Managing hotel occupancy in times of economic and financial crisis: Region Bulgaria
Tutorials/exercises - 24 pages - Economy general
This student dissertation addresses managing hotel occupancy in Bulgaria during the financial and economic crisis. Bulgarian hospitality industry is among the sectors which were severely affected by the global financial and economic crisis. This paper analyses the current condition of the...
The global economic crisis and its impact on economy of Finland: The case of Nokia corporation
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
The global economy is experiencing the impact of an unprecedented economic downturn which began in the United States and spread all over the world. This paper provides an overview of the impact of the global crisis on the economy of Finland in 2008 and 2009. The course work analysis the...
The global economic crisis and its impact on the German economy: The case of Strabag AG
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
The world economy is going through a very difficult period. The global economic crisis which began in the USA with the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market, spread to the rest of the world. After the US, Europe was the first to experience the negative impact of the crisis. This paper...
Bulgaria and European Union: A research report
Tutorials/exercises - 22 pages - European union
The development of a global financial market transforms the individual countries' and domestic capital markets into connected single financial environment, where investors can take advantage of numerous investment opportunities. The dynamic growth and gradual integration of the Bulgarian capital...
Bulgaria in the European Union: A framework (proposal) of the dissertation
Essay - 2 pages - European union
Bulgaria joined the European Union in 2007 - shortly before the world was hit by the global financial and economic crisis. The situation turned into an unprecedented challenge for the new Member State. The aim of this dissertation is to provide us with sufficient information about the current...
The development of emerging markets over the past 20 years
Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general
In 2007, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in emerging countries was over 50% of global GDP. Today, the world is divided into four categories of countries: rich countries, those with average income and rapid growth, those with average income and slow growth, and poor countries. Emerging markets...
The economic development of the world since 1945
Thesis - 8 pages - Economy general
Since 1945, the world has experienced a period of growth which, although slowed down since 1973, has nevertheless continued until today. However, the size, pace and character of this growth has changed over a period of time and is different for different countries. What factors explain this...
Urbanization of the world
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In 2008, the global urban population outnumbered the rural population. Urbanization is characterized by the growth and development of cities in comparison to rural areas. The term urban previously referred to as savoir vivre, that is the organization of a specific lifestyle in accordance to the...
The future of China in a global context
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
The People's Republic of China, more commonly known as China is over 9.6 million square kilometers and accounts for more than one fifth of the global population. China is also a demographic giant as this country has more than 1.3 billion people. Beijing, the capital of china, is one of the...
Two centuries of economic growth: Europe chasing the American frontier (Robert J Gordon)
Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general
This paper deals with the gap between the economic developments of the United States with respect to the main Western European Countries in the last two centuries. In the mid-nineteenth century, Europe and the U.S. had similar GDP and productivity levels. However, over a period of time the...
Mankiw's ten principles of economics
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
Economic principles refer to the ideas that govern the principles of economic life. According to Harvard Professor N. Gregory Mankiw, these principles may be consolidated under 10 heads and refers to how the economy works and what factors influence the economic decisions of people....
Social problems: The issues faced by young girls
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The District of Pau is composed of the Region Unit and two branches. Each branch consists of a multidisciplinary team consisting of social service assistants, secretaries, doctors, nurses, nursery nurses, midwives, specialist teachers, social counselors, family economists and psychologists,...
Cultural theory in the liberal world: A review
Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Critics of cultural theory espoused that it has become irrelevant in the modern age where terrorism (Eagleton, 2004 cited in Smith 2004), among others abounds. Further, they argued that it was not effective in dealing with the issues of morality, metaphysics, love, religion, revolution,...
Dooms day in Europe
Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general
The advent of globalization has significantly reduced the international trade barriers. However, we have fallen prey to a host of other related issues as well. One major issue is the recent financial crisis which was triggered off by the stock market crash of January 21, 2008. It started off with...
Culture and nonverbal communication
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The word culture is difficult to define, due to the subjectivity that lies in it. This means that the perception of the concept differs from person to person. The various disciplines that helped to interpret the concept are etymology, philosophy and sociology. Culture can be defined as socially...
An overview of the World Bank
Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general
In April 2007, a scandal broke out around the president of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz. He had granted a salary increase of nearly 50% in 2005 to his girlfriend, Shaha Ali Riza. This salary hike was double the amount allowed under the employee guidelines. Beyond the depravity of the character,...
Free trade in the global scenario
Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general
After the English Economist David Ricardo proposed the theory of comparative advantages, economists were confident of the superiority of free trade that they called it a 'law'. However, for the last twenty years, free trade has been questioned. This questioning trend has its roots in the...
The need to protect the U.S. banking sector
Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general
The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD,) presented its analysis of the American financial crisis in the summer of 2008 as The turmoil faced by the financial markets is increasingly showing signs of calming down. Contrary to this optimistic forecast, the U.S....
Presidential leadership and social theory
Thesis - 9 pages - Political science
People operate under the guidance, influence, or command exerted by another person or entity throughout their daily lives. From employers to family to religion, many aspects of our lives fall under the authority of some outside structure and. Although we may share a number of commonalities with...
Native Americans and culture
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Native Americans have a past that is deeply rooted in the history of their culture. For Pauline Puyat to be raised in the world as an orphan is a slap in the face to her heritage; she does not feel connected to her heritage as thoroughly as if her parents raised her to believe in the Chippewa...
Arab-Israeli conflict: From Copenhagen to Beijing and Washington to Jerusalem: American-Israeli relations cooling off
Thesis - 12 pages - International relations
Since the dawn of the industrial revolution there have been two consistent interlocking themes behind Middle Eastern-Great Power interactions. First, Great Powers have a tendency to view the Middle East as a strategic commodity, because of its geographic location and vital natural resources....
Partisan politics and principles
Thesis - 3 pages - Political science
Without a doubt modern politics in the United States has become more polarized than ever. In Ron Brownstein's recently published The Second Civil War, he argues that through the previous centuries actions we have allowed our political system to become the most partisan it has ever been. This...
The supreme courts and the progressive shift
Thesis - 3 pages - Political science
Prior to the New Deal, the Supreme Court viewed individual natural rights as the most important liberties. Since then, the Supreme Court has enlarged government involvement, restricted liberties of private property and has created government regulations to protect and equalize social and economic...
The right to freedom of speech
Thesis - 2 pages - Political science
As Americans, freedom of speech is one of the rights we cherish most. In recent times, this freedom of speech has been called into question. Namely, where it may occur and what we are allowed to say. In the court cases Harper v. Poway and Doe v. University of Michigan, the justices examined these...
Rights in conflict
Thesis - 2 pages - Political science
The founding era of the United States is often regarded as the great moment, what some have called the perfect time between Machiavelli and Kant. There was however a great divide that stretches through the centuries until today. This divide is based on the power and strength of our constitutional...
Virtue ethics & abortion
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Virtue ethics is a complex theory. It focuses on analyzing the values that are instilled in any given human being at birth, the values they learn through contact with the outside world, family, friends, co-workers, school teachers and other relationships, principles and scenarios they encounter...
Crime and the media
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The American criminal justice system uses deterrence to curb criminal behavior. Our current criminal system enforces crime control by emphasizing the imprisonment of dangerous offenders in hopes that it will deter future criminals. This plan is dated and flawed, because in this millennium,...
The internet and its effects on the income earned by music artists'
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The U.S. record industry has taken a major drop in overall value over the last 15 years. The industry as a whole, worth $14.6 billion in 1999, is now only worth $8.5 billion (RIAA - Key). CD sales are also at record lows, while digital downloads, song and album downloads from the...
The housing market and the real estate industry in the United Kingdom
Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general
The housing market today stands out as the sorted out scope of business venture which caters to the needs of a variety of customers, whose participation is been increasing over a period of time with big players dominating the market. Housing is one of the most basic necessities and such a...
Education and the American dream: Breakdown in Mann's report
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
After gaining independence, USA began to face new challenges in its new found land. With the increase in population, more problems were faced in securing the prosperity and well being for the citizens. How and in what manner should the government enact upon to secure these unalienable rights that...