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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

26 Mar 2010

Béla Bartók and national style

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

At the turn of the century, in the midst of Hungary's so-called “Golden Age,” Budapest and the country at large were going through monumental changes. Since the Compromise of 1867 Hungary had been succeeding in shedding its image as a backward, under-developed and unsophisticated...

25 Mar 2010

Clausewitzian theory, application and its relevance in a modern context of warfare

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Carl von Clausewitz was an active theorist, writing extensively on the history and philosophy of military warfare. His most famous and widely read book, On War (Vom Kriege,) was published after his death in 1832. It was written in response to, and impacted by, the Napoleonic Wars, which dominated...

25 Mar 2010

Why proportional representation will never come to Canada

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Canada developed its political structure with the British parliamentary system as a guide. As our country is ever-changing so too is our political landscape. As a result, questions have arisen as to whether a new system of voter representation should be instituted in Canada. Historically, as a...

25 Mar 2010

How to solve violence as part of the greater endemic in rural Africa

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“Structural Violence is part of an overwhelmingly dominant and hegemonic force when it comes to the world's poorest and disenfranchised. ” There is a correlation between poverty, social unrest and governmental mismanagement and an increased number of HIV/AIDS throughout a nation. All of...

25 Mar 2010

Canada as a global leader to lessen the gap between wealthy and poor nations

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

In 2006 there were malnourished people living in eighty countries around the globe. During this same period, as the world experiences its greatest wealth ever in history, 40 000 people, daily, die from hunger. With such a staggering disparity the world can no longer question if inequality...

25 Mar 2010

The choice to uphold same-sex unions in Canada

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Civil benefits namely health care, rights to inheritance and family privileges have often been denied to partners in same-sex unions. Without being given the right to marriage, same-sex couples are not protected, in equal manner as heterosexual couples, under the law. On 20 July 2005 Canada...

25 Mar 2010

Pop culture as art, the images and artists of pop art

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Following the Second World War, popular art became dominated by images of popular culture. While it can be said that all art is a reflection of its period and all artists voices of their generation, pop art is so wholly owned by the post-war period it is impossible to separate the time from the...

25 Mar 2010

Vienna austria, a 'global city' - published: 25/03/2010

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Vienna is the capital city of the Republic of Austria in the heart of Central Europe. Vienna is also the name of one of the nine state provinces, the rest of which are divided throughout Austria. The official language of the country is German and it is spoken in all of the nine states. Vienna, or...

25 Mar 2010

Music and the generational divide within youth of the Middle East - published: 25/03/2010

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Western culture has infiltrated all corners of globe. Even in Iran, where government officials went to great lengths to preserve their cultural autonomy, pop music created for an Iranian audience is written in English. The identity of Muslim youth is repeatedly combated by examples of Western,...

25 Mar 2010

Monetary struggle of sending Canadian students to university

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For children of single-parent homes economic stress is likely a daily concern, one that does not dissipate with age. The average cost of full-time undergraduate tuition in Ontario is 4 558$ per year, on average. This does not include the cost of living, or dormitory expenses or materials for...

25 Mar 2010

Importance of the family structure in a child's life

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For a child, the family structure is their only understanding of society and of relationships. A child rarely interacts with society, unless it is through his or her family. A child is wholly reliant upon family to provide friends, shelter, food, entertainment and love. Families, as such, have...

25 Mar 2010

Surrogacy: Liberating or limiting?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Does surrogacy turn women into “reproductive vessels? ” Does it liberate women to use their body as they choose, or are women becoming pawns in a scientific experiment? In the essay, Surrogate Motherhood: The Challenge for Feminists, the author, Lori B. Andrews, looks at the conflicting...

25 Mar 2010

Solar energy as a viable commercial and industrial power source - published: 25/03/2010

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In almost all nations of the world, save for a few oil rich regions in the Middle East and Northern portions of North America, energy has to be purchased and imported. This is a system that leaves many countries without self-sufficiency and will likely bankrupt their governments. The needs for...

24 Mar 2010

Films in a camera

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

A film is a basic tool for recording images in a camera. It is a flexible, transparent base, coated with light-sensitive emulsion containing silver halide crystals. When a black-and-white film is processed, silver halide crystals which had been exposed to light get reduced to black particles of...

24 Mar 2010

Copying in photography

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Copying in Photography means faithful reproduction of an original document or picture by photographic means. The original can be a printed matter, handwritten document, drawings or continuous-tone originals like photographs, charts, engravings, paintings etc. This aspect of photography is not...

24 Mar 2010

Outline and critique the role of the Supreme Court in the American political system

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

This remark from a future Chief justice of the United States Supreme Court highlights both the major place of the Constitution and of the Supreme Court in the American political system. The Constitution is a symbol of nationhood for the Americans, the reference on how to run their system. The...

24 Mar 2010

The hurdles that a prospective presidential candidate must overcome to become her/his party's presidential nominee

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

The road to the White House is a long and difficult one which leads to the most powerful and eminent political function in the topical world. The Founding Fathers gave particular attention to the presidential election, prescribing the electoral system, but they did not define any nominating...

24 Mar 2010

Is multiculturalism bad for women?

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

For a long time, minorities have been expected to get totally assimilated to the dominant culture. Persistent differences and accusation of oppression or cultural imperialism lead the Western countries to seek new ways of cohabitation. Nonetheless, clashes occur between liberal values and...

24 Mar 2010

Radical republicans abandoned women seeking rights after the Civil War

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

After the Civil War, women for the most part were abandoned by the Republican Party. Women's rights have always been closely linked to not only civil rights but human rights in general. The purpose of this paper is to take a closer look at why this abandoning took place. The purpose of this...

24 Mar 2010

The discourses of psychology and history

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

As students are still required to take courses outside of their chosen discipline until working at a post-graduate level, students will find that different disciplines have vastly differing approaches to their own studies. It is difficult to place a quantitative value on the effectiveness of...

24 Mar 2010

Gun control in the US

Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

In the U.S, the deaths resulting from gun violence is single handedly one of the biggest epidemics known to the Western world. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the need for gun control as well as to discuss facts and statistics about gun violence and gun possession. For most who feel...

24 Mar 2010

Is feminist-multiculturalism a contradiction in terms?

Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education

“Women are the only oppressed group in our society that lives in intimate association with their oppressors.” Evelyn Cunningham The concept of feminist-multiculturalism supposes the combination of two doctrines: feminism and multiculturalism, both fighting for rights and equality....

24 Mar 2010

Politics in the Western European states

Thesis - 6 pages - Political science

‘A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time ' . It is with these words that Alfred Wiggam describes the conservative ideology. This prevalent negative perception of conservatism explains that not many European parties claim themselves as...

24 Mar 2010

An evaluation of the accounts on political authority in Hobbes and Locke

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

Since the beginning of time, the issue of authority has been discussed. From God, to absolute Sovereigns and until democratic parliaments, different outlooks on political power and its holder have been developed and applied. These theories have been fought or defended, they have given birth to...

24 Mar 2010

The role of the State Head

Thesis - 2 pages - Political science

The term head of the state generally represents a figure who symbolizes the continuity and legitimacy of the state above the day-to-day political division. Traditionally, different functions are linked to him: international representation of the state, law promulgation, nomination of the major...

24 Mar 2010

The evolution of the European Community / Union over the last 50 years

Thesis - 5 pages - European union

Fifty years after the Treaties of Rome (1957), the European Union has deeply evolved. From a regional economic cooperation, it has become a major international actor looking for re-launching its Constitutional process. If the European cooperation was a revolutionary concept after more than a...

24 Mar 2010

The separation of powers, checks and balances in the United States

Thesis - 5 pages - Political science

The American Constitution is the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.' It is with these words that William Gladstone describes the Supreme Law of the United States. This famous document, written by the Founding Fathers and ratified in 1789, is the...

24 Mar 2010

What is state terrorism? How would it be possible to differ it from authoritarian policies to enforce law and order?

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Kofi Annan's words reveal how important and central the fight against terrorism is in pacifying international relations and protecting human beings across the world. That also shows to what extent we are all concerned by this threat. However, the international community still meets difficulties...

24 Mar 2010

Changes in principal macroeconomic variables over the course of a business cycle and the attempts of the government to control the fluctuations in pursuit of macroeconomic objectives

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

An upturn takes place after a recession and is almost like the recovery stage after the slide. Inflation is at a low level and growth in GDP is beginning start again. Interest rates are low which means there is more borrowing in the economy which means more money for businesses to invest and a...

24 Mar 2010

Common-pool resources in Bolivia

Thesis - 2 pages - Economy general

The age of neoliberalism has posed a threat to the development of communal organization and the success of common-pool resources. The “tragedy of the commons” is the presumed fate of common-pool resources, in which they are either privatized or appropriated by the national government...