Towards a "Europe-puissance" or towards a free trade zone?
Course material - 8 pages - International relations
The development of the European Union, along the line of constant progress towards more integration, which more or less prevailed since 1950, appeared to stop suddenly in May 2005 with the French "No" to the so-called Constitutional Treaty. That problem has been solved, at least for now, with the...
Towards a European Defense?
Course material - 7 pages - International relations
The problem of a European defense system is not new: we remember the Brussels Treaty of 1948, which was a military alliance between GB, France and the Benelux countries, including a common European general staff which was stationed in Fontainebleau, until it was taken over by NATO in 1951, but...
Trade and international relations
Worksheets - 2 pages - International relations
We live on an international scene punctuated by globalization and the intensification of trade. We currently exchange more than we produce: a good is exchanged on average 1.4 times. In this perspective, trade (even if it is basically established between two companies) is a way for countries to...
How has the Belt and Road Initiative played a part in China's cross-regional political and security relations?
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
The announcement of the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 was meant to signal China's interest in building stronger global economic links, but it has been argued that the BRI also serves to improve Beijing's cross-regional diplomacy in other ways, including strengthening the country's security....
How have the USA and its immigrants built each other?
Case study - 2 pages - International relations
I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. But before we start, we shall say that exchange is all about giving and receiving something in return, whereas the space is the place where those exchanges happen. In class, we studied this notion through the lens of...
What were the three main challenges in achieving your objectives in the multilateral negotiation exercise?
Tutorials/exercises - 2 pages - International relations
Multilateral negotiation occurs usually between three or more parties which debate on several subjects in the aim to reach an agreement which would be acceptable by everybody. As said Saadia Touval in his article titillated "Multilateral Negotiation", multilateral negotiation is most of the time...
Brexit and the implications of the border in the politics of Northern Ireland and the Republic: pushing a unification too quickly or too hard a separation?
Dissertation - 10 pages - International relations
In Northern Ireland, separation has been part of the history of the nation since its conquest of the Normans in 1169, as it paved the way for the later British involvement in Ireland. Today, the thorny issue that threatens the country is Brexit and its implications on the dividing border and...
Globalization and Inequalities: Towards a World Without Poverty: Theories, Institutions, SDG's Policies, Future Perspectives for a Better Society
Essay - 9 pages - International relations
When we talk about globalization, we mainly think about how it has been a driver and shaper of our current society. Despite having increased and revolutionized the economic exchanges, it has largely impacted our cultural and political processes by perturbing them. Globalization appeared and...
What are the impacts of computer sciences on international exchanges?
Essay - 1 pages - International relations
I'm going to deal with the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. To start with, I'd like to define the notion. An exchange is a movement or circulation, which can take several forms: information sharing, cultural, and movements of people. I've chosen to focus particularly on computer...
The Dayton Peace agreement
Essay - 9 pages - International relations
The Dayton Peace agreement, initiated in Dayton, Ohio in November 1995 and signed in Paris a month later, put an end to the worst conflict Europe had known since the Second World War. After three years of diplomatic shortcomings and blocked negotiations, US envoy Richard Hoolbrooke - the...
Operation Serval's strategic considerations and Clausewitz
Essay - 10 pages - International relations
In February 2011, Geoff D. Porter commented on the increased activity of al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), whose 'kidnap and ransom threat' made a growing instability factor in the Saharan region. Establishing multiple groups on the cross-border zone of northern Mali, northern...
Relationships between Serbia and the European Union
Essay - 4 pages - International relations
Serbia also officially called the Republic of Serbia is a small sovereign state whose capital city is Belgrade. On June 5 of 2006, the Republic of Serbia was created after the independence of Montenegro which composed a federation (Serbia and Montenegro) since 2003 after the disruption of...
African Conflicts in International Relations - China in Africa : Political or Economic interests ?
Essay - 5 pages - International relations
China's involvement in Africa cannot be reduced to only one dimension. It would be an oversimplification to label the Chinese interests on the continent as either political or economic solely: these two aspects often constitute two faces of the same coin. China's increasing engagement in...
Governance and organized crime
Essay - 3 pages - International relations
Organized crime has over the years developed into a global problem with law enforcement agencies and nongovernmental organizations taking the initiative to stop activities carried out by these organized crime groups. Nongovernmental have also intervened in reducing the involvement of society into...
Refugee studies, humanitarian issues in International Politics
Essay - 6 pages - International relations
The concept of humanitarian protection encompasses the various activities that are aimed at achieving full respect for the rights of individuals in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant law bodies. Moreover, the relevant bodies of humanitarian, human rights and refugee law...
British Policy
Case study - 6 pages - International relations
Mixing Peter Oborne and Controversial in the same sentence is simply a pleonasm. If this statement can appear as particularly shocking, the author is used to attack politics or journalists directly and publicly, that's also why he has been nicknamed, sarcasticly, Peter O'Bore'...
Water: The real perpetrator of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
Case study - 17 pages - International relations
The vast majority of literature around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been expressly focused on negotiating a peace treaty that satisfies the nationalistic urges of both parties in the conflict. Many prominent authors have simply designated the right to exist as an independent...
Analyze what is meant by either 'international society' or 'international interdependence' and assess how significantly the concept challenges the idea of international anarchy
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
The English school of thought holds two contrasting visions when looking at the international society theory and how it challenges the concept of international anarchy. It was Hedley Bull whom firstly brought these two contrasts to light in 1962, which were the pluralist and the solidarist...
Has globalization made soft power more important than hard power in the conduct of international affairs?
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
As Nye points out in his book Soft Power ,Power is the capability to get things done, meaning that it has the ability to gain the outcomes one wants through affecting the behavior of others. In this essay I will explore whether globalization has made the emergence of soft power more...
Canadian policy at the crossroads: Protecting Canada's independence in the age of globalization
Case study - 8 pages - International relations
The foreign relations of Canada are by nature, very much centered upon its southern neighbor, the United States. This is true for both trade and foreign policy considerations. In addition, Canadian governments have also had active relations with many other nations. These relationships have...
Building strong civil societies in Eastern Europe after the fall of communism: Poland, Romania, and the importance of pre-existing social roots
Case study - 6 pages - International relations
Throughout Eastern Europe, embryonic civil societies have demonstrated in various ways but with the same result their crucial role in the advent of democracy in the early 1990s : within a few years, Eastern European communist governments were forced to cede power and undertake democratic reforms...
Impact of economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment
Case study - 15 pages - International relations
The impact of Economic liberalization on the flow of private foreign investment can have different impacts on specific regions. One common perspective is that economic liberation on the one hand can be beneficial for the developed countries but on the other hand it can actually harm the domestic...
Foreign governments and the Arab spring: Case study, France
Case study - 15 pages - International relations
While citizens all over the Arab world struggled in order to topple their oppressive regimes, foreign governments remained somewhat skeptical on which side to intervene on. This hesitation can be extracted from both the case of Tunisia and in Egypt in which most foreign governments at the...
Modernization and Globalization in Bangladesh: A Case Study
Essay - 8 pages - International relations
Many hailed the 2004 opening of Bashundhara City, a world-class shopping mall located in Bangladesh's capital city of Dhaka, as yet another indicator of the country's consistently expanding economy. This was the first Western-style mall to open in the country and accordingly it has created quite...
Britain and France in Mandatory Palestine and Lebanon: Power, Division, and the Nation
Essay - 13 pages - International relations
Most scholars of the Middle East agree that many conflicts present in the Middle East today can be attributed to the borders drawn by Western powers during the crucial Mandate period beginning in 1919 and continuing through the outbreak of World War I. The cases of Palestine/Israel and Lebanon...
Emmeline Lott: An Adventure into the Harems of Egypt
Essay - 17 pages - International relations
Throughout the 1800s, European academic was interested in the unfamiliar lands of the Middle East. various Egyptologists and Orientalist scholars brought lengthy descriptions of Eastern culture, history, and customs back to the Western world. The testament of Emmeline Lott, perhaps only an...
What do we mean by the Value of a Statistical Life (VOSL)? What valuation techniques exist to estimate the VOSL? Is it defensible that studies have estimated lower VOSL's in developing countries than in developed countries?
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
In this essay I will outline what is meant by the Value of a Statistical Life (VOSL) and explain four valuation techniques used to estimate the VOSL, noting possible problems in each. I will then explain the arguments for and against the motion: Is it defensible that studies have estimated...
Congress bills and how the process of legislating bills work in the US Congress
Case study - 2 pages - International relations
This paper will discuss Congress bills and how the process of legislating bills work in the US Congress. To do so, it will look at a very recent bill presented in the Congress, discuss the issues surrounding the bill, its presentation and submission in the American congress and any future of...
Turkish membership to the European Union: what stakes?
Case study - 4 pages - International relations
In the aftermath of the enlargement of the EU and the adoption of the Lisbon treaty, Turkey's adhesion to the European Union is a question which has often arisen since the formal accession negotiations began in 2005. Turkey first applied for associate membership of the European Economic Community...
The persistence of the National Front in French politics: It's impact beyond the 2002 presidential elections
Case study - 12 pages - International relations
Spring 2002, after living through the empowerment of the far right party FPPO led by Jorg Haider in Austria, the European community sees the first important action of the extremist right wing in a big European country, France. It is on the 21st of April that Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the...