Macroeconomics Theory
Course material - 57 pages - Theories and economic notions
A confusion is often made between the level of GDP and the growth of GDP. The growth of GDP is the slope of the blue line while the level of GDP is the relative position of the GDP curve to the trend curve. It's entirely possible for a country to experience strong GDP growth while still...
Introduction to economic principles and terminology
Course material - 20 pages - Theories and economic notions
Economics is currently in a phase of uncertainty: economics is not an exact science. There is a rising trade war between the US and mainly but not only China. The US also has trade disagreements with the EU and its partners in NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association: Canada and Mexico)....
New Theories of International Trade
Essay - 7 pages - Theories and economic notions
Through this quotation from Joseph Stigltiz, co-prize winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on asymmetric information, we note the interconnection between countries that globalization brings about: with its advantages but also its disadvantages. A questioning of this process...