Hostage negotiations
Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education
A critical review of what has been written about hostage negotiation reveals that there are two distinct types of hostage taking: kidnapping and sieges (Giebels, Noelanders & Vervaeke, 2005). Regardless of the context under which an individual is taken hostage however, Giebels and coworkers go on...
Historical background and analysis of Mexico's economy
Thesis - 10 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Learning from Mexico's past could provide for a great future, it is a matter of implementation, dedication and a devotion to right the wrongs, and an appreciation that building for the future is worth the sacrifices of today. Mexico's economic history provides for a confounding topic of interest....
Effects of new labor's bill on tuition fee and income inequalities
Tutorials/exercises - 30 pages - Social, moral & civic education
New Labor's bill on tuition fees will ensure that students will face the prospect of leaving university with a debt of approximately £15000. Universities will be given leave to increase their tuition fees to around £3000 a year. The reforms which have been announced have been met with mixed...
Male aging and sexuality
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Popular culture is inundated with sexual enhancing medications promising everything from the correction of erectile dysfunction to allowing increased enthusiasm and rejuvenation in the bedroom. If one were to non-scientifically analyze the portrayal of middle-aged and late-middle-aged sexual...
Culture and order: All sweetness and light
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Culture and Anarchy, Matthew Arnold's series of essays comment on the status of culture throughout the late nineteenth century. Arnold saw culture as the pursuit of total perfection. It was then, he believed, the practice of all to accept that perfection and further achieve it...
A letter to the United Nations commission on human rights
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
This is a letter asking you to consider the long-standing whaling conflict around the Makah tribe, in Northwest United States, as a human rights violation. The case has the potential to greatly impact the day-to-day lives of many Makah people, and to determine the continuation of a significant...
Lucid dream: Hybrid state and REM sleep
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Although we have a good understanding of the neurobiology that regulates REM sleep (Rem-on versus Rem-off cells), we poorly understand how such a system is able to trick the brain into thinking that its endogenous stimulation (dream) arouses from external stimulation. More precisely, how REM...
Moments at the shoulder during work at a coffee shop using only available materials
Thesis - 4 pages - Social, moral & civic education
I thought it would be fun to tackle this problem with only the equipment that I had on hand on a typical day studying. I did this at the Tierra Coffee Shop in Coralville. I first imaged my position as I sat in the booth with my laptop (since this is the position I normally assume when studying)....
Racial and ethnic disparities focusing on language barriers
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Overcoming language barriers to health care is crucial for the well being of millions of immigrants in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau News, as of July 1, 2006, Hispanics remained the largest minority group with 44 million, accounting for about 14.8 percent of the total...
The epidemic of unemployment among immigrants
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In times of economic uncertainty, immigrants feel the wave of monetary downturn stronger than any other socio-economic group. Minimum wage and unemployment rates for immigrants rise higher than any other group, as well. This negative relationship for immigrants is not a North American-specific...
Solar energy as a viable commercial and industrial power source
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
In almost all nations of the world, save for a few oil rich regions in the Middle East and Northern portions of North America, energy has to be purchased and imported. This is a system that leaves many countries without self-sufficiency and will likely bankrupt their governments. The needs for...
Music and the generational divide within youth of the Middle East
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Western culture has infiltrated all corners of globe. Even in Iran, where government officials went to great lengths to preserve their cultural autonomy, pop music created for an Iranian audience is written in English. The identity of Muslim youth is repeatedly combated by examples of Western,...
J.M.S Careless, metropolitanism and the Canadian imagination: A paradigm analysis
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The Canadian state sits outside of our popular conception of ourselves. Certainly, we as Canadian like to imagine ourselves as inhabiting a vast pristine wilderness of gorgeous mountain tops and uninterrupted prairie - and yet, this popular imaging of Canada bears little resemblance to the...
Why race matters
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
A great deal of discussion takes place in our society which is centered on race as an important component of social inequality. This essay will examine how race is both a myth and a reality. Why is race part of all our social locations, whether we recognize...
Democratic political development
Thesis - 2 pages - Political science
The discussion of democratic political development in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Empire is interesting and it begs the question: did the Soviet model of social and political organization add anything to our understanding of democracy, and what were the advantages and costs of the system?...
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The notion of religion is about as old as humanity itself, and because of this, it is not unusual to study how the different historical periods have affected religion. For the purposes of this paper, we will be looking specifically at how modernity has affected religion, and how religion has...
Consumption and environmental degradation
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The world's consensus on the status of the environment is shifting now, more than ever, into one of concern. As the years have passed pass, especially throughout the last decade or two, we have all seen our environment continue to get more depleted. The earth is warming, the oceans are...
Afrocentric schools
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The issue of Afrocentric schools is one that is interesting in the broader debate about public education because it incorporates elements of race in a way that has not been done in a long time. The Toronto District School Board, in a special meeting in January of 2008 voted slightly in favor of...
Conflict theories and models
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
There is a fundamental difference in the way consensus and conflict theorists view the very nature of modern society and societal relations, such as class relations, the role of conflict for change and the distribution of power. Generally, the world used the structural functionalist or consensus...
The so called counter culture
Thesis - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Ohio, considered to be the epitome of mediocrity of the United States, has Columbus as the capital. One would think it not difficult to be part of the counter culture around here. It is harder than most would think, most likely because of the fact that you are in Ohio. It is increasingly harder...
The school of Athens, Rafael
Thesis - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Rafael's painting The School of Athens is a representation of the bridge between classical and the contemporary thought of the renaissance. The connection is shown by placing the great artists and thinkers of the renaissance in the place of the great philosophers of ancient Greece. This coincides...
Myspace, Walmart and Barthes's reading of myth and history
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
How does myth function? What does myth do? How can we understand myth through a new lens and perhaps become aware of its influence and messages? Since myth can function through a kind of subliminal presentation Barthes's Myth Today provides a system of analysis that allows us to read...
Africanisms in America
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Joseph E. Holloway describes Africanisms as those elements of culture found in the New World that are traceable to an African origin (Holloway 2). In my opinion, Africanisms are the traditions and cultural behaviors of African Americans that resemble the traditions and cultures of...
Adult education program
Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Many companies recognize the need for continuous adult education also known as learning and development for employee development. Human capital is one of the key assets in an organization. Development of human capital brings out the best in its people for better business results and attainment of...
Astral projection via dreams: Physical body connected to astral body by silver cord
Thesis - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Astral projection most often occurs during sleep. Some people consciously perform astral projection. Sometimes information is brought back from the astral trip and then verified. The physical body is connected to the etheric body (or astral body) by a cord. This cord connection is referred to as...
Why do ghosts wear clothes?
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Why do ghosts wear clothes? Why are they seen the way they are? Are they discarnate spirits of the dead? When the human body ceases to function, are they merely bundles of energy let loose in the air? Or are they simply residual images that are left behind on the atmosphere of somewhere like an...
Analysis of work-related conflict and negotiation scenario responses
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The following document will outline a specific instance of work-related conflict, as well as personal responses to the conflict. Through the analysis, I will identify the multiple components of the conflict, as well as the possible strategies for diffusing it. The conflict involves my employment...
War on terrorism
Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are different in many ways, however they both are based upon a war on terrorism. Following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11th, 2001, the United States declared a war upon terrorism. Following this declaration,...
Marriage and family in America
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
In general, blacks and Hispanics are more likely to date or cohabit than they are to marry, although their expectations for marriage tend to be the same. Minorities tend to view cohabitation as more of a replacement for marriage than a precursor to it. This is largely due to the tendency of...
Maintaining the feminine image while shedding the feminine role
Thesis - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education
Body image is an ongoing issue that is increasing women's awareness about their body and looks in society's culture today. According to our Beauty is the Beast article, Ambrose Bierce is quoted as saying, To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he...