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Presentations in economy general

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5 results

20 May 2024

Competitivity policy

Presentation - 5 pages - Economy general

Small companies make a large share of the surveyed sample in all regional groups, with some changes. Sub-Saharan Africa has the largest share of SME (Small-Middle Enterprises) at a little over 40% of the surveyed sample. The distribution of firm sizes is an important indicator of how resilient...

29 Sep 2010

The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve System (FED)

Presentation - 23 pages - Economy general

This document is a presentation of the European Central Bank (ECB). The national central banks (NCB) make part of the ESCB Headquarters based in Frankfurt Presentation of the FED, which was created in 1913 by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act and headquartered in Washington D.C. The...

20 May 2009

Sensitivity of Indian fertilizer industry to crude oil

Presentation - 17 pages - Economy general

Agriculture accounts for the 27 percent of the Gross Domestic Product and the fertilizer industry is a crucial contributor to the agricultural sector and the Indian agricultural sector is very much dependent on the fertilizers. Fertilizer is defined as - any material, organic or inorganic,...

16 Jan 2009

The Chinese economy at the beginning of the 21st century

Presentation - 30 pages - Economy general

An unique party into a socialist republic. The communist party of China is the ruling party also know as the CCP Chinese communist party of China. Progressively the CCP has tried to reform the economy from a centrally planned economy to a market oriented economy. China is still in the 21st...

04 Aug 2008

Ford Motor Company, Inc. and Toyota Motor Corporation analysis of the Japanese-American trade relationship using the gravity, Ricardian and Heckscher-Ohlin Models

Presentation - 28 pages - Economy general

Why is the trade balance debate important? Technology has minimized trade barriers World economies more integrated International exchange vital to industries such as agriculture and auto manufacturing. Drives many economic and political policies i.e., taxes, tariffs, interest rates Blamed for...