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Economy general

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552 results

24 Mar 2009

The implementation of information technology towards agricultural development: New initiatives and strategies

Case study - 6 pages - Economy general

After the initiation of liberalization reforms of 1990's, rise of new economy stocks or sunshine sector in the Indian economy great changes had taken place throughout the nation. The entry of corporate in areas of public sector dominance, competition between private players, access to newer...

19 Mar 2009

Economic freedom

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

Amartya Sen argues that world development should not be judged by plain economic statistics such as GDP growth rates or income per capita. Instead he argues a form of measurement that uses a "freedom-centered understanding of economics" where the enhancements of individuals liberties is both the...

18 Mar 2009

Wining and losing as a result of economic restructuring in Britain since 1980

Thesis - 5 pages - Economy general

During the past thirty years, British society has been involved in a dynamic of social change, a process so significant that it represents an historical turning point, when the certainties that have served to regulate the economy in the past, are no longer valid. The last comparable event was...

18 Mar 2009

Foreign direct investment: India

Thesis - 29 pages - Economy general

Developing countries, emerging economies and countries in transition increasingly see foreign direct investment (FDI) as a source of economic development, modernization and employment generation, and have liberalized their FDI regimes to attract investment. The overall benefits of FDI for...

17 Mar 2009

A discussion and analysis of Marx and Webers theories concerning the development of industrial capitalism

Thesis - 6 pages - Economy general

It is widely accepted that most of the developed countries in the world today are ‘capitalist' economies. Capitalism in economic terms is a free market system, involving little government intervention (a laissez-faire approach). Capitalism involves investment in the means of production...

12 Mar 2009

Managerial economics focusing on cost and revenue analysis

Thesis - 19 pages - Economy general

Health service providers have to carefully manage the use of scarce resources while meeting a growing demand for services and rising expectations for quality. Conducting cost and revenue analysis can greatly increase a managers' understanding of the factors that affect resource use, including...

05 Mar 2009

Market for retailers

Thesis - 29 pages - Economy general

MARKETING: A social and managerial process where by individuals and groups obtains what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. MARKETING CONCEPT: The marketing management philosophy holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining the...

05 Mar 2009

Indian financial market

Dissertation - 56 pages - Economy general

The function of financial market is to facilitate the transfer of funds, from surplus sector (lenders) to deficit sector (borrower). Normally householders have excess of funds or saving, which they lend to a borrower in the corporate and public sector. Whose requirement of funds far exceeds their...

05 Mar 2009

India Infoline

Case study - 44 pages - Economy general

In the year 1995 a group of professionals formed a company called Probity Research & Services Pvt Ltd at circa. The name was later changed to India Infoline. The main objective of this company is to provide unbiased and independent information to market intermediaries and investors....

05 Mar 2009

Commodities trading in India

Dissertation - 52 pages - Economy general

Commodity Futures trading in India has a long history. The first commodity futures market appeared in 1875. But the new standardized form of trading in the Indian capital market is an attractive package for all the people who earn money through speculation by trading into FUTURES. It is a...

05 Mar 2009

Capital budgeting: India

Case study - 35 pages - Economy general

An efficient allocation of capital is the most important financial function in modern times. It involves decision to commit firm's funds to long-term assets. Such decisions are tend to determine the value of company/firm by influencing its growth, profitability & risk. Investment decisions...

20 Feb 2009

Economics of prostitution

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

The market that buys and sells prostitution is very similar to other types of human interaction. It has deep roots in history and society, and has survived through the ages; resisting legal and economic uncertainties. It has become apart of Western culture just as much as much as fast-food and...

05 Feb 2009

Seeking evidence of corporate profiteering in Australia

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

Despite media outcry's, Australia's legal system largely protects its citizens from the effects of corporate profiteering. Whether it is complaints over the rising cost of fuel or even the price paid for a kilogram of Bananas, Australian's are quick to condemn business and large corporations if...

05 Feb 2009

Internationalization of SME's

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

The 20th century is one of the most revolutionary periods in economic history as national economies around the world dramatically shifted and changed to cater to burgeoning demanding global markets. Barriers to cross-border trade and investment fell as businesses around the world capitalized on...

05 Feb 2009

Proton: Struggling against the grain of economics

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

Economics might finally be winning in its fight after over 25 years with Proton, a small Malaysian carmaker whose very continued existence is a direct affront to the academic discipline. The end finally appears near for the pet project of former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed and source of...

27 Jan 2009

Urban policy: Implementing housing counseling resources

Essay - 10 pages - Economy general

This increased demand for foreclosure counseling has put a strain on housing counseling centers across the country. With little to no demand for pre-purchase counseling, counseling centers have had to internally reorganize their staff and services to meet the growing outside demands. The demand...

21 Jan 2009

What are the causes and consequences of the current US account deficit?

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

Few economic issues have recently posed as many problems to authorities and economists than the U.S. current account deficit. It has become an issue that is receiving more and more attention and it is now considered as a “hot topic”. Some fear that it represents a time bomb for the...

20 Jan 2009

The HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) initiative in Uganda

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

In August 2005, the G8 decided to cancel the multilateral debt of 18 countries which are part of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, in Uganda. This Initiative was launched by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) in 1996 in order to reduce the debt...

20 Jan 2009

The car industry: A move to concentration

Essay - 7 pages - Economy general

The motor industry is over 100 years old and has an interesting history and uncertain future. It provides an interesting example of an industry that had to quickly evaluate due to constant evolution of technologies employed. This evolution was so money-demanding that it caused a typical movement...

19 Jan 2009

The Western growth systems: the role of innovations

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

Joseph Alois Schumpeter (1883 - 1950) is one of the most well known economists of the XXth century, namely thanks to its work on innovations. One of the theories he develops is the one called creative destruction. So, in our study of the Western growth systems and the role of innovations in this...

19 Jan 2009

Internet usage in African countries: Empirical study on the antecedents of internet usage in developing countries

Essay - 12 pages - Economy general

This research first investigates the relationship between the gross national product and the amount of internet usage (per 1000 people) in the 51 sample countries from Africa. It indicates that the outlier countries in this case, i.e. countries that have an extraordinary high amount (in this case...

19 Jan 2009

Is the Common Agricultural Policy indispensable for the future of Europe ?

Essay - 16 pages - Economy general

The CAP has long been a stumbling block among EU members. Last year, Jacques Chirac strongly opposed Tony Blair's proposal about the CAP. Indeed, France is the country which receives more agricultural subsidies while the United Kingdom does not get any concern in the agricultural policies. The...

16 Jan 2009

The United Nations urban growth projection and its impact on urban development and regional disparities in India

Essay - 8 pages - Economy general

The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) has been publishing and revising its World Urbanization Prospects since 1991, the latest being the 2002 revision, and this has become a popular source of data and analysis of the past, current and future proportion urban in each country, region or...

16 Jan 2009

Macroeconomics: Overview of the South African economy

Essay - 4 pages - Economy general

The most powerful and the most developed economy of the continent, South Africa produces one fifth of its entire production. The gross domestic product (GDP) is four times that its southern African neighbours and covering around 25% of the entire continent's GDP. Following the expansion of the...

16 Jan 2009

Trade unions in Northern Europe

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Among the five countries where the unionization density is currently the highest in the world, four are Nordic European ones. Sweden (78%), Finland (74.1%) and Denmark (70.4%) constitute the group of the most unionized countries, far beyond Belgium (55.4%) and Norway (53.3%). Austria is ranked...

16 Jan 2009

The Chinese economy at the beginning of the 21st century

Presentation - 30 pages - Economy general

An unique party into a socialist republic. The communist party of China is the ruling party also know as the CCP Chinese communist party of China. Progressively the CCP has tried to reform the economy from a centrally planned economy to a market oriented economy. China is still in the 21st...

16 Jan 2009

Direct investment in Turkey (2006)

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

We are currently investigating an investment proposal concerning the chocolate confectionery sector, in Turkey. Specifically the analysis concerns the chocolate tablets production. Below follows an explanation of the elements of the investment decision, the general aspects of the Turkish economy...

16 Jan 2009

Asymmetry of information

Essay - 6 pages - Economy general

In economics, information asymmetry occurs when one party to a transaction has more or better information than the other party. (It has also been called asymmetrical information). Typically it is the seller that knows more about the product than the buyer, however, it is possible for the reverse...

16 Jan 2009

Macroeconomic events before and after Argentina's 2001-2002 currency crisis

Essay - 5 pages - Economy general

In practice economical balance is unachievable. Stabilization conditions that many scholars and economists claim are but fleeting status of the economy. Some of the major crises around the world including the US stock market collapse, Asian financial crisis, Latin financial crisis and recently...

16 Jan 2009

Asian pacific business since 1997: Samsung and South Korea

Essay - 11 pages - Economy general

Everybody knows Samsung, Toyota, Sony, LG or even Hyundai which are very famous brand all over the world. Those very successful companies have similarity. Indeed, all of them come from the Pacific Rim. The Pacific Rim is defined by "far Eastern countries and markets bordering the Pacific Ocean,...