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Administration, economy & politics

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3011 results

18 May 2022

Country risk: macro-financial economic model and crises

Worksheets - 8 pages - Economy general

Finance is widely viewed as a driver of growth, through various channels, but growth is also a driver of finance. Ross Levine, author of many studies of the subject, strongly supports that financial development is key in the overall development of a country.

12 May 2022

How has the Belt and Road Initiative played a part in China's cross-regional political and security relations?

Essay - 3 pages - International relations

The announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 was meant to signal China's interest in building stronger global economic links, but it has been argued that the BRI also serves to improve Beijing's cross-regional diplomacy in other ways, including strengthening the country's security....

10 May 2022

Sustainable remote work practices for progressive reductions of road traffic emissions

Dissertation - 68 pages - Ecology & environment

Although technology developments brought about possibilities for all work which could be done remotely to be done remotely within the Netherlands, limitations for additional and sustainable implementation of remote work practices remained. Secondary research sheds light on the extent to which...

25 Apr 2022

Sustainable cocoa sourcing strategies and supply chain - Mondelez International Inc.

Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Foreign markets

Mondelez International Inc., the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world and in Europe has committed to cover 100% of its cocoa supply chain with its Cocoa Life Program by 2025 while investing at the same time $400 million in it. This program for sustainable cocoa sourcing is implemented in...

16 Apr 2022

How have the USA and its immigrants built each other?

Case study - 2 pages - International relations

I am going to talk about the notion of “Spaces and Exchanges”. But before we start, we shall say that exchange is all about giving and receiving something in return, whereas the space is the place where those exchanges happen. In class, we studied this notion through the lens of...

22 Mar 2022

What were the three main challenges in achieving your objectives in the multilateral negotiation exercise?

Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International relations

Multilateral negotiation occurs usually between three or more parties which debate on several subjects in the aim to reach an agreement which would be acceptable by everybody. As said Saadia Touval in his article titillated "Multilateral Negotiation", multilateral negotiation is most of the time...

22 Mar 2022

International Trade and Innovation: EU policy recommendations

Essay - 2 pages - International economy

Based on the current worldwide developments, explain what would be your policy recommendations to European governments and the European Commission with regard to globalization, international trade and innovation strategy.

04 Mar 2022

Country Report - Indonesia

Case study - 20 pages - International economy

With a population of 273 million and a gross domestic product (GDP) 1 of approximately 1 050 billion, Indonesia is the fifteenth largest economy. Indonesia is currently relying on economic openness and free trade to catch up economically. It is aware that it has fallen behind its neighbors...

27 Jan 2022

A Holistic Approach to the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Application of the ecosystem health model, Xiubin Wang, Wenna Liu and Wenliang Wu (2009)

Book review - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

The boom of demographics has led scientists and government leaders to reform agriculture policy, which is more sustainable and improves food security and social development. This reform has transformed the practice of intensive agriculture, using mechanization and fertilizers that have been...

27 Jan 2022

Sustainable Development: A holistic approach to natural resources management, Yacov Y. Haines (1992)

Book review - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

This paper written by Yacov woke the scientific community about environmental degradation. Every damage affects economic development. This situation opened debates to design new policies for the next generations. Recently, a report focused on some reflections about possible environmental...

25 Jan 2022

Brexit and the implications of the border in the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic: pushing a unification too quickly or too hard a separation?

Dissertation - 10 pages - International relations

In Northern Ireland, separation has been part of the history of the nation since its conquest of the Normans in 1169, as it paved the way for the later British involvement in Ireland. Today, the thorny issue that threatens the country is Brexit and its implications on the dividing border and...

03 Jan 2022

What is globalization?

Course material - 2 pages - International economy

Globalization is the process by which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world. It is the increase of trade around the world, especially by large companies producing and trading goods in many different countries. It is the...

14 Dec 2021

Alternative sources of energy: a detailed presentation about the why, how and when

Presentation - 13 pages - Ecology & environment

This document is a PowerPoint presentation about alternative sources of energy: what are they exactly, why do we need them, how do we find or create them? What is the future of alternative sources of energy?

07 Dec 2021

Sustainable Development Goals and Green Growth

Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment

This PowerPoint is about sustainable development goals. It shows an understanding on what sustainable development means and how to take into account our current situation and move towards a green growth. We will see how limited it will be due to inequalities around the world. We will understand...

07 Dec 2021

Globalization and Inequalities: Towards a World Without Poverty: Theories, Institutions, SDG's Policies, Future Perspectives for a Better Society

Essay - 9 pages - International relations

When we talk about globalization, we mainly think about how it has been a driver and shaper of our current society. Despite having increased and revolutionized the economic exchanges, it has largely impacted our cultural and political processes by perturbing them. Globalization appeared and...

01 Dec 2021

How does the measures taken by Erdogan these last two decades impact the lira's exchange rate nowadays?

Essay - 3 pages - Economic politics

Turkey began the new millennium in 2000 with the most severe economic crisis of its history. This crisis, which followed the currency crisis of 1994, had a strong impact on the Turkish financial system, as it led to a fall in capital inflows coming from foreign investors. This striking event is...

26 Nov 2021

The different political parties in the United Kingdom

Presentation - 2 pages - Political life and election

The politic life in United Kingdom is based on the cleavage between the Labour and the conservative since the twenties, because of the political system that favors the big parties like them. The Conservative Party was founded in 1834 and is a right or center-right party. Since its foundation, it...

15 Nov 2021

Computerised farming: the cow of tomorrow - The Economist (2019) - How and what means do companies use to computerise the breeding of cows?

Text commentary - 1 pages - Economy general

Today, computers have made it possible to control computers, programs and even robots, which is fascinating, but the idea of the machine taking over from humans can be terrifying. This idea is quite justified to cross our mind considering the evolution of computer science which has evolved to...

06 Oct 2021

Objections to the Institutionalization of Euthanization - Stephen G. Potts (2016)

Text commentary - 2 pages - Social, moral & civic education

The essay "Objections to the Institutionalization of Euthanization'' by Stephen G. Potts argues against the legalization of active euthanasia in hospitals. The majority of his paper is broken down into nine distinct arguments to support his objections; I will be examining 4 of his...

12 Sep 2021

How does the phenomenon of unemployment impact Brazil both economically and in its development?

Essay - 5 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

With an area of 8,514,876 km², Brazil is one of the five largest countries in the world. It is located in Latin America and borders seven countries, some of which are Argentina, Bolivia and Uruguay. Brazil is also the eighth-largest country in the world with a GDP of 2054 billion dollars....

04 Sep 2021

Do people learn the art of becoming a politician, or are they born with it?

Essay - 4 pages - Political science

Over the years and all over the world, if we take a good look at the history, we will realise that great people lived and ruled countries and kingdoms. People like Alexander the Great, Nelson Mandela, Napoleon Bonaparte, etc. There are two things that characterise all these people. In fact, they...

28 Aug 2021

How should Brazil tackle poverty and inequalities?

Essay - 6 pages - Economic politics

In an article written in French and titled "La lutte contre les inégalités au Brésil : une analyse critique de l'action du gouvernement de Lula" (2011), researcher Mylène Gaulard attempts to highlight the chronic inability of Brazilian public authorities to resolve the two most important...

15 Aug 2021

The right skills for the job? Rethinking training policies for workers, Chapter 2, Almeida, Rita, Jere Behrman, and David Robalino (2012) - Labor Economics in Latin America: The Economic Rationale for Skills Development Policies

Text commentary - 2 pages - Micro-economy, job-unemployment

The authors focus on skills development policies and their relative ineffectiveness since they are not properly distributed. They question the place of the private sector as a complementary solution to provide a real boost to this essential sector of the economy. Despite the action of the State,...

13 Aug 2021

It should be illegal to produce and sell tobacco

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

Over the years, tobacco has been produced in many countries around the globe, especially those from the American continent. In countries like Mexico, Brazil and Colombia, tobacco was considered in the past, as a gift from God, as a product to use in order to conclude a deal or a treaty of peace...

08 Aug 2021

Introduction to economic principles and terminology

Course material - 20 pages - Theories and economic notions

Economics is currently in a phase of uncertainty: economics is not an exact science. There is a rising trade war between the US and mainly but not only China. The US also has trade disagreements with the EU and its partners in NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association: Canada and Mexico)....

04 Aug 2021

Brexit - latest agreements, consequences, related laws

Essay - 3 pages - European union

At the end of World War II, six states met to form the European Economic Community (EEC). Over the years, the EEC has become the European Union (EU) which included some other areas than the EEC did not address. In fact, the EU expanded its intervention and its application in other fields such as...

21 Jul 2021

European urban policies - A summary note on the urban agenda for the EU

Summary - 15 pages - Social, moral & civic education

Today more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. This figure is projected to increase to 80% by 2050 (United Nations, 2019). Even though Cities are home to many complex, interlinked challenges (related to climate control, energy efficiency, pollution, and many more) they...

23 Jun 2021

Should Scotland leave the EU and the UK?

Essay - 1 pages - European union

In just over two years, Scotland expects to be given the historic choice of whether or not to stay in the United Kingdom. That choice will shape Scotland's future, not just for the lifetime of a parliament but for generations. There will be no going back.

23 Jun 2021

Oral English - English Prime Minister Presentation

Presentation - 1 pages - Political science

Today I am going to talk about the price minister of the United Kingdom. First of all, I will introduce the subject to you then tell you the Prime Minister's story then we will see what are the powers and privileges of the Prime Minister and finally we will talk about the current Prime Minister.

15 Jun 2021

Philanthropic Strategies for Children and the Next Generation

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

For millions of children around the world, every day is a struggle. This is why we have to be able to act without delay in a race against the clock where every day counts. In fact, as we know, everything we do as an impact today and tomorrow on our beautiful planet. If we want to save the world,...