The quality concept in an industrial sense was first seen in Japan after WW2. In a ruined country, American economists settled an action plan to rebuild the entire economy system.
Their first task was to define this notion. For Juran, "quality is the aptitude to employ" and For Crosby, "the reliability to specifications".
We can define this notion by three ways which match to different ages of Quality but which are its main basis. We must first underline the period after the WW2, and all the rebuilding needs, in Japan and in the rest of occidental countries. In that time, offer couldn't satisfy the population needs. In this way, products are sold very easily if they manage to roughly fit any targeted need. To satisfy a need with success, one must first define the product and its characteristics. A product linked to any need can't be sold! In the 70's and the well-known petroleum crisis the world had to face to an important plummeted consumption. The offer becoming higher than needs, products involved into something much more complicated with new functions.
[...] The first element is the part of management axed on the definition of quality objectives and the specification of operational processes, resources, needed to reach the Quality objectives. Quality plan means statements and all the characteristics of the mission. Quality awareness is the part of Quality management axed on the satisfaction of wants about Quality. It is the operational part of the Quality Management. It includes the quality items but also measurable items. Quality Insurance is the part of Quality Management in order to give confidence into Quality wants satisfaction. [...]
[...] Industries ,and in particular car manufacturing ones, searching for costs reduction, took for themselves the principles of Quality Insurance. They had on their side a serious strength: they asked to their suppliers to guaranty Quality, in order to cancel their check ups at a product reception. They decreased their costs. In this way we can consider Quality Insurance as an obstacle (what she can be) imposed by consumers with immeasurable wants but not an opportunity to rethink and to improve its organisation (what she must be). [...]
[...] ) - do the inventory of protection material - nominate a security responsible - launch a Security inquiry - contact a consulting cabinet to make surveys The wish of keeping a quality environment must be known in the firm. You must then consider cleanliness; because one cannot work in a messy and dirty workplace. Some cleanliness actions: - give time and money to clean ( but do not clean anything) - settle a “cleanliness - list up all the needs - Ask someone to manage it. [...]
[...] It must be organised After describing the environment of the firm, I will define the essential notions which are used to manage Quality to finish with the guidelines for settling a Management System of Quality description. Nowadays, the world is characterised by speed, instability, a lack of knowledge, elements defining permanent changes. The good answer to changes is one of the necessary conditions of a business survival. In other words it is creating new products, a new organisations conception, buying new materials . [...]
[...] The last definition of Quality is the global answer to a problem The client no longer search for a product well defined and realised he wants MORE. He wants his problem to be considered and to be solved entirely with a product and services coming with that product. It is Total Quality. In 1987, the first international Insurance Quality basis appeared: its ISO of the 9000 series. The insurance reaches the services in the 90's. In 2000 the ISO 9000 is no longer the bases of Quality Insurance but the one of Managing systems of Quality. [...]
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