The Eden Project
Case study - 10 pages - Ecology & environment
The Eden Project is a multiple greenhouse complex in the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest greenhouses. The complex is dominated by two gigantic enclosures consisting of adjoining domes that house plant species from across the world. Each enclosure imitates a natural biome. The...
Green marketing - How to integrate environment inside companies?
Dissertation - 81 pages - Ecology & environment
Sustainable development has become an established phenomenon. Society is becoming increasingly environmental conscious, this has even been used as an electoral argument. Environmental protection is due to a movement introduced jointly by the population at large and the NGOs through a governmental...
The fight against climate change: a burning international issue
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
Climate change is an environmental issue that is now recognized by almost the entire scientific community in the world. It affects the entire planet. The climate is influenced by both natural and human factors. However, it's been proven that human activities are responsible for a wide range of...
Climate change and politics: a real shift or status quo?
Essay - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
We will try to analyze the responses from the political field against climate change and the overall sustainable development. Climate change means significant change in the average weather, which causes a lot of perturbations on the natural system. The French president, Jacques Chirac, in a...
Microsoft Green Solutions : Communication Plan (April 2008)
Case study - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
A recent trend in customer relationships puts an important emphasis on corporations' behavior towards environmental issues. Several non-governmental organizations have pointed out companies that had been engaged in activities damaging the environment. Among them was Greenpeace which targeted...
Opposing views about forest harvesting in British Columbia, Canada
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
The forest industry has been a crucial part of British Columbia's economy for a very long time. Up until the 1970s, it was widely claimed that 50% of every dollar spent in BC was generated by the forest industry (from textbook, Farley 1972, 87). Today, this industry still remains the backbone of...
Global air pollution and global climate change
Thesis - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
We know that the Earth's climate has changed many times throughout its existence. There have been both ice ages and long periods of warmth. Many natural factors, such as volcanic eruptions, energy absorbed from the sun, and changes in the Earth's orbit have long had an influence on the Earth's...
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Lightning is a natural phenomenon that has always fascinated and frightened humans. Dozens of people are struck by lightning, hundreds of animals are killed and thousands of fires result causing damage totaling to millions of Euros. On an average one airliner is struck by lightning each year. The...
Solar energy as a viable commercial and industrial power source
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
In almost all nations of the world, save for a few oil rich regions in the Middle East and Northern portions of North America, energy has to be purchased and imported. This is a system that leaves many countries without self-sufficiency and will likely bankrupt their governments. The needs for...
Consumption and environmental degradation
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The world's consensus on the status of the environment is shifting now, more than ever, into one of concern. As the years have passed pass, especially throughout the last decade or two, we have all seen our environment continue to get more depleted. The earth is warming, the oceans are...
Water's role in the weather and the sustenance of life
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
This brings to mind the question; what then is, water? Water seems like such a simple thing. Water is a fluid substance that makes up more than three fifths of the earth's surface. It is an absolutely necessary element for the sustenance of all life on earth including animal, human and plant....
Climate responsibility
Essay - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
As the issue of climate change has transitioned from probability to certainty, the debate over how responsibility should be spread has heated up. Some have posited that developing countries should be exempt from greenhouse gas limits placed on production, leaving developed countries to bear the...
Climate change
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
It is clear, in light of continuing climate change evidence that action must be taken to respond to these developing conditions and to prepare for potential future problems. The most important component of any action plan is maintaining our drive for scientific research into the effects of global...
Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon: Is it sustainable?
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Over the past 4 decades, almost 20 percent of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil has been cut down. This area is equivalent to the size of Western Europe. Scientists are now warning that another 20 percent will be lost in the next 2 decades (Wallace, 2007). Selective logging for timber usually...
Some useful tips for travel photography
Thesis - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
The prime goal of all travel photography is the enjoyment and satisfaction one can get out of it. Each new trip is an act of anticipation of excitement, a reason good enough to enjoy the travel and make it memorable with a camera. With a critical eye on one's own photography skill, one can keep...
The Gulf oil disaster its effect on the environment
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Oil the most precious natural resource with respect to the current economy. Rapid industrial Growth has contributed to fast depletion of oil resources and forced humanity to rethink its strategy with respect to the exploitation and consumption of it. Countries make huge investments to locate and...
Water - the liquid gold - Managing a scarce resource
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Picture this: You open your tap in the morning to brush your teeth, and all that you get is the sound of air! Though it sounds exaggerated at the moment, plenty of households throughout the world will face this crisis in the years to come. Often touted as the liquid gold, water is the most...
Handling and disposal of low level nuclear waste
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
Low level nuclear waste includes materials which are not radioactive themselves but have become contaminated because of their exposure to neutron radiations. These items find their use in nuclear power plants, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government and private development facilities,...
Environmentally conscious recycling planning: Strategies and its optimal analysis
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
This paper describes a stochastic production planning problem for an environmentally conscious recycling technique to adequately cope with unpredictable recovery rate of end-of-life products towards a more sustainable pattern of production. The model is formulated as a nonlinear integer...
Climate change and green house gas emissions: issues and challenges in India
Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
Green house gas (GHG) emission is a matter of grave concern across the world. The adverse impacts happen mainly in the form of climate change and global warming. Immediate steps are required to cut the emissions. India is the fourth largest emitter of GHG in the world in absolute terms. Being a...
Utilization of solar energy: An alternative of conventional energy sources
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The earth continuously gets the shower of radiation of the sun, which is the mother of all forms of energy-conventional or non conventional. The amount of solar radiation reaching the earth is called insolation -the short form for incident solar radiation. Solar energy is...
Biodiesel-novel energy source with minimum CO2 emission
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Rapid growth in population coupled with industrial and technological developments is leading towards the depletion of limited fossil fuel resources of the world. Imperative concerns related to energy and climate change due to CO2 emission requires the large scale substitution of petroleum based...
Co-gasification of municipal sewage sludge and asphaltene residue from refineries for production of synfuels/power
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
One of the gravest problems being experienced by non-oil producing developing country like India is spiraling prices of petroleum crude which has seriously inhibited growth of power sector thereby considerably decelerating the growth rate. Added to this, the explosion in the population of the...
Mitigation of CO2 emission with CNG vehicles: A case study of Delhi
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Recently, the CNG utilization in transport vehicles has been one of many measures initiated by the Government of Delhi, to solve growing deterioration of air quality of Delhi due to manifold increase in number of vehicles. In the present study, results of structured questionnaire based survey on...
Bryce Canyon Hoodoos
Thesis - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
Hoodoos are defined as tall rock formations that have totem-pole shaped bodies, meaning they have thick and thin widths in the same formation (Bryce Canyon National Park, para 13). Height varies from one hoodoo to another, as they can be as small as a person or tower as tall as ten...
Ecological census lab report
Thesis - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
This lab involved field work in Hammond Woods, Newton, MA. Here, we observed trees in two sites: an exterior and interior site. These two sites possessed different distributions of trees and their species. The exterior, or edge site, consisted of four different species of plants: the White Pine...
Avian niche lab report
Thesis - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Surrounding the Ecology subject, we were studying an ecological habitat and the animals that make it up. Their behavior and habitat preference is what most closely relates to this lab. The object of this lab was to attempt to draw connections between habitat preferences (or lack thereof), any...
How climate change can be reframed as a carbon cycle management challenge
Thesis - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
The planet Earth's climate change has been given a considerable degree of attention by the human population lately. Detailed climate change patters, predictions and fact get unleashed every second of the day. Some aspects that can be closely analyzed when drawing conclusions on climatology trends...
Historical development of coal and nuclear energy in China
Thesis - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
China is today the world's largest coal producer and consumer in the world. In 2006, the raw coal output amounted to 2.32 billion tones and installed coal fired power capacity reached 622 GWe (National Bureau of Statistics of China, 2007). Chinese dependence on coal for energy and electricity...
Did the city of Toronto and the province of Ontario ban the right 'pests'?
Case study - 14 pages - Ecology & environment
Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the issue of cosmetic pesticide use in Canada. For years, chemical pesticides were readily sprayed on gardens and lawns across the country, with very little consideration given to the fact that they might be harmful to the environment. However, with...