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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

07 May 2020

African Conflicts in International Relations - China in Africa : Political or Economic interests ?

Essay - 5 pages - International relations

China's involvement in Africa cannot be reduced to only one dimension. It would be an oversimplification to label the Chinese interests on the continent as either political or economic solely: these two aspects often constitute two faces of the same coin. China's increasing engagement in...

25 Apr 2020

Impact of agroforestry and social forestry on wildlife: birds and smaller animals

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Most modern systems of raising animals separate animals from their natural environment. In these systems, many of the cycles of nature which are beneficial to both animals and their environment are broken. The use of animals can be a controversial topic. In many situations, especially in the...

13 Jan 2020

Economy - Types, factors and effects of inflation in Malaysia

Essay - 21 pages - Economy general

In the economy, inflation means an increase in the general price of goods and services in an economy from time to time. G. Ackley defined inflation as ‘a persistent and appreciable rise in the general level or averĀ­age of prices'. With the increase in general price levels, each unit of...

03 Sep 2019

Foreign aid in South Asia

Thesis - 39 pages - Economy general

This thesis involves an analysis of international aid, its implementation and its effectiveness in Southern Asia. An analysis of this topic leads to show the complex relationship between donors and recipients when it comes to development goals and priorities. This topic also suggests to deal with...

05 Aug 2017

Governance and organized crime

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

Organized crime has over the years developed into a global problem with law enforcement agencies and nongovernmental organizations taking the initiative to stop activities carried out by these organized crime groups. Nongovernmental have also intervened in reducing the involvement of society into...

05 Aug 2017

Economic development since the Second World war - (Developed vs. Developing World)

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

After the Second World War, there have been significant changes in all aspects of life. The increasing concerns about the economic development caught much attention of economists. It is during this era that the European colonization ended and the world seemed to be divided into two parts whereby...

30 Jan 2017

Economics assignment

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

There are many restaurants in the city providing significantly differentiated menus and are currently generating profits. Depict in a diagram showing the profit maximising equilibrium for such a typical restaurant. Will this typical restaurant maintain profits in the long-run? Depict this long...

13 Jan 2017

Different methods of birth control and their history

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Modern birth control went through many obstacles before it was available to the public. In the United States during the 19th and 20th centuries, birth control and contraceptives were social issues that were fraught with controversy. This backlash led to legislation (e.g. Comstock Law) being...

13 Jan 2017

A People's History of the United States, Chapter 24, Zinn Howard - The Clinton Presidency

Book review - 3 pages - Political science

It is no secret that most politicians make vows to the American people in order to get elected and oftentimes they will say certain things to please the public as well. It is one of the reasons politicians have a reputation as manipulators. It is this topic that Zinn starts the chapter off with...

13 Jan 2017

Managerial economics - Macro assignment

Case study - 6 pages - Economy general

Describe the business cycle over 2001-2006 via the evolution of indicators like the Q-gap, inflation & growth. In 2001 and 2002, Portugal's real GDP was bigger than the potential GDP, resulting to a positive Q-gap. That meant that firms were operating above capacity, translating into growth,...

28 Nov 2016

Description of Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)

Essay - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

This is an initiative by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that is meant to reward or punish acute-care health centers through incentives payments depending on the care quality given to beneficiaries of Medicare. It was authorized by the Congress under the Affordable Care Act...

28 Nov 2016

Global warming and climate change

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

These are terms used to describe increased earth's temperatures. Human activities and natural occurrences are said to be the major contributors to this increase. Increase in greenhouse gases for example carbon dioxide result to the temperatures increase. The U.S. have been a major contributor...

28 Nov 2016

Should the United States consider increasing their use of renewable energy or not?

Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

The United States (U.S) use both renewable and non-renewable energy. According to Gielen, Saygin & Wagner (2015), in 2015, United States Energy consumption were:Coal-33%, Natural Gas-33%, Nuclear-20%, Hydropower-6%, Other renewables-7%, Biomass-1.6%, Geothermal-0.4%, Solar-0.6%, Wind-4.7%,...

21 Sep 2016

The Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and its impact on the American economy

Course material - 3 pages - Economy general

The nineteen sixties were a time of change in the world and especially in America, where Vietnam protests and demands for civil rights had taken off. In this time of change the sixties saw women in greater numbers demanding the same rights as men and one of those rights was the ability to join...

14 Sep 2016

A marxist view of the 2008 banking crisis

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

In 2008, there was a major issue facing the American banking sector and the global financial world right now. A catastrophic loss of confidence stemming from a failure of the securities market has caused a number of banks to suddenly find themselves in danger of collapsing. In a sudden need of...

12 Sep 2016

Death penalty: does the U.S. really need capital punishment?

Thesis - 5 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Capital punishment, which is the act of killing a criminal for a terrible crime, is a controversial subject in the United States. Over the course of history, public opinion has wavered on whether or not the death penalty should be administered. Decades ago in the 1970's, for example, public...

09 Sep 2016

The Republic of Germany and the German political system after World War II

Course material - 5 pages - Political science

Our conception of the Federal Republic of Germany is very different from what it was only 15 years ago. Throughout much of its history, Germany was under the leadership of dictators and was never very comfortable with democracy. Germany's first experience with democracy occurred from...

09 Sep 2016

Afghan women under the Taliban

Thesis - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Living in the United States it is often easy to take for granted many of the liberties that we hold so dear and which were gotten so long ago. However, when thinking about equality, we must remember that great strides have been made to accommodate different people, but at often times people...

05 Jul 2016

Cigarettes and taxation in USA

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

With a country that is plagued with many preventable illnesses and people that are leading seemingly unhealthier lifestyles by the day, it is no surprise that cigarettes contribute much of the nation's ills. Due to the damage caused by tobacco use; especially cigarettes, such as the increased...

28 Apr 2016

Hidden Lessons, David Suzuki - Learning beyond the unintentional messages

Book review - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

The environment shapes humanity, yet humanity tries to shape the environment. This habit of manipulation has been passed on from generations to generations. According to "Hidden Lessons" by David Suzuki, parental involvement has led to the ignorance toward the environment. However, ignorance is...

28 Apr 2016

Measuring the new prosperity, Jack Layton

Book review - 2 pages - Economy general

Prosperity always comes with a cost. If prosperity is to be questioned due to the existence of costs, there is no real prosperity. According to Jack Layton's essay, "Measuring the New Prosperity" (hereinafter referred to as "the Essay"), prosperity must consider the social costs that were...

22 Mar 2016

Refugee studies, humanitarian issues in International Politics

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The concept of humanitarian protection encompasses the various activities that are aimed at achieving full respect for the rights of individuals in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant law bodies. Moreover, the relevant bodies of humanitarian, human rights and refugee law...

22 Mar 2016

Macro & micro economics: Disney-Pixar merger

Case study - 5 pages - Economy general

A merger occurs when two or more organizations come together under common ownership. The benefits of mergers step from the concept of synergy which holds that when units are combined together greater value is achieved (Gaughan 2010, p. 132). The coming together of companies gives them the ability...

29 Feb 2016

Islamic accounting and financial reporting

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

To start with, substance over form is an accounting concept which is widely used by all accounting entities. This concept emphasizes more on the reality of the financial status of an entity instead of the legal standards that the entity has taken in its events and transactions as seen in their...

25 Feb 2016

Economic analysis of Singapore

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

A highly developed and free market condition is prevalent in the economy of Singapore. Detailed economic analysis done on the Singapore economy indicated that the open and corruption free market condition with stable prices prevail in the economy of Singapore. Export of consumer electronics,...

08 Feb 2016

Global oil market price

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

This essay briefly describes the various principles of economics and economic theories that determine the price of the oil in the global market. It describes vividly the major reasons that have led into the decline of the oil substantially over the past 7 years. Therefore, the essay uses the...

08 Feb 2016

Subsidise for childcare

Essay - 3 pages - Economy general

This essay briefly describes the various principles of economics and economic theories and effects in the childcare. It describes vividly the major reasons and effect that subsidies has on healthcare sector. Therefore, the essay uses the economic principles in giving the reasons for the impact of...

18 Sep 2015

Analysis of Mann and Ornstein prompt - It's even worse than it looks - Views of the authors

Book review - 2 pages - Political science

The book “It's Even Worse than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided with the New Politics of Extremism” by Norman J. and Thomas E. Mann Ornstein analyses American politics. The books says that today's US congress has come to a congestion state caused by the two...

18 Sep 2015

Criterion referenced tests and the norm referenced tests

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

Testing is an important aspect of collecting information that is used in the decision making process by the examiner or the teacher or the practitioner. Depending on the use and the decision making process that the results are needed for, there are different tests that can be used to measure...

18 Sep 2015

Legislative initiative plan from senator anitere flores

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

In the contemporary society, there is the need for the Health Sector need to implement public policies that are effective in dealing social determinants of health (SDH). This is critical in minimizing inequalities in health care. This paper envisions the adoption of a Social Determinants of...