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Ecology & environment

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192 results

11 Jun 2008

America's Dangerous Dependence on Non-renewable Energy and the Possible Solutions

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

In the U.S. we rely more on the burning of fossil fuels more than any other country. Retrieving such forms of fuel can be extremely detrimental to the land and animals that surround the site. Drilling for oil is one particular way that fuel is obtained that has caused severe damage to all types...

05 Jun 2008

Industrial Air Pollution: Effects and Efforts to Contain

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

As a capitalist nation, we are constantly seeking to foster the growth of our economy and overall development. Our industrious nature has led to an industrial presence that makes the burning of fossil fuels our pinnacle source of energy, and a requirement for fueling our economic stability....

03 Jun 2008

Monarch Conservation and Justice in Mexico

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

Monarch butterflies are among the most charismatic of endangered fauna. Because of not only their visual beauty but also their enchanting migrations, they have achieved striking popularity especially among Northern conservationists. While these migrations may be spectacular, they are also...

03 Jun 2008

Ecological Nature of the Problem of acid rain

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Over the course of the last several decades, notable environmental problems have come to the attention of policymakers. Chief among these issues has been the problem of acid rain. Although many governments have argued that they are not responsible for the production of acid rain in the global...

29 May 2008

Man's Loss of Nature

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Mention of the term nature conjures many images in the minds of contemporary readers. Some picture the robed, ivy-crowned beauty of Mother Nature. Some consider the fields and forests of Whitman. The idea here in question is the nature of man—the state in which he is born—that of...

16 May 2008

Environmental Management and Corporate Social Responsibility

Essay - 40 pages - Ecology & environment

The Nobel-winning IPCC group of climate scientists on Saturday the 17th, 2007 issued their starkest warning yet on global warming. Global warming bore the seeds of "catastrophe" yet there was also hope, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon emphasized. Nonetheless "There are real and affordable ways...

29 Apr 2008

Investigative Report on Climate Change: The actions of the Australian Government

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

This report explores the recent issue of climate change. It will outline the key elements that make climate change an important issue politically. It will focus on how the issue of climate change is being addressed by both the Australian Labor and Liberal Parties.Climate Change has recently...

28 Apr 2008

Hurricane Katrina: The Aftermath of a Government Failure

Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

In the late days of August 2005, forecasters and meteorologists closely watched a storm soon to be named Katrina brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. Like many other infamous hurricanes of similar magnitude, the tropical storm began rather quietly and only caused initial high winds and some tangential...

11 Feb 2008

How healthy is the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003?

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

Facing increasing concerns about protecting the environment, the government has enacted the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003 to help control wildfires. However, there has been some speculation that "thinning" forests is actually a ruse for timber companies to cut down more trees. In...

18 Dec 2007

Ignorance is a Blight

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Ever since modern humans have formed a cohesive society, they have slowly removed themselves from being manipulated by their surroundings, to being in direct control of the surrounding environment. One form of this control is the use of pesticides to keep crops, and various locations free of...

07 Dec 2007

The Bat Stops Here - Or does it ? The Continuing Obligation of Agencies under NEPA and ESA

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are two important environmental statutes passed by Congress to help preserve the earth and its resources for future generations. Under these statutes, governmental agencies are required to determine how their...

12 Feb 2007

Cradle to Cradle Design

Thesis - 29 pages - Ecology & environment

In March 2005, the UN released its Millennium Ecosystem Assessment , the first comprehensive scientific audit of the state of the planet. Completed over four years by 2,000 experts, the survey demonstrates that economic activity has destroyed 60% of the Earth's life-supporting ecosystems,...