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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

18 Oct 2024

How Effective Have Peace Operations Become in Resolving Conflicts?

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Peace operations have become one of the most paramount foreign policy instruments the international community relies on to establish lasting peace and stability worldwide. These multipurpose actions, taken by an organization composed of the United Nations (UN), have been changed significantly in...

18 Oct 2024

Leadership in Diverse Development Contexts

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The Global Development Initiative (GDI) is one of the most influential participants in the complex world of global development, as it strives to catalyze the transformational process for many low- and middle-income countries and development sectors. The projects of the Global Development...

18 Oct 2024

Definition of Intergovernmental Administration in the United States and the Practice of Intergovernmental Administration

Essay - 5 pages - Political science

The dynamics of governance in the United States are mainly attributed to the federalism system, which the Constitution established, and hence power is divided between the federal government and the states, with each having different authority. As seen under this framework, intergovernmental...

18 Oct 2024

Understanding the Russia-Georgia (2008) Using Realism and Liberalism

Case study - 4 pages - International relations

War, the sad reality of human history, frequently stems from a complex binding of geopolitical, economic, and ideological factors. The 2008 Russia-Georgia war confirms this fact. Territorial disputes, power struggles, and regional tensions characterize this confrontation. The situation in the war...

18 Oct 2024

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry Using Herzberg's Two-Factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory - Bettye L. Holston-Okae and Richard Mushi (2018) - The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in the Hotel Industry

Text commentary - 3 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

Employee turnover in the hospitality sector is one of the issues influencing the organization's effectiveness and ensuring financial stability. However, the importance of motivation compared to other determinants regarding team member retention becomes more pronounced. A driven workforce...

17 Oct 2024

Cop Culture

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Despite over three decades since the implementation of stop and search legislation, no police force has fully grasped the consequences of utilizing these powers. This has resulted in evident disproportionality, as reflected by statistical data. For example, in the 2019/20 period, individuals...

17 Oct 2024

Differences From ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures

Case study - 3 pages - International economy

One hundred ninety-three nations work together and share airspace for their mutual advantage through the International Civil Aviation Institution (ICAO), a United Nations institution (ICAO, n.d.). Since its founding in 1944, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has supported...

12 Oct 2024

Examining the Cost of General Education Courses - Research Proposal

Dissertation - 2 pages - Economy general

Students often have to bear tremendous financial burdens, especially during courses that cost differently, like the general course required for the entire student. This fact dominates the debate over whether these courses should be more cost-effective or valuable because they are designed as an...

12 Oct 2024

State of the Nation and Company Review (Microsoft)

Market study - 2 pages - Economic politics

Individual economic figures and their changes represent a complete and precise picture of the current economy. The real GDP jumped at an annual rate of 3.4% during the fourth quarter of 2023 after a substantial 4.9 percent rise in the third quarter (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2023). This...

12 Oct 2024

Training Day - Antoine Fuqua (2001) - Abuse of power

Artwork commentary - 2 pages - Political science

Antoine Fuqua's 2001 film 'Training Day' explores the darker side of Los Angeles through the eyes of a rookie cop named Jake Hoyt, who is eager to advance to a senior position within the squad. However, the investigator's methods blur the lines between criminal activity and law...

12 Oct 2024

Reflection on Ethical Dilemma

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - Political life and election

Dilemmas/ ethical problems: The 16-year-old child of a well-known politician has taken their own life. You have accurate information about what happened, but the politicians and their families do not wish to have a story published and appeal for privacy.

12 Oct 2024

Presidential Powers Assignment

Essay - 2 pages - Political science

Over the decades, presidents of various political parties have gradually expanded the scope of executive authority. However, previous administrations have demonstrated that surveillance programs, military interventions, and executive orders substantially use presidential power. Furthermore, these...

12 Oct 2024

President Obama Did Not Have Legal Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

Case study - 2 pages - Political science

President Obama, by order of May 2, 2011, started the secret military operation Geronimo; it was the end of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Indeed, the departure of the founder and the leader of al-Qaeda was an undoubted triumph in the War on Terrorism; however, grave legal problems...

12 Oct 2024

Populism as a Political Style

Case study - 5 pages - Political science

The American political scene has seen the emergence of populism as a major phenomenon, especially in the way that President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have conducted their election campaigns. Moffitt's explanation of "populist political style" gives us a key soft factor that...

12 Oct 2024

Population Health Project - The Case of African American Women in Urban Areas

Case study - 6 pages - Economic politics

There is an urgent need to set a target that enables all people, regardless of financial status, to access quality healthcare and prohibit any forms of impartiality. Different characters create different experiences, yet sometimes the effect of demographics on the people who are suffering from...

11 Oct 2024

Political Parties and Interest Groups

Litterature review - 3 pages - Political science

Political parties and interest groups are two leading players in the American political system in which different roles are allotted, but to some extent, there are common issues. Political parties and non-government organizations (NGOs) are similar in that they are each geared at shaping...

11 Oct 2024

Examining The Impact of Wars And Geopolitical Crises On The Global Financial System In Recent Years

Dissertation - 7 pages - International relations

International financial systems comprising a vast network of international banks and regulators experience adverse impacts following massive global crises such as wars and civil wars. Economic history has shown that crisis is one of the most notable causes of financial market volatility,...

11 Oct 2024

Balanced Approaches in Correctional Policy

Essay - 3 pages - Political science

Deterrence theory, which forms a foundation of the correctional system, presupposes that punishment should be enough to deter individuals from pursuing criminal activity. Derived from classical criminology, this theory postulates that certainty, severity, and the speed at which the offender is...

11 Oct 2024

Proportional Representation, the Three-Fifths Compromise, and the Constitution

Speech - 2 pages - Political science

As a delegate from the great state of Virginia, a state with one of the largest populations in the Union, I find myself compelled to voice strong opposition to certain provisions of the newly proposed Constitution. Our gathering in Philadelphia, intended to create a more robust and effective...

01 Oct 2024

Green Technology and Renewable Energy

Tutorials/exercises - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

As a reminder, at least two renewable energy sources, solar energy and wind power, could together meet the global energy demand. To be noted, technical limits of renewable energy are based on the power densities of the technologies (i.e. energy flux per unit of horizontal surface), their...

26 Sep 2024

The Impact of the 2007/2008 financial crisis on the UK economy - Can we identify indicators of a possible future UK financial crash?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Economy general

Ten years ago the world economies were hit by the financial crash which exposed countries of their weakness and almost collapsed some of the biggest banks in the world. The crash exposed the weakness of banks their reserves held were less than 1% of equity well below a level that could...

26 Sep 2024

Why do motorbikes pay significantly lower fees on toll roads in Melbourne?

Case study - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

From basic economic perspective, this may appear like a needless revenue loss for CityLink charging biker's less than half price for using the toll roads. However, charging them as such makes economic sense, which raises approximately $15.80 and $21.40 for car and heavy commercial vehicles...

26 Sep 2024

Economic Futurology

Market study - 2 pages - Economy general

Economic futurology is a field that aggregates and analyzes economic trends, using both lay and professional techniques, to orchestrate possible futures (Rodrick, 2014). It includes analysis of sources, patterns, and causes of change and stability in an attempt to develop foresight. This paper...

24 Sep 2024

Italian taxation

Market study - 2 pages - Foreign markets

Transactions between companies within the same group may deviate from the entrepreneurial logic typically governing transactions between two independent parties, which are primarily profit-driven. To prevent the detrimental practice of "shifting profits" from one jurisdiction to another merely to...

14 Sep 2024

Comparison of Macroeconomic Structure of the US and China

Case study - 2 pages - Economy general

The macroeconomic structures of the United States and China are fundamentally different due to their historical, political, and economic contexts. The U.S. operates under a capitalist framework characterized by free markets, while China has a socialist market economy that incorporates significant...

05 Sep 2024

Regression Discontinuity Design

Tutorials/exercises - 12 pages - Economy general

At its core, endogeneity arises when an explanatory variable is correlated with the error term in a regression model. This can occur due to omitted variables, measurement errors, or simultaneity. This correlation biases OLS estimators, making causal interpretations problematic. The RDD offers a...

04 Sep 2024

Environmental issues associated with wind turbines

Presentation - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

This slide show is part of the debate on wind turbines and their place in the development of renewable energies.

03 Sep 2024

A ban on combustion engines in favor of electric motors: is 2035 too ambitious a deadline?

Dissertation - 29 pages - European union

The purpose of this work is to study the consequences of the EU's 2022 agreement on the end of combustion engines in new cars from 2035. Indeed, in the midst of an environmental crisis marked by global warming and following the 2015 Paris agreements, consecutive to COP 21, the EU launched a...

02 Sep 2024

What about the different possible resolutions to deal with the inequalities caused by BREXIT at the Irish border?

Case study - 7 pages - European union

We often speak rightly about the impact of Brexit on the new geopolitics of the European Union. But England denying its commitment to the European project could have an impact beyond Northern Ireland, a territory which has experienced a terrible civil war between pro-London Protestants and Irish...

02 Sep 2024


Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Economy general

Economically speaking, for some, prostitution becomes an avenue for income, especially when alternative economic prospects are limited. Factors such as poverty and limited education in some regions might push individuals towards prostitution as a means of livelihood. (...) The differences between...