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22 Jan 2005

The current situation of small scale coffee production in Latin America

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Recently, the global coffee market has fallen into a profound crisis. Prices paid to coffee producers in real dollar terms, have fallen to a hundred year low. Many families have been forced to abandon traditional farming. There is consequently an important wave of unemployment in the farming...

16 Nov 2004

What is representative democracy? Is it aim to restrict or to promote popular rule?

Thesis - 4 pages - Political science

One may accept, as Dahl did, that representative democracy is a means to democratize a government. Yet, representative democracy is far from being a true democracy, both restricting and promoting popular rule. The concept of representative democracy derived from the criticism of absolutism, held...

19 Oct 2004

What is human security?

Essay - 6 pages - International relations

The end of Cold War brought new global challenges to the security field. The arousal of new forms of conflict, such as internal wars and terrorism made it important to rethink civilian protection as the centre of this new perspective of security. Threats to security are no longer restricted to...

07 Oct 2004

Are protestants better capitalists ?

Thesis - 6 pages - Social, moral & civic education

First, we will see that if protestant theology has undoubtedly influenced the early expansion of capitalism in America, it is probably no longer the main factor explaining the important commitment of Protestants to modern capitalism. As an illustration of this fact, we will show that even among...

23 Apr 2004

"The postnational constellation" by J. Habermas

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

“The image of a post national constellation gives rise to alamrist feelings of enlightened helplessness widely observed in the political arena today” . Indeed, the ideal of cosmopolitanism is generating new controversy today with the challenges of globalization. In The Post national...

22 Jan 2004

The welfare sate - cleavages between Germany and the United Kingdom

Thesis - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Since the comfortable mixture of economic growth and welfare state expansion has come to an end the welfare state has been subjected to a crisis discussion. Its integrative capacity and its ability to compromise different class interests have been doubted. It was assumed that the higher status...

09 May 2002

How long can the 'Pay As You Go' pensions last? (followed by the case-study of France)

Case study - 8 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Most countries do provide retirement pension schemes within the framework of Pay As You Go pensions. This system however encounters today some unprecedented drawbacks, mainly due to the burden of an ageing population. The future of the retirement system is a real economic concern, not simply a...

24 Apr 2002

Hedley Bull's The Anarchical Society. London, Macmillan, 1977

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

Bull's The Anarchical Society is a ground-breaking book that proposes novel, powerful concepts for reading today's world order as well as the order that prevailed in the world in 1977. Today more than ever, we need the idea of international society, even if it has to be revisited to fit...

09 Mar 2002

'Washington bears a considerable amount of the responsibility for the radicalism of the Iranian Revolution and the resultant deterioration in US-Iranian relations'

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

'When examining the policies that the United States conducted toward Iran from 1945 to 1979, one cannot help but realize that Washington bears a considerable amount of the responsibility for the radicalism of the Iranian Revolution and the resultant deterioration in US-Iranian relations.'...

09 Mar 2002

"When you look back at the role that Washington has played between the Arabs and the Israelis, it is clear that the United States could end the Arab-Israeli conflict tomorrow, if it so desired"

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The picture taken at the Washington summit right after the Madrid conference just says it all: Rabin and Arafat, the representatives of the two most antagonistic peoples in the modern world, shake hands under Clinton's blessing. Thus it may seem that the American presence and participation is the...

29 Jan 2002

Communism in the USA

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

To establish a real picture of communism in the USA and to understand its actual situation, I will first talk about the reasons why the USA cannot be seen as the best place to be a communist and then I will ask myself whether we can say there is an agony of communism in the country since 1990.