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European Union

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135 results

12 Jan 2009

The European Commission

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

If Jacques Delors, one of the most famous President of the European Commission (between 1985 and 1995), called the European Union as a UPO or Unidentified Political Object, it can be explained by the special characteristics of its architecture. The European Commission (EC) is undoubtedly one of...

12 Jan 2009

Regulations: Direct applicability and Direct effect

Essay - 8 pages - European union

Article 249 of the European Community Treaty provides that Regulations shall be directly applicable in all Member States. Does this mean that they are also necessarily directly effective? As notices Josephine Steiner , this question is of paramount concern to EC lawyers. If a provision of EEC law...

12 Jan 2009

Why has the European Court of Justice been so central to the process of integration?

Thesis - 10 pages - European union

“Law is often still treated as if it were a separate field, clearly distinct from the economic or political spheres” . As the European Court of Justice (ECJ) has never been given a lot of media coverage, most of the time, its role in the integration process is either disregarded or...

12 Jan 2009

The budgetary implication of the European Union's May 2004 enlargement

Essay - 5 pages - European union

On 1 May 2004 Europe celebrates the entrance of ten new members in the European Union but behind the fireworks and the celebrations, Brussels has to adapt itself to this new generation of the European project. One of the most important points is the budgetary issue. History has shown that the...

12 Jan 2009

The EU and the disintegration of Yugoslavia

Essay - 5 pages - European union

In order to better understand the disintegration of Yugoslavia at the beginning of the 1990s, it is interesting to recall that Yugoslavia was first created in 1918, and was dismembered firstly during World War Second. Then, it has been dismembered once more with the collapse of the USSR at the...

09 Jan 2009

The economic, territorial, and cultural impact of the European Union on the Danish identity

Case study - 5 pages - European union

Created by the treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Union now has 25 member states. Over the years and decades, it has developed a wide range of policies with an emphasis on economic measures. The member states have had to adapt themselves to this new system of governance and to the presence of...

09 Jan 2009

Multi-level governance in the European Union

Essay - 5 pages - European union

The former French President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, once stated that the European Union was an “unidentified political object”. This phrase highlights the complexity of the EU polity, which various theories have tried to capture and which has sparked controversy...

03 May 2008

Regional Economic Integration and the European Union

Essay - 3 pages - European union

Regional Economic Integration is the act of cooperating countries entering into agreements with each other to remove all barriers to importing goods into their respective countries. One of the biggest walls to exporting to foreign markets has been tariffs and taxes levied against foreign nations...

23 Oct 2007

The European Union

Tutorials/exercises - 11 pages - European union

The European Union, which formed under this name in 1992, currently consists of 25 nations and covers much of Western Europe. The European Union is an enormous organization that was initially created to maintain peace and security between European states through various political and economic...

29 Nov 2006

The European identity issue: what most determines the European "we feeling"?

Essay - 11 pages - European union

“You don't fall in love with a common market” (EU Commission President Jacques Delors in The European, 3 November 1994). Here emerges one of today's most challenging issues for the European Union: the prevalence of market integration has created a political vacuum and so-called...

25 Jul 2006

Critically examine the factors that ultimately led to the enlargement of the EU in 2004. What are the stages and debates?

Essay - 5 pages - European union

According to the article 43 of the European Community treaty, 'any European State may apply to become a member of the Union[...]the conditions of admission and the adjustments to the Treaties on which the Union is founded which such admission entails shall be the subject of an agreement...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and organized crime

Essay - 8 pages - European union

With French and Dutch voters' recent rejection of the proposed constitutional treaty for the European Union, a number of proposals in the field of Justice and Home Affairs have been watered down or considerably postponed. However, both EU leaders and the general public continue to place high...

24 Mar 2006

The European Union and national sovereignty

Essay - 3 pages - European union

The birth of the modern sovereign state is usually associated with the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, after which modern nation-states began to constitute in Europe. Today, some scholars argue that state sovereignty has been challenged by trends such as globalization and European integration not...

24 Mar 2006

The UK and the Euro

Essay - 3 pages - European union

Exposé en Anglais sur le Royaume-Uni et un passage éventuel à l'euro, qui examine les différents arguments favorables et opposés à l'adoption de la monnaie européenne. Soon after election, in 1997, the Chancellor, Gordon Brown, said that four of the five tests had not been met (only the...

15 Jan 2006

The integration of the European Union

Thesis - 6 pages - European union

On the 16th April, 2003, ten new members were signing the adhesion treaty to the European Union, in front of the Parthenon in Athens. The adhesion of these ten new countries, among which eight were ex-communist countries, represented a historic moment : the European unification eastwards, so much...