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186 results

12 Jan 2009

Positive-Normative distinction

Thesis - 3 pages - Economy general

The methodology in economics is important because it gives us a better understanding of the economic analysis. The purpose of economic theory is to provide a comprehensive framework for the study of human behaviour declares Gary Becker (1976). As the aim of the economy for governments is to...

12 Jan 2009

Economy of Mexico

Thesis - 11 pages - Economy general

From the 1940's until the 1960's there was a strong economic growth in Mexico. This strong economic performance proceeded into the 60's. Manufacturing was the country's dominant growth sector and attracted many foreign investors. Although there was a growth in Mexico, there was fiscal...

12 Jan 2009

Short-run and long-run aggregate supply - published: 12/01/2009

Thesis - 4 pages - Economy general

One of the goals of economists is to try to predict the changes in the state of the UK economy. Thus they are interested in the economic growth -given by the growth of potential GDP-, the inflation and business cycle fluctuations. The Aggregate Supply - Aggregate Demand model permits to...

18 Dec 2008

Health care in the United States

Thesis - 9 pages - Economy general

There is not sufficient health insurance for every citizen to have access to adequate and quality health care. This is a pressing concern for 47 million Americans (Bacon). This is also a concern for employers providing health insurance to their employees and to employees that do not have access...

28 May 2008

Microeconomics: United States Economics

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Most people I know have iPods, drive high-horsepower automobiles with complex inner workings, and pay little attention to newspaper articles regarding oil, stocks, and debt. First off, nobody wants to think about the avalanche amount of debt that's accumulating and what it can do to an economy...

22 Jan 2005

The current situation of small scale coffee production in Latin America

Thesis - 7 pages - Economy general

Recently, the global coffee market has fallen into a profound crisis. Prices paid to coffee producers in real dollar terms, have fallen to a hundred year low. Many families have been forced to abandon traditional farming. There is consequently an important wave of unemployment in the farming...