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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

06 May 2021

Locations and forms of power - Who will win the fight against violence in the United States?

Essay - 1 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The notion of locations and forms of power covers a wide range of different topics. Thus, we will mainly focus on forms of power, in other words, all the elements that can give more importance, more weight to one man rather than another. In the United States, we notice that the right to bear arms...

29 Apr 2021

Why the gig economy is the best and worst development for workers under 30?

Essay - 1 pages - International economy

The gig economy is a result of the shift of the 21st century's economy. It skyrocketed this past twenty years in the global market, because of the success of companies like Uber, Deliveroo, Airbnb who based its activity on the same business model in the service sector (tertiary sector).

28 Apr 2021

New Theories of International Trade

Essay - 7 pages - Theories and economic notions

Through this quotation from Joseph Stigltiz, co-prize winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on asymmetric information, we note the interconnection between countries that globalization brings about: with its advantages but also its disadvantages. A questioning of this process...

29 Mar 2021

What are the potential consequences and influence of the brexit on the UK and the EU?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The term Brexit is an abbreviation of British Exit, which means the leaving of the United Kingdom from the European Union. January 1, 1973, is a key date for the United Kingdom: it saw its entry into the European Union (EU). But on June 23, 2016, a general referendum was held on whether Britain...

02 Mar 2021

What are the impacts of computer sciences on international exchanges?

Essay - 1 pages - International relations

I'm going to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. To start with, I'd like to define the notion. An exchange is a movement or circulation, which can take several forms: information sharing, cultural, and movements of people. I've chosen to focus particularly on computer...

24 Feb 2021

The Vice Président in The United States

Essay - 3 pages - Political life and election

After my teammate's presentation about the election mode of the US president who is complex. We are going to study the election of the vice president. The vice president is elected by the same electoral college which votes for the president of the US at the same time. Both are elected for...

08 Feb 2021

The today health crisis poses the problem of its financing in large part by public debt - With the subprime crisis, how can the impact of such a cost be sustainable on the budget ?

Dissertation - 8 pages - International economy

According to an article published on April 28, 2020, in the newspaper Les Echos and written by Renaud Honoré, the current rate of French public debt is twice as high as that of the subprime crisis in 2008. In fact, we never reached these figures since the Second World War. European debt rules...

05 Feb 2021

Greece - Economic, Social issues and Migration crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Foreign markets

Greece is a country located in the South East of Europe. It is a member of the European Union and its population is about 10.75 million inhabitants. It's a member of the EU since 1981 and joined the Eurozone in 2001. In the past few years, Greece experienced an economic crisis, social issues...

04 Feb 2021

Public consultation - A new communication strategy launched by the EU through the web

Essay - 3 pages - European union

On 29th May 2005, French people refused the EU constitution, I was in Italy and had the news on a bus, through my neighbour's newspaper. In this context, the 'no' from French public opinion was the opportunity to reveal the wide gap between the EU and its 'citizens'. This...

24 Jan 2021

Which voting system is best at representing diverse interests?

Essay - 5 pages - Political life and election

Nowadays, there have been increasing complaints of citizens who believe that politicians are not representing them properly, which makes it interesting to attempt to answer the question: which voting system is best at representing diverse interests? We will try to answer this question by looking...

14 Jan 2021

A critical discussion of the argument for public provision of merit goods

Case study - 3 pages - Economy general

A merit good is a commodity that is considered meritorious enough to be provided by the national budget as it serves the common good of the population. Some economists believe that society should be provided with merit goods through public financing because they are necessity goods and benefit...

14 Jan 2021

Impact of Monetary Policy on South African inequality

Case study - 5 pages - Economic politics

In 1994 the first democratic elections in South Africa brought about the promise of equal opportunity and overall improvement of living standards. However, 26 years later the high levels of South African inequality still remain. This level of inequality has been institutionalised in the economy...

14 Jan 2021

How has game theory contributed to our understanding of human co-operation and conflict?

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Humans come into conflict for many reasons. Conflict can arise due to disagreement, difference in opinion, methodology and values, ownership struggles, and the list goes on. During conflict, individuals or groups of individuals work against each other to achieve separately desirable goals. They...

14 Jan 2021

The United States in the Economy

Course material - 25 pages - International economy

Globalization is a contest content, it can have a negative view; responsible of outsourcing, massive unemployment (Europe), positive view; eliminate discrimination, global general culture, universalism. A complex reality, positive & negative sides. Is a process of interaction and integration...

16 Nov 2020

Idea of progress - How Americans relate to ecology nowadays?

Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

We will talk about the notion of the idea of progress and illustrate it with the environmental issue in the USA. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Here, we...

31 Oct 2020

Strategy proposal for an MNC who wants to invest or expand in a specific country - New Group Renault strategic plan: "Drive the Future"

Market study - 7 pages - International economy

In this work, we analyze Renault's strategic plan for 2017-2022, called "Drive the Future" on three levels: the company's source of competitive advantage (section 1), the reasons for choosing the target of investment in emerging country, such as China (section 2) and finally the content...

07 Oct 2020

The Dayton Peace agreement

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

The Dayton Peace agreement, initiated in Dayton, Ohio in November 1995 and signed in Paris a month later, put an end to the worst conflict Europe had known since the Second World War. After three years of diplomatic shortcomings and blocked negotiations, US envoy Richard Hoolbrooke - the...

07 Oct 2020

Operation Serval's strategic considerations and Clausewitz

Essay - 10 pages - International relations

In February 2011, Geoff D. Porter commented on the increased activity of al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), whose 'kidnap and ransom threat' made a growing instability factor in the Saharan region. Establishing multiple groups on the cross-border zone of northern Mali, northern...

21 Sep 2020

Hong Kong's port - Geographical advantages and current difficulties

Essay - 2 pages - International economy

With the Hong Kong port slipping out of the world's top five, terminal operators should work together where possible, and focus on competing with ports in the Greater Bay Area and beyond'. Here what says Jonathan Beard, head of business advisory, transportation and logistics in Asia for...

13 Sep 2020

How is globalisation today and how a firm should adapt to that?

Essay - 8 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

The 21st century saw unprecedented financial, economic, political and sanitary crisis. The environment of globalization was affected by these challenges. So, concerns about reversed globalization or de-globalization appeared. The following analysis demonstrates that Globalization is not...

07 Sep 2020

Is sustainable development a contradiction in terms?

Essay - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Define in 1987 by the Brundtland's rapport, the Sustainable Development is the capacity to respond to the present needs without compromising future generations' needs. The Sustainable Development notion was really established since 1992 with the Rio Earth Summit involving a hundred...

03 Sep 2020

The effects of fishing on marine ecosystems

Presentation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

So, today, I would like to highlight the topic of fishing as linked to ecosystem preservation.

02 Sep 2020

The consequences of climate change

Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

Climate change, and more generally all natural upheavals, is progressively accepted as a blatant reality by the vast majority of people, and to begin with, by those who are directly affected by them.

02 Sep 2020

China and the future world

Essay - 2 pages - Economy general

China is nowadays one of the most powerful countries in the world. In a short time, the emerging country has become a big nation. It is now a superpower that should handle the ascent and certain claims. How can China mix economics development, social and politics claims together?

25 Aug 2020

What worries you the most concerning global warming ?

Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment

In September 2018, Nicolas Hulot resigned as Minister of Ecology, describing his time at the head of this ministry as an "accumulation of disappointment".

10 Aug 2020

Garbage patches

Presentation - 2 pages - Ecology & environment

Garbage patches, also known as trash vortexes, are a major environmental issue to be solved soon. There sadly is not just one, but actually every ocean is affected, and for oceanographic reasons, the Atlantic and the Pacific even have two each, one in the North, the other in the South.

06 Aug 2020

"We are Family"

Text commentary - 3 pages - Social, moral & civic education

"We are Family" - Article analysis - February 2018 : The 1976 Adoption Act prohibited unmarried couples from jointly adopting a child. 25 years later, on May 16th 2002, the British government presented an amendment in order to lift the restriction on unmarried couples.

11 Jul 2020

Relationships between Serbia and the European Union

Essay - 4 pages - International relations

Serbia also officially called the Republic of Serbia is a small sovereign state whose capital city is Belgrade. On June 5 of 2006, the Republic of Serbia was created after the independence of Montenegro which composed a federation (Serbia and Montenegro) since 2003 after the disruption of...

28 May 2020

Spaces and Exchanges - The immigration

Presentation - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The immigration is the most obvious way to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges: the idea of movement between countries that leads to exchange between the existing population and the new arrivals.We may wonder why we should change our attitudes towards immigrants. what extent are they...

25 May 2020

Photo's Studies About Pollution - English oral

Presentation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

This document is a photograph of a factory in Saint-Ouen, in the north of Paris. This photo comes from a report wrote by France 24. The photographer's name is Philippe Lopez. The photojournalist takes this photo on the 12th of December 2018 (two thousand eighteen). This photo deals with the...