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International affairs

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362 results

30 Jul 2009

Soviet and Chinese influence in the Vietnam conflict

Thesis - 4 pages - International relations

The American invasion of Vietnam on March 8 1965 and the developments occurring in its aftermath wielded a serious impact on global geopolitical events in an era of ideological bi-polarity. Indeed, the war waged in Indochina throughout the 1960's captured the planets attention as it became...

14 Jul 2009

Rapprochement and cooperation between China and the United States: The revolutionary breakthrough which changed the balance of power forever

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

The establishment of relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (China) was in every sense a watershed in the history of foreign policy, and permanently altered the international system. U. S. President Richard M. Nixon's trip to China in February 1972 was...

17 May 2009

The foreign policy of Théophile Delcassé and the construction of a French alliance network

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

In the beginning of the 20th century, France appeared to be a great and a powerful nation in Europe. She had two main preoccupations concerning her foreign policy: on one hand France wanted to reinforce and expand her colonial Empire; on the other hand she had the will to maintain and strengthen...

17 May 2009

"In the last resort, states with classical military forces prevail": How does the realist theory contribute to foreign policy?

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

The theory is mainly a tool for the study of International Relations. It allows for the building of a conceptual framework upon which the events of world politics are analyzed. Theory provides with models that help unravel the mechanisms at work in the international system. Each theory is like a...

17 May 2009

"Grande Politique": The foreign policy of Théophile Delcassé and the construction of a French alliance network

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

In the beginning of the 20th century, France appeared to be a great and powerful nation in Europe. She had two main preoccupations concerning her foreign policy: on one hand France wanted to reinforce and expand her colonial Empire; on the other hand she had the will to maintain and strengthen...

16 May 2009

How and to what extent do domestic factors affect the nature of U.S. relations with other democratic states?

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The manifestation of the American hegemony since the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 has created a new pattern for international relations in which the United States is the ‘hyper power' everyone has to take into consideration before acting. France, once one...

16 May 2009

Essay: What should Asia Pacific gov-ernments do to support their adher-ence to 'good' corporate governance principle and sustainable develop-ment?

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

According to The World Bank (2006), ‘good' corporate governance (CG) refers to the structures and processes for the direction and control of companies. This involves the relationships among the management, board of directors, controlling and minority shareholders as well as stakeholders....

14 May 2009

Globalization and work: The role of trade unions in balancing globalization

Thesis - 13 pages - International relations

The trade-union teams of a company, a branch or a territory, are confronted daily with the stakes in globalization. It is the case when, because of the saturation of the mobile telephony market in Europe, Mitsubishi closes its unity of Vitré to become established in China; when to increase its...

14 May 2009

The Geneva Convention

Thesis - 9 pages - International relations

Since the beginning of recorded history, efforts have been made to limit the behavior during war time. Moreover, there have been many attempts to codify the rules of the military conduct as well. For example: The Chinese warrior Sun Tzu in the 6th century BCE tried to put some limits in the way...

14 May 2009

Dangerous liaisons: On the love-hate affair between the US and France

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

A quick look at the sheer number of French books written on the United States, whether it is on 9/11, Iraq, the environment, George W.Bush or any other foreign policy issue, shows how important is the United States for France. The opposite may not be so true. France is considered like one of...

14 May 2009

Importance and limits of the influence of ethnic lobbies on US Foreign Policy: The case of the Armenian-Americans' impact on US relations with Azerbaijan

Thesis - 16 pages - International relations

The US is a nation of immigrants and the diversity of the constituencies is represented in the functioning of its political institutions. Indeed, not only is it considered legitimate for the interest groups to interfere with the decision making process, but the foreign policy does not constitute...

12 May 2009

Immigrant performance in the UK and Germany

Thesis - 20 pages - International relations

This paper reviews the existing literature on ethnic inequality and discrimination in the labor market, to then analyze the economic performance of various ethnic groups in Germany and the UK. Main findings are that in the UK the immigrant population as a whole performs similarly to the natives;...

12 May 2009

The Confederate flag

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

Southern symbols, particularly the Confederate flag, have grown very controversial since the end of the Civil war. Indeed, the Confederate flag has been associated with numerous racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, or with racist acts, such as the lynching of black people since the...

12 May 2009

To what extent does realism naturalize war?

Market study - 5 pages - International relations

In 1991 a US-led coalition launched, with the agreement of UN, a wide military operation against the rogue regime of Saddam Hussein that had attempted to invade Kuwait in order to take over its staggering oil resources. George Herbert Bush, at the head of the coalition that was to rescue Kuwait,...

12 May 2009

Has the 'war on terror' influenced Latin America and its relationship with the U.S.? What are the implications of this process for the region?

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

War on Terror was launched by the George Bush administration in respond to the attacks on September 11, 2001 on the US soil. The official term used by the US military, Global war on Terrorism refers to the various military, political, and legal action taken to curb the spread of terrorism. So, to...

12 May 2009

Why does a solution to the conflict in Darfur seem so intractable?

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

In September 2004, one year after the beginning of the civil war in Sudan, Colin Powell said it was ''genocide''. Since the beginning of the war, many associations were created in order to 'Save Darfur'. Darfur has recently been one of the most publicized wars in Africa, however, the...

09 May 2009

Outline and assess the extent to which the WTO agreements have legal effects before EU and member states' courts, creating rights for individuals and the possibility of testing the compatibility of EU secondary legislation with these agreements. - published: 09/05/2009

Thesis - 10 pages - International relations

Because its creation was not a simple extension of the GATT, literature has shown a lively curiosity for the reception of WTO law within the Community legal order. Some concrete facts justify this infatuation. Unlike its predecessor, the WTO is a permanent institution with its own secretariat...

09 May 2009

Business of war and terrorism

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

Towards Post Cold War conflicts, the English army became the heir of a strong strategic culture. Indeed, the geo-politic and military story of England has been made mainly by maritime army power, in order to avoid any insurrections from other countries. However, in today's absence of any...

07 May 2009

Importance of GATT and WTO for international trade

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

The World Trade Organization (WTO) h?s become the organization of excellence for dealing with international trade. The transformation of the Gener?l ?greement on T?riffs ?nd Tr?de (G?TT) to WTO w?s ? n?tur?l phenomenon th?t led to ch?nges in the intern?tion?l economic scene. The WTO is, without...

07 May 2009

Communist systems of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

Thesis - 2 pages - International relations

During the XXth century, the communist system, an alternative political system to capitalism, emerged in Russia after the October Revolution. The features of this system are the important ideologies, the role of the communist party, the central planned economy and also the terror that took place...

07 May 2009

Cuban immigration in the United States

Thesis - 3 pages - International relations

The United States of America has always been an immigration Land. 301 Million Whites, Blacks, Latinos and Asians, subdivided in different ethnic groups are living together. Because of the all-known complicated relationship between Cuba and America, one of the most interesting immigration is the...

05 May 2009

Border control for the US: "Legitimate threat"

Thesis - 10 pages - International relations

The attacks on September 11, 2001 forced a change in the national security policy of the United States. Eight years later, debate still surrounds the issue on how best to defend against terrorism. The question of how large of a national security threat do current border policies pose to the...

30 Apr 2009

Responses to World War I in European culture: "A very long engagement"

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

War and love could be said to be polar opposites. However, in the film “A Very Long Engagement (2004) by French director Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the two intertwine, as the main character, Mathilde, a young woman with polio, begins a search for her lost love, a French soldier who was sent into...

27 Apr 2009

Narratives of nation and division - Post colonial theory and the partition of India

Thesis - 9 pages - International relations

This paper will explore the partition of India into India and Pakistan at the end of the era of British colonialism as a narrative story of the imaginary. (Bhabha, 1992). In order to discuss the rift between the two nations, which can be understood as exacerbated communal and ethnic tensions...

27 Apr 2009

Success in developmental states of Taiwan and Korea after Japanese colonization

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

As Taiwan and Korea, both being former colonies of Japan, began to develop over time, their growth exemplified the characteristics of what we term “developmental states”. These two particular states have exhibited rapid, sustained, export-led growth over a long period of time, with...

14 Apr 2009

Rapprochement and Co-operation between China and the United States

Thesis - 7 pages - International relations

The establishment of relations between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China (China) was in every sense a watershed in the history of foreign policy, and permanently altered the international system. U. S. President Richard M. Nixon's trip to China in February 1972 was...

30 Mar 2009

How Korea impacted American foreign policy throughout the second half of the twentieth century

Thesis - 9 pages - International relations

“It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear ” proclaimed General Douglas MacArthur on May 15, 1951 in a...

12 Mar 2009

The effectiveness of the UN as a multilateral institution

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

The concept of globalization continues to be a hot issue in the arena of political discourse. Globalism, or interdependence, has been, and continues to be a critical force in world politics that affects nearly every aspect of global economic, political, diplomatic and military behaviour. It...

05 Mar 2009

The "Kurdish Problem" in Turkey

Thesis - 5 pages - International relations

The “Kurdish issue” is Turkey's most difficult and painful problem, one that presents a vast moral dilemma for the country. The issue feeds Turkey's continuing inflation and is the major source of human rights violations and the biggest irritant in Turkey's relations with the European...

05 Mar 2009

The Taliban in Pakistan: Before and after 9/11

Thesis - 6 pages - International relations

It is safe to say that in the years leading up to the September 11 attacks, the United States had little to no working relationship with Pakistan, especially when it came to stopping the Taliban. In fact, the United States contributed to the creation and rise of the Taliban: according to Prime...