US Presidential elections
Thesis - 6 pages - Political science
Since the founding of our country, our government has been built around the fact that, at any given time, politics have generally been dominated by two parties - currently, the Democratic and Republican parties are enjoying their popularity, while parties like the Whigs have once been strong. In...
The world monetary situation: A fresh look
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
Peaceful heat of exhausted dog-days fluttered around the Federal Reserve Board building on C Street, Washington, DC. It was noon and time for another monthly open-to-the- public brown bag seminar. Experience must have taught the organizers not to expect mobs thirsting for detailed...
Analysis of the Fundamentalism theory
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
What is fundamentalism? In the 2004 Penguin English Dictionary, fundamentalism is said to be specifically a belief in the literal truth of the Bible as well as a movement in 20th century Protestantism emphasizing this belief. More generally, fundamentalism is said to be...
France and Ireland: Implications of increased immigration on educational systems
Thesis - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education
France and Ireland are two very different European countries. Their citizens speak different languages, eat different foods, yet every four years they both think they have the best soccer team in the World Cup. Aside from these two country's differences, they have one important feature in...
A revamping of the Australian economy
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
Amidst a national economic crisis, many people seem to overlook the fact that several other countries throughout the world are also having problems with their economy. Among these is Australia, a country most people forget about other than their occasional dinner at the Outback, but...
The Celtic tiger and its impact on life in Ireland
Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education
While some may say the advancement and growth of technology in Ireland is a more recent development, say within the last decade, it can actually be traced back to the 1950's. Many people still think of Ireland as a group of country farmers and small town people, but it is quite the opposite. The...
The four drivers of global warming
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Global warming is recognized by scientists and most world governments as a major climate event that is currently happening. There has been much debate about its causes, which come from many factors and not all of which are known. Several major contributing factors have been identified, however....
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Model Cities Act: A case study in working Congress
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
Cast into the Presidency on the heels of the Kennedy assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson was affirmed in office in 1964 by a landslide electoral victory. The Vietnam War was not yet the incendiary quagmire it would become later in his term, and Johnson was free to put his energies and his...
Irradiated foods: Safe or not?
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Radiation is used by the food industry to ensure that food is not contaminated by bacteria that will cause it to spoil. Subject of public discussion since the 1980s, the process has become increasingly common in the last decade. Along with this, the public has become concerned that irradiated...
Effects of alcoholism
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Alcoholism is addiction to alcohol. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence defines alcoholism as "a chronic disease characterized by impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking."...
Development of Virginia Slavery
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
A portion of the rationalization of the "peculiar institution" of slavery in colonial America was predicated upon legal argumentation. While complex social, economic and cultural factors also played significant roles in that rationalization, this paper focuses on the legal thought that informed...
Parental discourses in sexual education
Thesis - 19 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Teen pregnancy is a pressing crisis throughout the world, the United States, and Knox County. A gap in expectations between which topics parents should address and which schools should address may be partially to blame; while most parents believe that they should be the loudest voice in their...
The internet as a postmodern pastiche
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Internet, like postmodernism, is what Berger would call a slippery bar of soap: once you think you've defined it, the definition escapes. It is simultaneously a thing, a place, an idea, a self-sustaining entity, and a tool, existing everywhere and nowhere at the same time and constantly...
An overview of family planning
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Knox women will soon have access to more affordable reproductive care near campus, as a new contract is drafted between the college and Family Planning. The new deal is the product of months of administrative confusion and mis-communication. In the past, Knox had an agreement with Family...
Tourism at Amana
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The cover story of the current issue of Wilkommen, a seasonal guide for tourists visiting the Amana colonies, is titled Past Shapes Present Amana Colonies. Turn the page, and the inside cover is a collection of ads for old-timey businesses like the Amana Stone Hearth Bakery and the...
Dancing rabbit eco-village: The pros and cons of publicity
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
One dilemma that faced intentional communities of the 19th century was balancing the communards' desire for their own, secluded place and their drive to educate the rest of society by example. Dancing Rabbit, an experimental intentional community, is taking a decidedly 21st century approach to...
Native American identities and adaptations: Identity vs. adaptation: Manoomin and the biotech industry
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In the migration story of the Anishinaabeg, prophets told the tribe to follow a shell in the sky from near the Pacific Ocean to a land where the food grows on the water [LaDuke 2007]. There, the Anishinaabeg, named Ojibwe or Chippewa by whites, found manoomin, which the whites named...
Ways in which the crumbling economy might be endangering Galesburg's social services
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
To explore that idea further, I read Common Sense and the Collaborative Production of Class by Celine-Marie Pascale. When I walked into Hulick's office and asked how her job had changed in the wake of the economic downturn, she told me that it really hadn't. Galesburg's social...
Amy is a fake name. There's probably a dignified way to say that
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The rate of sexually transmitted infections in Knox County is getting higher and higher, and the age of those afflicted by them is getting lower and lower, according to the Knox County Health Department - In 2005, 81% of Knox County residents diagnosed with Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were...
The World is Flat: A review
Book review - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Thomas Friedman is, primarily, a columnist for the New York Times. Lately, his newspaper work has focused on the Bush administration and the war in the Middle East. He writes incisive, critical, analytical columns that ask questions about the way our country is handling itself in the rest of the...
World on fire: A review
Book review - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Most reasonably educated, marginally politically aware Americans know by now that the world hates us. It's hard to missdemonstrations in France, terrorism from the Middle East, and comments made worldwide after September 11 that we got what we deserved all point to the fact that...
The world as a Polder
Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general
Globalization is a two-sided coin. It seems that for every problem it solves, it creates a new one. On the other hand, for many of the problems it creates, it can enable a solution. To call globalization a positive force for the environment because it can fix the problems that globalization...
Ethnography: Self and citizenship in inaugural speeches
Thesis - 5 pages - Political science
People of my generation have largely learned to distrust the government. The past eight years of conservative leadership have taught us, both by example and by policy, that the idea of government as of the people, by the people, and for the people, as Abraham Lincoln described it, is a fallacy....
Does Senate really work? A discussion
Thesis - 7 pages - Political science
According to the Knox College Student Senate Constitution, Student Senate is the supreme governing body in matters related to non-academic student life on campus, and the official representative of the student body to the faculty, administration, and staff. Its charge is...
Plow creek: Commune or neighborhood?
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Plow Creek community has gone through significant changes in the past 20 years or so. In the 28 years of her residence, Louise Stahnke has seen a lot of them. She saw the shaming and exile of a community leader who, as she put it, abused the sexual and financial trust that...
American marriage and family: The final
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In The Mommy Tax, Ann Crittenden discussed the fact that, unlike countries like France, America has no real infrastructure to protect women workers. While some countries view producing good children as a contribution to the nation, America doesn't measure things that way: France...
Can society overcome the harsh realities of everyday life over dream-like aspirations to live the perfect life?
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Although Grace Metalious seems to mock the town and the people of Peyton Place in the novel, hypocrisy is a theme intended to draw the line between the ideal, seemingly perfect life Americans strive to live in and the reality of the life they face instead. When characters and their actions can...
Essay- 'The myth and facts about Cat'
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The exact time of appearance of the first cat, on Earth is not known to man. It is believed to be a descendant of an animal, resembling the modern-day weasel called the Miacis, an extinct carnivore, whose fossils were recovered dating back to 65.5 million years, is also considered to be the...
Hyderabad - The city of pearls
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Now the capital of Indian state Andhra Pradesh, this city was founded in 1592. This city was discovered by Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah, a ruler of the Qutb Shahi dynasty on the banks of the Musi River in 1591. It was this ruler who ordered the construction of Charminar one of the famous monuments of...
The tourism industry in India and the current status
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Tourism is an activity that takes place when people move to some other place for leisure or business & stay at least for 24 hours. Tourism as a form of education is a part of civilized existence. Tourism involves the stay of nonresidents in that area other than that usual place of residence, the...