An analysis of why Canada's regulation of competition is weaker than in the United States
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
Canada, with its more or less 30 million people, is one of the United States biggest trading partners. As a matter of fact Canada is the US largest market for its agricultural export in the northern hemisphere. This importance of the Canadian market had been numerously acknowledged by the United...
Maasai gender relations during the colonial period: A patriarchal transformation
Case study - 15 pages - Political science
The imposition of colonial power in Africa disrupted all aspects of indigenous society. Not only were Africans robbed of political independence, but pre-colonial social structures were also destroyed or transformed based on the mercy of certain colonial powers. The Maasai, a pastoral people in...
A comparative newspaper analysis: The New York Times, The Times, The London Gazette and The Spectator
Thesis - 7 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The First World War, devastating in its severity and loss of life, is often confined in our historical thinking to the battlefields of Europe. This devastation, however, reached every ocean and continent and involved action from peoples far removed from the crises in Europe. One arena of conflict...
A study on export performance, challenges and prospects of IT industry in India
Tutorials/exercises - 32 pages - Economy general
My dissertation titled A study on Export Performance, Challenges and Prospects of Information Technology Industry in India mainly deals with exporting performance Information Technology industry in India. It also deals with various problems faced by the IT industry and also...
A study on the Indian railways
Tutorials/exercises - 31 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Generally, a Market was the place where the buyers and sellers gather to exchange their goods. The concept of market is very important in marketing. Market is an area for potential exchanges it's a place where goods are brought and sold. It is an area where a force of supply (sellers)...
Foreign institutional investors and the stock exchange
Thesis - 28 pages - Economy general
India has struggled financially since independence, experiencing slow economic growth and economic setbacks due to climatic extremes or political disturbances. The country has been gradually transforming its economic base from agrarian to industrial and commercial. Under British rule in the 19th...
Study on foreign exchange function
Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Economy general
The front office in a hotel is the department responsible for the sale of hotel rooms through systematic method of reservation, followed by registration and assigning rooms to customers. The term sale of rooms may appear misleading to those unfamiliar with the industry. 'Sale here means the...
Differences in communication between men and women
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus touts the cover of an American bestseller. The instant success of this book (over 14 million copies sold) hints at a polarized population eager to bridge the gender gap. Yet some readers feel that it is writing such as these that exacerbate...
The study on security analysis for selecting the appropriate security through analyzing economy and industry
Tutorials/exercises - 80 pages - Economy general
An investment refers to the commitment of funds at present, in anticipation of some positive rate of return in future. Today the spectrum of investment is indeed wide. An investor is confronted with array of investment avenues. Among all investment, investment in equity is best high proportion....
Impact of FDI on the industrial development in India
Tutorials/exercises - 39 pages - Economy general
Foreign direct investments (FDI) are investment of foreign assets into domestic structures, equipments and organization. FDI reflects the objectives of obtaining a lasting interest by a resident entity in one economy (Direct Investor) in entity resident in an economy other than that of the...
Sensitivity of Indian fertilizer industry to crude oil
Presentation - 17 pages - Economy general
Agriculture accounts for the 27 percent of the Gross Domestic Product and the fertilizer industry is a crucial contributor to the agricultural sector and the Indian agricultural sector is very much dependent on the fertilizers. Fertilizer is defined as - any material, organic or inorganic,...
An overview of job satisfaction theories
Case study - 12 pages - Economy general
The relationship between man and work has always attracted the attention of philosophers, scientists and novelists. A major part of man's life is spent at work. Work is a social reality and social expectation to which men seem to confirm. It not only provides status to the individual but also...
Post harvest management and food security in Africa
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Food security, defined by the World Food Summit of 1996 the situation where all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life, is one of the major developmental issues facing developing countries in the world. As part of the...
Globalization and the women's movement in Chile
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
Globalization, namely the neoliberal economic policies and democratic decentralized market oriented state, is considered to be both a positive and negative development. Globalization intends to improve the conditions of developing countries so that they may experience all the benefits of...
E-waste environmental
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Electronic Waste, also known as E-Waste, is the components that comprise an electrical or electronic product when it is being discarded. These electronics could be Computers, Televisions, Stereos, Cell Phones, and other electronic products. These components are recycled, resold or reused. E-waste...
International strategic frameworks: A case study of Unilever 2008
Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general
According to Stonehouse and al (2004: 142) the macro environment is the part of the environment over which the business can rarely exert any direct influence but to which it must respond'. The essential framework to critically analyzed Unilever's external business environment is the PESTEL...
Economic regulation
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
A regulation is the employment of legal instruments for the implementation of social-economic policy objectives (Govender 2008: 10). In this way, according to OECD (2001), regulation refers to the various instruments (both formal legal and such informal tools as...
The African Union and the Darfur crisis: Stakes, results and prospects
Thesis - 11 pages - Political science
Since the independence of Sudan in 1956, Darfur, situated in the western part of the country, has been confronted with numerous and violent conflicts. The actual crisis in the region began in February 2003 and opposed originally the non-Arab rebels of Darfur against the forces of the Sudanese...
An in-depth analysis of the role of the Brazilian state in its economic development
Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general
The third world is a subject which has caused much ink. Several features can be found as economic problems, political instability, authoritarian regimes. However, some countries as the tigers (South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong-Kong) succeed in dealing with their economic and political...
Global warming
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
In today's society, environmental issues have an important impact on business and industrial decisions and are becoming part and parcel of economics. We live in scorching summers, the winters seem to be milder from year to year, and the seasons seem to have disappeared. Are these observations...
Robert Kagan, "Of Paradise and Power, America and Europe in the New World Order"
Book review - 5 pages - Political science
Robert Kagan's Of Paradise and Power was published in January 2003. The book is in fact an extension of the author's article Power and Weakness which appeared in the Policy Review in June 2002. In his book, Kagan presents a very interesting point of view. He shows that, whether...
The foreign policy of Théophile Delcassé and the construction of a French alliance network
Thesis - 7 pages - International relations
In the beginning of the 20th century, France appeared to be a great and a powerful nation in Europe. She had two main preoccupations concerning her foreign policy: on one hand France wanted to reinforce and expand her colonial Empire; on the other hand she had the will to maintain and strengthen...
The European Union (EU) and Mercosur
Thesis - 4 pages - European union
The objectives of this Agreement shall be to strengthen the existing relations between the Parties and to prepare conditions enabling an interregional association to be created. To these ends, the Agreement covers trade and economic matters, cooperation regarding integration and other...
A discussion on the efficiency of a Regional instrument: The Cartagena Declaration
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
The events which disturbed South America started in the 70's and during the period 1975-1982 for Central America. Encouraged by the reversal of power of general Pinochet in Chili on September the 11th in 1973, other countries of the South American continent (Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil...)...
Karen E. Smith "European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World"
Book review - 4 pages - European union
European Union Foreign Policy in a Changing World provides a clear introduction to the complexities of the contemporary European Union foreign policy, and offers a comprehensive and a distinctive perspective on the nature of the European Union's international identity. Karen E.Smith is a...
To what extent is Brazil and its development typical of a country of South America?
Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general
In 1952 when the demographer Alfred Sauvy first used the expression Third World in an article titled Three worlds, one planet to designate the poor, recently decolonized countries or those due to soon break free of their colonized past, this new world struggled to define...
Reflection on a discourse by Tony Blair to the American Congress
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
Tony Blair addressed a discourse to the congress of the United States of America (USA) on July, 17th, 2003. It is a political text strongly related to the political context at that point of time, which I will discuss later on. The discourse can be explained by looking at each of the sentences and...
Comparison between the economic cycles and the growth rates in the USA and France
Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general
The business cycle is a constant in all the world economies since the Industrial Revolution occurred. By business cycle, we mean the fluctuations of the growth rate of the economy, which always works on the Peak - Recession - Trough - Recovery scheme. The main cycle is the...
How can the change in demand following an increase in the price of goods can be broken into a substitution effect and an income effect?
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
We expect people to change their consuming behaviour when the price of a good change, but on what is this change going to be based on? Preferences are determined by the tastes of a person, so they do not depend on the person's real income. If the price of a good changes, the person will make a...
Communatarism" in Great Britain and the "French Republican model" of integration: With which method should the public policies be controlled while dealing with a multicultural society
Thesis - 4 pages - Political science
The issues of national identity, citizenship and multiculturalism are definitely in the middle of nowadays debates. In his work, John Rex develops the approach that the development of multiculturalism policies might diminish tensions between dominant and minority groups within a contemporary...