The rainforests: Deforestation and conservation
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Deforestation is a very real and very serious problem which we are being faced with around the world. Unfortunately, environmental issues are often put on the back burner in our government's policies. Although the destruction of our environment has been a pressing concern for many years, this...
Coal in the North American Rocky Mountains: A mined resource
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
Coal was formed millions of years ago in the cretaceous and tertiary periods, in swamps where ancient plants decomposed and filled swamps with bark, leaves and stems. In oxygenated, moving water, the plants were completely broken down by bacteria, but in stagnant water only certain chemical...
The role of multinationals and the environment
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
A traditional corporation that operates within the bounds of a sovereign area is required to comply with the legal and social institutions of that particular area. In the case of multinational corporations however, the rules are slightly different. This is, in part, because the same economic and...
The environmental impact of aquaculture operations
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Human cultivation has produced habitats specialized for artificially spawning and nurturing aquatic animals and plants in fresh and marine waters. By assisting to meet the market demand for seafood consumption, aqua cultural operations have yielded clear and significant financial advantages,...
Fossil fuels or nuclear energy: Which is more eco-friendly?
Thesis - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Human populations are growing at the fastest rates ever, and with this boom in population and standards of living, electricity consumption is growing. In 2007, there were 3891.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity used, which is a 1000 billion kilowatt-hours or a 37.17% increase in use compared...
The debate on global warming
Thesis - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
It seems like every night in the news for the past several years a similar story is being reported. All these stories, of course, have something to do with the issue of global warming. Global warming is a potentially dangerous problem for all people of the Earth, but is it real? Al Gore in his...
Earth: The sphere
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Although earth looks very simple it is a complex planet, which is constructed out of three things: air, land and water. Air as we know is also called atmosphere that took 4.5 billions years to create as it is now and consisted of deadly gases in early years. It was created by erupting volcanoes,...
From cell phones to MP3 players: How rechargeable lithium-ion batteries affect the environment
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Lithium-ion batteries one the most popular types of batteries used today. They are lightweight, have a high-energy density, and are less toxic to the environment than any other battery (Jensen et al. 1999). However, they still offer some undesirable effects to the environment. When not recycled...
Non conventional energy sources: Future necessity
Thesis - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds of work by human beings and nature. Energy is also defined as the ability or the capacity to do work. We use energy to do work and make all movements. When we eat, our body transforms the food into energy to do work. When we run or...
Clean water resource challenge
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Water is the main source of life and covers three fourths of all the land on earth. There lives millions of plants and small animals in the oceans, from witch billions of people depend on fish. Some nations also get fresh water from ocean water, that?s why ocean pollution is a dangerous threat....
Endangered Amazon ecosystem
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The Amazon Rain forest is split between nine nations, with more then half of it in Brazil. The whole Rain forest covers five and a half million square kilometers and represents more then half of all the rain forests on earth. It is estimated that its age would be at least 55 million years and...
Non-conventional energy sources
Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment
This presentation talks about non conventional energy sources. First of all the presentation gives a clear definition about energy and different forms of energy. It then moves on to the explanation of different forms of non-conventional energy forms explained one by one beginning with solar...
Preparation of biodiesel by Jatropha seeds
Thesis - 23 pages - Ecology & environment
Bio-diesel is an eco-friendly, alternative diesel fuel prepared from domestic renewable resources i.e. vegetable oils (edible or non- edible oil) and animal fats. These natural oils and fats are made up mainly of triglycerides. These triglycerides when rea w striking similarity to petroleum...
E-waste environmental
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Electronic Waste, also known as E-Waste, is the components that comprise an electrical or electronic product when it is being discarded. These electronics could be Computers, Televisions, Stereos, Cell Phones, and other electronic products. These components are recycled, resold or reused. E-waste...
Global warming
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
In today's society, environmental issues have an important impact on business and industrial decisions and are becoming part and parcel of economics. We live in scorching summers, the winters seem to be milder from year to year, and the seasons seem to have disappeared. Are these observations...
The impact of climate change on the Canadian Boreal forest
Thesis - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
This paper will provide a review of scientific literature, and look at solutions to problems, resulting from of impacts of climate change on the boreal forest region of Canada, as projected into the late 21st century. It will look at the problem from a number of intersecting areas: forest...
Environmental toxicology on metallic mercury spill: A case in the versatile estrie and the steps to a successful decontamination
Thesis - 13 pages - Ecology & environment
In October 1996, the directions of public health in the Eastern Townships (Estrie-DSP) and a multipurpose area that have requested the collaboration of the Center for Toxicology of Quebec (CTQ) to the management of mercury spill metal in a class-chemistry laboratory. During our first...
Report on solutions to water-scarcity, irrigation and water-erosion problems in Western India
Tutorials/exercises - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Projects in the Maharashtra State of India, especially among rural dwellers in the Ghats Mountains area, to improve water use and availability were actively pursued by Canadian and Indian researchers in the 1990s. This project was carried out with local people, paying particular attention to the...
History of forecasting the weather
Thesis - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Weather refers to the state of air on earth at a given place and time, and climate is the pattern of weather that forms and one expects at a particular place at a given time. The weather or climate of a place usually identifies as warm or cold, wet or dry, cloudy or clear, or windy.The weather of...
A study on ways to forecast weather
Thesis - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
Weather refers to the state of atmosphere at a given place and time with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity and air pressure. Climate is the pattern of weather that forms and one expects at a particular place at a given time. The weather or climate of a place...
Role of an engineer in solving global issues
Thesis - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
This report emphasizes the role of an engineer in solving three major global issues, which are excessive demand for global energy production, limited natural resources of the planet and exponentially growing environmental pollution. An engineer's role in solving the global issues addressed is to...
A study on the common cloud types and their influence on the weather
Thesis - 14 pages - Ecology & environment
The heat from the sun's energy results in the water at the surface of the earth, mainly in oceans warming and converting into gaseous water vapor. The presence of such water vapor makes air moist or humid. The air near the ground rises when it becomes warm due to the sun's rays, and when...
A study on how weather affects populations
Thesis - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
The impact of the weather and climate on a place has always been significant in history. In fact, hostile weather has been responsible for wiping out entire species and human civilizations. The last ice age made northern parts of the Northern Hemisphere inhospitable, and the flood mentioned in...
Ontario Landfill gas: Management, regulation & recovery. legal & policy issues
Tutorials/exercises - 17 pages - Ecology & environment
Landfills seem to be a major part of waste disposal life. Love them or hate them, they are a necessity in dealing with ever increasing amounts of waste. Statistics Canada reported that Canadians threw out about 20 per cent more garbage in 2004 compared to 2000, bringing per-capita output to 418...
Static/dynamic ecological modeling systems
Thesis - 8 pages - Ecology & environment
Ecological modeling is utilized as a predictor mechanism, to ultimately analyze and observe the various systems and process which govern an ecosystem. With this information available, scientists can attempt to alter an ecosystem based on the interactions of several variables. These models...
Hemlock forest ecological analysis - Environmental gradients
Thesis - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
The Hemlock Forest Model represents the varying diversities along an environmental gradient. Variations in elevation can potentially yield alterations in various biological processes, which subsequently form complex assemblage interactions. The Hemlock Forest displayed a high level of diversity...
The hunt for alternative sources of energy
Tutorials/exercises - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
In the past century, it has been seen that the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy has caused more environmental damage than any other human activity. Electricity generated from fossil fuels such as coal and crude oil has led to high concentrations of harmful gases in the atmosphere....
Analysis of environmental toxins via Gas Chromatography (FID)
Tutorials/exercises - 9 pages - Ecology & environment
Gas chromatography is an efficient process employed for the separation and determination of various analytes. With the use of a flame ionization detector, gas chromatography can be specifically applied to the chromatographic separation of organic compounds. There are very few processes of...
Arctic ice loss: Overview and consequences
Thesis - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
The high latitude arctic regions receive less energy in the form of solar radiation or sunlight compared to other parts of the world. This results in large areas of seawater in this region freezing to form pack ice. Every summer, when the sun's energy falls on the earth in a higher intensity...
Environmental pollution: A growing problem
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Environmental Studies (ES) is an inter-disciplinary area of study incorporating the social and scientific aspects of nature and natural resources. The major aim of Environmental Studies is to project the inter-relationships between living beings-especially human beings- with the surrounding...