Vladimir Putin, Russia, Ukraine, invasion, EU european union, negotiations, Donbass, IMF International Monetary Fund, government, conflict, Kremlin, NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 was motivated by a fear of NATO's expansion and Mr Putin's pursuit of the Eurasian Economic Union, as an imagined counterweight to the European Union. The conflict started following the ousting of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. During his three years in office, Mr Yanukovych worked simultaneously toward an alignment with both the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States, presided by Russia. Indeed, Ukraine badly needed economic aid that only the European Union, through the International Monetary Fund, or Russia could provide. The public favored a rapprochement with the European Union but, unlike Russia, Brussels requested extensive political reforms in exchange for a bailout.
[...] (2014) The Outlook on a Ukraine Stalemate, The New York Times, Accessed 13 March 2021 at https://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/12/business/international/the-outlook-on-a-ukraine-stalemate.html?searchResultPosition=24 Karagiannis, E. (2021) Russian Surrogate Warfare in Ukraine and Syria: Understanding the Utility of Militias and Private Military Companies. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern studies. Retrieved 13 March 2020 at https://www-tandfonline-com.acces-distant.sciencespo.fr/doi/full/10.1080/19448953.2021.1888603 Karatnycky, A. (2015) Making the Most of Minsk, The New York Times, accessed 13 March 2021 at https://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/20/opinion/a-closer-look-at-the-ukraine-cease-fire-agreement.html?searchResultPosition=8 Kofman, M. et al. (2017), Lessons from Russia's Operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, RAND Corporation, RR-1498-A As of March 01, 2021: https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1498.html Kolstø, P. (2016). Crimea vs. [...]
[...] Keeping Russian involvement in the Donbass secret increased Putin's popularity at home. Between May 2010 and November 2013, according to the Levada Center, President Putin's approval fell from 80 to the lowest point of his time in office. The Crimean operation drove his rating back up to 88% in October 20143435. Surprisingly his approval ratings remained above 80% up until early 2015. This surge can only be explained by the military victories in Donbass36. Since the Chechnyan war, the Russian public has become sensitive to deployments of troops37. [...]
[...] The other countries, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands were cautiously supportive but protected the interests of their exports in the Russian markets29. In March 2014, the sanctions were rather tepid, focusing on travel bans and asset freezes for separatist leaders and Mr Putin's closest friends3031. The West threatened unspeci?ed "additional and far reaching consequences" if Russia took further steps to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, essentially writing off Crimea's annexation as irreversible. The European wanted stability with their Russian neighbor above all else. [...]
[...] Wood, T. (2021) Putin Isn't as Strong as He Looks, The New York Times, Retrieved 13 March fromhttps://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/02/opinion/navalny-russia-protests-putin.html?searchResultPosition=14 Yakobashvili, T. [...]
[...] Stars with stripes : The essential partnership between the european union and the united states : the essential partnership between the european union and the united states. ProQuest Ebook Central https://ebookcentral.proquest.com Håkan Gunneriusson Swedish Defense University (Sweden) & Mid Sweden University (Sweden) Hybrid Warfare and Deniability as Understood by the Military, Polish Political Science Yearbook, vol. 48(2) (2019), pp. 267-288 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019205 PL ISSN 0208-7375 Håkan, G. (2019) Hybrid Warfare and Deniability as Understood by the Military, Polish Political Science Yearbook, vol. 48(2) (2019), pp. 267-288 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15804/ppsy2019205 PL ISSN 0208-7375 Horvath, R. [...]
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