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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

15 Mar 2010

Vietnam and Iraq - A study in comparison/contrast

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Aside from the short-lived Desert Storm conflict in the early 90's, the United States has been involved in two prolonged wars in the past fifty years, wars which bear striking resemblances. One has to wonder if our governmental leaders, with all of their touted experience, simply choose to...

15 Mar 2010

Radio and regulation

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

When Congress passed the Radio Act of 1927, it was striving to curtail the chaos that had overtaken the American radio industry. An explosion of stations competing for limited space on the airwaves had created an unstable situation. It also sought to put controls on what could be broadcast,...

15 Mar 2010

Crime and Italian identity

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The story of the Italian American experience after World War Two has been one of paradox, the move towards assimilation with the mainstream, and dealing with the feeling of regret of the younger generations of having lost many of the visible markers of Italian American identity. As...

15 Mar 2010

An essay on communication

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This 2004 conversation between American humorist P.J. O'Rourke and former Secretary of State Colin Powell (when he was still in the office), reveals how conversation is, as the book Bridges Not Walls puts it, “a process.” O'Rourke begins the conversation with the expectation that it is...

15 Mar 2010

Capitalism, democracy and power

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

Both James Madison and Karl Marx can be considered “democrats”; however both vastly differ on their theories and understanding of democracy and government on a wide spectrum of issues. If Karl Marx were to be asked his opinion of Madison's Federalist#10 in the post-Paris Commune time,...

11 Mar 2010

Lesbians and butch-femme relationships

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Homosexual relationships have existed since the beginning of time, however, acceptance of such relationships in the modern era has not been so forthcoming, as was the welcoming atmosphere in ancient Greece. Lesbianism appeared to be a somewhat accepted practice until Victorian social mores began...

11 Mar 2010

Native American's in United States of America

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

From the 1850's to the 1890's the Indian question became an issue of discord in America. The main query was what exactly was to be done with the Native Americans, whose time had far exceeded any time the new Americans had been in the United States. The Americans' qualm with the Native Americans...

11 Mar 2010

The female minority

Thesis - 3 pages - Political science

The overarching issue to female representation in government lies in the lack of women running for public office. Most politically involved American women often face the inferior circumstances. There is a real disparity between male and female politicians. When women run, they win at similar...

11 Mar 2010

The feminization of poverty & political programs

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the United States (and the rest of the world) women have been faced with the phenomenon of the “feminization of poverty”. Starting in the 1960s and 70s, female headed households accounted for a growing proportion of those below the poverty line. A considerable majority of these women...

11 Mar 2010

The power of power

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

In The President, Miguel Angel Asturias depicts a society in which all aspects of life are manipulated by a ruthless, tyrannical President. In the book, the President has control over all facets of daily life through his employment of a corrupt secret police; “A network of invisible...

11 Mar 2010

Time for change

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

From its founding days, the American political system has been one plagued with the daunting process of electing a president every four years. To ease the uncertainties and difficulties inherent with the task, the political founders of the United States compromised to establish the Electoral...

11 Mar 2010

I, Rigoberta Menchu

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

I, Rigoberta Menchu, is a depiction of the socially and politically powerless indigenous population in Guatemala, presented from a female point of view. The book details the daily rituals, customs, and traditions of the Indian community. Menchu, speaks as the voice for her community. She...

11 Mar 2010

Haiti: A brief report

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In its early years as a wealthy French colony Haiti was the envy of European imperial powers; however, in the last two centuries it has undergone a major transformation from a blooming Caribbean colony to an economically, socially, environmentally, and politically troubled nation. Since the slave...

11 Mar 2010

Of mice and women

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Ancient China is often lauded as one of the longest lasting influences on modern civilization. Through the ages, China remained a stable driving force in the gradual culmination of our modern world. It would take thousands of years before the last Chinese dynasty would be destroyed. Clearly...

11 Mar 2010

A proposed solution for the operation of a center to alleviate the problem of homelessness

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The present report is a preliminary research report into the problem of homelessness. An in-depth look at the problem of homelessness is detailed with precise statistics along with an exposition of the social implications of this problem. Root causes are identified and discussed and existing...

11 Mar 2010

Pranayam in Yoga

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The practice of Pranayam involves minimizing the movement of the body and focusing on the movement of breath. Moving the body is discouraged in Pranayam as it can disturb our control over the flow of our breath therefore the focus in Pranayam is on achieving physiological and psychological...

11 Mar 2010

Different types of Yoga

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The literal meaning of the word Yoga is integration or “To unite”, “To connect”, “To join”, “To combine”, or “To integrate”. In these senses Yoga represents a process through which one can learn how to live in most holistic way. It therefore...

11 Mar 2010

The camera

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Nothing could be a greater myth than the blind belief that expensive cameras take better photographs. In fact, it is the man behind the camera that is important. Invariably, professional photographers are quizzed about the equipment they use. Sophisticated and expensive cameras are used for very...

11 Mar 2010

Close-up, wide-angle and telephotography

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is true that many fields of photography are of interest to specialists only equipped with very sophisticated cameras and equipment, but it is also true that much can be attained with what one already possesses. An amateur can broaden the scope of his work more by his think process and...

11 Mar 2010

Proto-capitalism and the Edo to Meiji Era transition

Thesis - 8 pages - Political science

In 1868, the Tokugawa Bakufu that had ruled Japan since its creation in 1603 came to an end, ushering in a new era known as the Meiji Restoration. This new era would see massive industrialization in Japan, modernization, and an influx of all things Western. To the West, and indeed to some...

10 Mar 2010

Britain's industrial revolution: Social consequences and the plight of the working class

Thesis - 9 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The late 18th century was a period of revolutions, which is why for many it was a time of change and uncertainty. The American colonists had achieved their independence from Britain and the French had overthrown their monarchy and the nobility during this time period. In Britain however,...

04 Mar 2010

The red cross visit to Theresienstadt on June 23, 1944

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

International human rights showcase themselves prevalently within world events and human atrocities. Throughout the course of history, the Holocaust has been one of said atrocities that has provided the largest impact and amount of remembrance of them all. As one of the most influential world...

28 Feb 2010

A comparison of the drug policy

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

It is undoubtedly certain that drug control specifically that of illegal substances, plays an important role in each countries governmental infrastructure. The use and abuse of illicit substances can have a great effect on a countries people and it is therefore important for these drugs to be...

28 Feb 2010

Ethical dimensions of pediatric palliative care

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In San Leandro, California, a Hamptons-style estate complete with a meditation sanctuary, rose garden, rustic fireplaces and a mural in every bedroom, is about to open to the public. Yet the George Mark Children's House, similar to the Canuck Place in Canada and others in London, has one...

28 Feb 2010

From population to policy growth: Colombian-Venezuelan migration patterns

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In Venezuela, immigration has been characterized by the import of foreign workers. Premised by the status of their economy, immigration in Venezuela has been a product of their sense of stability and a response to their demands for success. Venezuela's attempts to achieve a level of immigration...

28 Feb 2010

The truth about Argentina's dirty war

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Like most Latin American countries, Argentina bears a turbulent record of political and social history. Yet perhaps nothing has left a more significant blemish on Argentina than their dirty war. Beginning in 1976, when Videla took over Peron's presidency, Argentina's dirty war developed through...

28 Feb 2010

Raising obesity awareness in Latinos

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Obesity has grown to epidemic proportions in the American population, and some of the greatest sufferers are those that are not even native to the United States. Latino Americans are the fastest growing minority group in the United States, yet as their quantity and presence continue to rise, so...

28 Feb 2010

A study on jazz music

Thesis - 12 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Music frequently requires more than one performer to be created. Perhaps two or more musicians are required, each playing a “part” - without the presence of all the musicians, the song would be incomplete. Perhaps one musician will accompany a singer, each performing distinct but...

28 Feb 2010

The social division of America

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Imagine an entire civilization being driven away from their homeland and placed in an anonymous environment. Families, friends, and loved ones are disconnected, abused, and murdered for nameless reasons. Unfortunately, these events occurred to the Native Americans and Africans in early American...

28 Feb 2010

The destructive effects of abortion

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Imagine someone stabbing your head with scissors and abruptly pulling your skull out. A suction device is inserted inside your head which evacuates your skull contents. Your body is then cut up into small pieces and thrown away like an empty pop can. Pretty picture right? Well unfortunately,...