equal health care for all?
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Health affects every aspect of life, hence it is not surprising that health care is a major focus for social concern. Governments have been aware of the importance of the population's access to health care for a very long time and began to intervene in this sense even before the 1900's, by...
Is becoming global the way or not
Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general
This report is going to present the importance of globalization in today's society. I will try to answer your question like should our company try to enter the global market? Globalization is an incontrovertible phenomenon that can't be overridden. The world needs and desires have been...
The completion of the WTO free trade agenda will produce both winners and losers in the EU: To what extend do you agree?
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international body whose purpose is to promote free trade by persuading countries to abolish import tariffs and other barriers. As such, it has become closely associated with globalization. The WTO is the only international agency overseeing the rules of...
Identity politics and feminism in France and in the United States
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
In 2005, in her book entitled Beyond identity politics - feminism, power and politics, Moya Lloyd writes: feminism is an identity politics so far as it articulates the demands of a particular constituency (women), united and galvanized on the basis of shared characteristics and...
The complete English tradesman, by Daniel Defoe, 1926
Book review - 3 pages - Economy general
Daniel Defoe was an English fervent supporter of trade: to him, trade was a natural feature of the English nation, and the English people were the best people at trading in the world. Indeed, in the 18th century, the State is a means to promote trade, the English empire is all about trade; the...
On patriotism, by John Bolingbroke, 1730-1754
Book review - 3 pages - Political science
This text is the analysis of an extract from the book On Patriotism, written between 1730 and 1754 by John Bolingbroke. Bolingbroke was a politician and thinker: he participated to the political life in Britain and was particularly MP in the Tories' party, Secretary of State and Minister of...
Power and weakness in "American Power in the 21st Century" by Robert Kagan
Book review - 5 pages - Political science
Robert Kagan is a neo-conservative American scholar and political commentator. He was born on September 26th 1958 in Athens. After graduating from Yale University in 1980, he earned a Masters from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a PhD from American University in...
How does the European Commission foster the integration of the energy market?
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
The European Union (UE) proves to be an efficient exporting actor for the goods and services market. However, its capital account remains negative in the energy market. UE's growing dependency on gas and electricity suppliers is becoming an economic and strategic weakness for the business...
"Grande Politique": The foreign policy of Théophile Delcassé and the construction of a French alliance network
Thesis - 6 pages - International relations
In the beginning of the 20th century, France appeared to be a great and powerful nation in Europe. She had two main preoccupations concerning her foreign policy: on one hand France wanted to reinforce and expand her colonial Empire; on the other hand she had the will to maintain and strengthen...
Can the European parliament ever break out of the cycle of failing public interests and legitimacy?
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
In one of his speeches, Pat Cox, the President of the European Parliament said Turnout across Europe [in 1999] was higher than in the last US Presidential Elections, and I do not hear people questioning the legitimacy of the presidency of the United States.'. Since 1979, indeed, the...
Luggage flow issues in airports
Thesis - 11 pages - Social, moral & civic education
An airport terminal building provides all major passenger services, such as ticket sales, passenger check-in, baggage handling, and security. Inside the terminal, airline employees make flight reservations for travelers, issue seat assignments and coordinate aircraft boarding. All services that...
Issues of conservation and reconstruction in archaeological sites: The example of the Palace of Minos at Knossos
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The main issues of this paper are the conservation and the reconstruction of archaeological sites. Indeed, the aim of archaeology is to present the findings of the past to the public, in the most objective way . However, archaeological findings are never completely objective because they are...
The evolution of human rights enforcement
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The end of the second world conflict has set the beginning of the institutionalization of Human Rights at a world scale: the previous events have indeed made most of the country think about a way to reach a world consensus about basic rights that each single human being could expect to be given...
The origins and diversities of European welfare states
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
Looking at the definition quoted by G.Esping-Andersden, the Welfare State seems to be a really simple thing: it involves state responsibility for securing some basic modicum of welfare for citizens. However, the welfare state corresponds to numerous realities across the world. The...
How has the political economy of French capitalism evolved in the face of increasing global economic pressures?
Thesis - 10 pages - Economy general
The work was standardized, rigid; it has become adaptable, flexible. The institutions were paternalist, authoritarian; they have become permissive, liberal. A feeling of security reigned on the world. It is now the insecurity which is dominant' (Cohen, 2002) This international economic...
Face recognition and perception by young children
Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This study tested four and five-year-olds for their ability to use differences in the spacing among features when asked to pairing faces. The task was presented as a drag and drop features game which provided double reinforcement to children. Cognitive variables were taken in consideration...
A critical examination of the European Union's commitment and approach to promoting democracy and Human Rights in accession candidate countries and elsewhere in the world
Thesis - 10 pages - European union
The current image of European Union's democracy promotion is marred by the discrepancies of member states' attitude vis-à-vis the Chinese violation of the Human Rights. In contrast to most European countries, Great Britain and Germany have already claimed that they will not assist to the opening...
The future of the state in a global context: Is the European Union a super state?
Thesis - 12 pages - European union
The organization of the world has been changing for the past few decades. Besides the nation sates, a lot of different forms of organization have been coming up. The development of international relations has brought about the need for organizations which enable cooperation between the national...
Two years after: What has the eastern enlargement brought to the European Union?
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
The future of Europe never appeared so dubious. Neither did some of its possible futures appear so promising affirms Jean-Paul Fitoussi in his book devoted to the problems of the conflict between the national interests and the requirements of convergence in Europe1. In fact, for the...
The Commission white paper on a European communication policy, an analysis of the conceptual and political issues at stake
Thesis - 5 pages - European union
While it symbolized the failure of national politicians, the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by the French and Dutch citizens in the referendum of Spring 2005 left the European establishment under the shock: it was evident that both the continuous strengthening of the European Parliament's...
Economic consequences of the last European union enlargement
Thesis - 20 pages - Economy general
The idea of a united Europe was once just a dream in the minds of philosophers and visionaries. Already in 1620, the Duke of Sully imagined "a body politics of all the States of Europe which could produce between its members an unalterable peace and a perpetual trade". In The 19th Century, Victor...
Cultural briefing: Asian markets
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Japanese business culture is wrongly perceived as the biggest obstacle to starting business in Japan for many foreign companies thinking of entering the Japanese market. Many foreign companies never do start business in Japan (or only enter the Japanese market through a distributor) simply...
To what extent does the concept of civil society help in the explanation or justification of the process of democratization?
Essay - 5 pages - Political science
Renewed interest in civil society emerged in the late 1980s; it coincided with the resurgence of political democracy throughout the world. Indeed, it has been increased with the growing tendency towards democratization in Eastern Europe, and several Latin American countries, where authoritarian...
Pornography: The opium of the masses
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
According to Marx, understanding religion is dependent upon the social purpose that religion serves and not upon the content of its beliefs. To understand pornography as the opium of the masses, I won't focus on its content, which would be difficult anyway, since the word pornography' does...
Manifesto of the Communist Party
Thesis - 3 pages - Political science
Among the numerous works presented in The Marx and Engels reader, edited by Robert C. Tucker, I've decided to focus my study on that which seems to me to be the most influential text in Marx's work, the Manifesto of the Communist Party. The Manifesto was first published in 1848 in London upon...
How and to what extent do domestic factors affect the nature of U.S. relations with other democratic states?
Thesis - 3 pages - International relations
The manifestation of the American hegemony since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 has created a new pattern for international relations in which the United States is the hyper power' everyone has to take into consideration before acting. France, once one...
European cultural identities: The agents of European consciousness and how successful have they been in engendering such consciousness
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
Being in Europe' and Being a European' are two different things. It is fair to say that over the years a common space has been created in the economic, legal, and to a certain extent in political spheres. However, when we come to other realities (language, culture, religion, memories,...
Cultural Melting Pot: A taste of many nations
Thesis - 14 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The cultural melting pot is an event created to increase the speed of cultural integration in Rotterdam. The Students at the INholland University in Rotterdam organize the event themselves. The event will be held in the park near the Euromast in Rotterdam on the 6th of September 2008. The main...