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Ecology & environment

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192 results

05 Feb 2009

Taking back space: Preventing and reducing the proliferation of space weapons

Essay - 10 pages - Ecology & environment

Weapons proliferation in outer space is not a thing of the future or something of science fiction. It is real and it is happening right now. The advancement of weapons technology continues to grow exponentially as does mankind's exploration of space. Controlling weapons technology in outer space...

19 Jan 2009

The relationship the Finnish have with nature

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

Talking about Finland without mentioning the nature is like forgetting more than 188.000 sparkling lakes, putting away the dense forest and woodland areas fully covering 76 percent of the nation (27 in France), the lung and the pride of any Finnish. That's impossible! Whereas Finland was a rural...

19 Jan 2009

Tsunamis of Sumatra Island

Presentation - 16 pages - Ecology & environment

Tsunami: appearance of a wave (wavefront).Propagation velocity: depth of the sea. The loss of energy is inversely proportional to the size. A tsunami travels quickly but also on long distances without losing consequent energy. With the approach of the coasts Tsunami slows down since its flow of...

19 Jan 2009

Hurricanes: Powerful natural disasters

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

Current events often deal about natural disasters. Worldwide, many natural catastrophes happen every year: tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, hail, drought, fire, seism, volcano activity. Theirs effects often are dramatic. Lately, we heard about the tsunami in Asia, and also about the seism in...

16 Jan 2009

On-site waste water treatment in Sydingosby

Essay - 16 pages - Ecology & environment

The project site is a farm located in Sydingösby. The Gunnarsson family is living here. Carina and Stefan have two children. Stefan works at the farm while Carina works at SLU. This site has already a system for waste treatment, but it is not satisfying and not sustainable. Actually it does not...

15 Jan 2009

Cellulosic Ethanol: Great potential or wrong mentality?

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

On December 9, 2008, the BBC reported that, “countries will need to make big cuts in greenhouse gas emissions if ‘dangerous' climate change is to be avoided” (Black, Poor Countries Need Carbon Cuts). Unfortunately, the fact that our actions as inhabitants on this earth have caused...

15 Jan 2009

Global environmental politics: A study of the world heritage convention (1972)

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

The UNESCO World Heritage Convention has been established in 1972. It recognizes the way in which people interact with nature, and the fundamental need to preserve the balance between the two. Thus, that convention concerns both the cultural and natural properties, but I will focus in that essay...

15 Jan 2009

Environmental justice movement

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

Broadcasted in 2000, Erin Brockovich could be a great illustration of the "environmental justice movement". Indeed, while no one takes her seriously, a young woman begins to investigate a suspicious case involving the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. She discovers that the company is trying...

15 Jan 2009

Anti-Pollution and air/water quality in Canada

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The object of this brief note is an environmental issue. It concerns the anti-pollution policy and the means to improve air and water quality in Canada. Indeed, this problem touches the entire Canadian population. Here, there is no discrimination concerning class, gender or race: everyone is...

15 Jan 2009

Spirulin: astonishing seaweed

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

From a biological point of view, Spirulin is one of the oldest inhabitants of the Earth. This cyanobacterium appeared 3.5 billions years ago. It is thought to have achieved photosynthesis for another billion years, until the first plant apparition. It naturally grows between latitudes 35°N and...

15 Jan 2009

Using the examples of organically grown coffee in Mexico and fair trade bananas St-Vincent, this paper argues that a new global 'Green Revolution' is underway

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

'Globalization is the increasing interdependence, integration and interaction among people and corporations in disparate locations around the world' . This phenomenon can have good effects such as helping developing countries improve their economy or their industry but also their...

15 Jan 2009

Manix - environmental analysis: Objectives and strategy formulation

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Manix is a brand belonging to Ansell, a company operating in three business segments (professional health care division, consumer health care gloves and occupational division for gloves and clothing worn for protection). Manix is developed in the consumer health care division, which also supplies...

15 Jan 2009

Global warming may open Northwest Passage

Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment

It is almost daily that television news mention environmental and natural disasters in each area of the world. Thus, the recent environmental events in the last years were cyclones like Katrina, tsunamis, floods, dryness… Scientifics don't give a verdict on these events but public opinion...

15 Jan 2009

Environment and international trade

Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment

The warming of the planet and global climatic change has been the centre of heated debate for the last few years. The environmental problems, by the force of nature, somehow set themselves to the political agenda of the planet. In this paper I'd like to see if the concepts of trade and...

15 Jan 2009

Coal: energy of the future or energy of the past?

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

In 2006, Doctor Heinz Scholtholt, member of a German firm of the energy industry (STEAG), pretended that Germany could become the worldwide leader of the coal industry by developing new clean coal technologies. Less than a year later, the German coalition's government has decided to stop its coal...

15 Jan 2009

Institutional Failures of the Global Environmental Governance

Essay - 42 pages - Ecology & environment

Despite a great awareness of environmental questions from developed and developing countries, there is a degradation of environmental issues and an appearance of new environmental problems. This aggravation of environmental matters is due to the inefficient state of the global environmental...

13 Jan 2009

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) : PET-bottles

Essay - 10 pages - Ecology & environment

A life cycle assessment is the investigation and valuation of the environmental impacts of a given product or service caused or necessitated by its existence. It is a variant of input-output analysis focusing on physical rather than monetary flows. The procedures of life cycle assessment (LCA)...

13 Jan 2009

Air transportation and climate change

Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment

A sophisticated transport system has evolved in Europe to move people and frets. The air transport industry is growing at rate above the average growth of the economy of the EU: multiplication of short distance flies, the arrival of the “low cost” market, and increasing of aerial fret...

09 Jan 2009

Carbon footprinting

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

The nature of the carbon footprint is to examine human use of carbon and to try to apply it to how much greenhouse gas (converted to a scale based on CO2) is used. By discussing this, and viewing how "Climate change and infectious diseases in North America: the road ahead" discusses climate, it...

09 Jan 2009

Lacustrine carbonate sedimentation

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Lakes act as outdoor laboratories for the observation and understanding of natural processes. Every process has its own signature. If science looks at processes occurring today and their respective characteristics, then the door opens for understanding past processes that have similar...

09 Jan 2009

Corn Ethanol: How realistic is this source?

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

While the price of gasoline has dropped precipitously since the summer, the memory of $3.80 - $4.00/gallon of gasoline is still fresh in the minds of most Americans. In fact, gasoline is at its lowest price in almost 10 years; however, the American population is still looking to President-elect...

05 Dec 2008

The concept of landscape ecology

Essay - 9 pages - Ecology & environment

Landscape ecology is an emerging discipline that aims to understand the environmental processes and patterns in?uencing habitats and species beyond the site level. It arose independently in the latter part of the twentieth century in central and Eastern Europe and in North America as geographers,...

04 Dec 2008

Perceptions of nature by indigenous communities and their relation to the ecological contexts

Essay - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how indigenous communities perceive and relate to the bio-ecological contexts of which they are part and on which they depend. The main message is that there is much more to learn from them than information about plant resources or methods...

04 Dec 2008

Perceptions, object and observer of forest landscape and planning

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

For many centuries people have been concerned with perceptions of the natural world. Philosophers have written about it, psychologists have studied it, and, more recently, foresters have become concerned with it. However, when we speak of ‘perceptions of forest landscapes' in relationship to...

04 Dec 2008

The role of visualization in forest planning

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

Modern techniques of computer visualization, involving three-dimensional (3D) modeling, computer animation, and virtual reality (VR), are taking their place among decision-support tools for forestry. This article focuses on the emerging role of visualization techniques that simulate the...

04 Dec 2008

Landscape ecology, use and application in forestry

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Many ecological processes result in or are affected by spatial patterns. However, the relative importance of different processes is very sensitive to the scale of analysis. For example, at a very local scale, species diversity is often strongly affected by competition and trophic interactions...

04 Dec 2008

Visual analysis of forest landscape

Essay - 11 pages - Ecology & environment

This article examines the broad concepts and methods underpinning the management of visual resources in forestry, and describes some of the key scienti?c methods of addressing the often dif?cult issue of aesthetics and public perceptions of forested landscapes. It draws on accumulated research...

28 Nov 2008

Impact of forest management on the quality of water

Essay - 8 pages - Ecology & environment

In forested catchments the hydrologic cycle, involving precipitation, interception, evapo-transpiration, overland ?ow, subsurface ?ow, groundwater ?ow, and stream ?ow is closely linked to water quality in that water movement through the forest ecosystem also transports sediment, and dissolved...

28 Nov 2008

Forest fires (prediction, prevention and suppression)

Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment

The problems and negative impacts associated with large-scale uncontrolled forest ?res have increased worldwide over the past two decades. Globally an estimated 300-400 million hectares of forests and woodlands burn annually, emitting an estimated 9.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases; however,...

28 Nov 2008

Soil erosion control

Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment

Soil erosion control in managed forests is undertaken, and best achieved, for two main reasons. The ?rst relates to soil protection for the sustainable productivity of the forest resource. The second relates to the protection of valuable water resources located in forested catchments. The...