Sustainable remote work practices for progressive reductions of road traffic emissions
Dissertation - 68 pages - Ecology & environment
Although technology developments brought about possibilities for all work which could be done remotely to be done remotely within the Netherlands, limitations for additional and sustainable implementation of remote work practices remained. Secondary research sheds light on the extent to which...
A Holistic Approach to the Development of Sustainable Agriculture: Application of the ecosystem health model, Xiubin Wang, Wenna Liu and Wenliang Wu (2009)
Book review - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
The boom of demographics has led scientists and government leaders to reform agriculture policy, which is more sustainable and improves food security and social development. This reform has transformed the practice of intensive agriculture, using mechanization and fertilizers that have been...
Sustainable Development: A holistic approach to natural resources management, Yacov Y. Haines (1992)
Book review - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
This paper written by Yacov woke the scientific community about environmental degradation. Every damage affects economic development. This situation opened debates to design new policies for the next generations. Recently, a report focused on some reflections about possible environmental...
Alternative sources of energy: a detailed presentation about the why, how and when
Presentation - 13 pages - Ecology & environment
This document is a PowerPoint presentation about alternative sources of energy: what are they exactly, why do we need them, how do we find or create them? What is the future of alternative sources of energy?
Sustainable Development Goals and Green Growth
Presentation - 37 pages - Ecology & environment
This PowerPoint is about sustainable development goals. It shows an understanding on what sustainable development means and how to take into account our current situation and move towards a green growth. We will see how limited it will be due to inequalities around the world. We will understand...
Philanthropic Strategies for Children and the Next Generation
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
For millions of children around the world, every day is a struggle. This is why we have to be able to act without delay in a race against the clock where every day counts. In fact, as we know, everything we do as an impact today and tomorrow on our beautiful planet. If we want to save the world,...
Idea of progress - How Americans relate to ecology nowadays?
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
We will talk about the notion of the idea of progress and illustrate it with the environmental issue in the USA. Progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change. It can be a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Here, we...
Is sustainable development a contradiction in terms?
Essay - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
Define in 1987 by the Brundtland's rapport, the Sustainable Development is the capacity to respond to the present needs without compromising future generations' needs. The Sustainable Development notion was really established since 1992 with the Rio Earth Summit involving a hundred...
The effects of fishing on marine ecosystems
Presentation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
So, today, I would like to highlight the topic of fishing as linked to ecosystem preservation.
The consequences of climate change
Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
Climate change, and more generally all natural upheavals, is progressively accepted as a blatant reality by the vast majority of people, and to begin with, by those who are directly affected by them.
What worries you the most concerning global warming ?
Dissertation - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
In September 2018, Nicolas Hulot resigned as Minister of Ecology, describing his time at the head of this ministry as an "accumulation of disappointment".
Garbage patches
Presentation - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
Garbage patches, also known as trash vortexes, are a major environmental issue to be solved soon. There sadly is not just one, but actually every ocean is affected, and for oceanographic reasons, the Atlantic and the Pacific even have two each, one in the North, the other in the South.
Photo's Studies About Pollution - English oral
Presentation - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
This document is a photograph of a factory in Saint-Ouen, in the north of Paris. This photo comes from a report wrote by France 24. The photographer's name is Philippe Lopez. The photojournalist takes this photo on the 12th of December 2018 (two thousand eighteen). This photo deals with the...
Impact of agroforestry and social forestry on wildlife: birds and smaller animals
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Most modern systems of raising animals separate animals from their natural environment. In these systems, many of the cycles of nature which are beneficial to both animals and their environment are broken. The use of animals can be a controversial topic. In many situations, especially in the...
Global warming and climate change
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
These are terms used to describe increased earth's temperatures. Human activities and natural occurrences are said to be the major contributors to this increase. Increase in greenhouse gases for example carbon dioxide result to the temperatures increase. The U.S. have been a major contributor...
Should the United States consider increasing their use of renewable energy or not?
Essay - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
The United States (U.S) use both renewable and non-renewable energy. According to Gielen, Saygin & Wagner (2015), in 2015, United States Energy consumption were:Coal-33%, Natural Gas-33%, Nuclear-20%, Hydropower-6%, Other renewables-7%, Biomass-1.6%, Geothermal-0.4%, Solar-0.6%, Wind-4.7%,...
Hidden Lessons, David Suzuki - Learning beyond the unintentional messages
Book review - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
The environment shapes humanity, yet humanity tries to shape the environment. This habit of manipulation has been passed on from generations to generations. According to "Hidden Lessons" by David Suzuki, parental involvement has led to the ignorance toward the environment. However, ignorance is...
Economic and policy issues from the spill : Gulf war oil spill of 1991
Essay - 3 pages - Ecology & environment
In any oil spill, looking at the economic issues that are raised, the first parameter that is used is the number of gallons of oils that were spilt to measure the loss that was suffered in monetary terms. In the case of the gulf war oil spill of 1991, it caused the loss of millions of gallons of...
Is the government doing enough to ensure that the environment is safe and healthy?
Essay - 4 pages - Ecology & environment
Governmental action on behalf of environmental problems has been a significant subject of subject of social and political commentators during recent decades. In light of new recent pressing concerns like Global warming and climate change, environmental issues have become a matter of public...
The future of nuclear energy: The European Energy Policy
Case study - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
It is hard to forecast with any certitude what the 21st century will hold for nuclear power. Still, the issues that will form its future are slightly clear. The goal of this paper is to study the possible role of nuclear energy in the formation of sustainable development in Europe, on the basis...
The Greenhouse Effect: Definition, Causes, and Consequences
Thesis - 15 pages - Ecology & environment
Environmental hazards such as storms, tropical cyclones, droughts, etc. have been affecting us for generations. In France, the temperature reached its highest point last summer and reports showed that the August of 2003 experienced a high heat wave with the most dramatic consequences: the...
Environmental risks and sustainable development
Essay - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
In 2006, Davis Guggenheim and Al Gore released a movie called An inconventient Truth: Global Warming, and this movie basically talks about the risks associated with development. In 2007, they were honored with the Noble Peace award by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on...
The World Trade Organization (WTO) faces the challenge of sustainable development
Essay - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The stakes by which the problems raise the concept of sustainable development, such as environmental protection and the fight against poverty, seems to represent an obstacle for further liberalization in trade as a factor in its favor. However, during the second half of the nineteenth century, it...
The American diplomacy around the protocol of Kyoto
Essay - 15 pages - Ecology & environment
During the past forty years, the issue of global warming has gradually been established as the priority of environmental debates to become a major issue in our society for the twenty-first century. The proliferation of conferences, books, and films on this subject reflect the growing interest....
Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas L. Friedman: A book review
Book review - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
Friedman's book Hot, Flat and Crowded motivates change and action for businesses, consumers, and political forces by increasing their awareness of trends, behaviors, and regulations that hazardously impact economic and environmental conditions. The book evokes a sense of urgency to preserve...
How expensive are green jobs?
Thesis - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
There's a lot of talk in the press these days about the cost of green jobs. The new president of the United States, Barack Obama, is pushing for bold investment in renewable energies and technologies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. He is praising the incentives that have been put in...
Recycling in South Africa
Thesis - 16 pages - Ecology & environment
As part of my third year at the business school of Rennes in South Africa, I had the opportunity to do an international internship for a period of 10 weeks. This course's main objective was to test my ability to adapt. Indeed, during this internship, I had to adapt to a different culture, and...
Sustainable development in the electricity sector - the examples of France and Great Britain
Market study - 24 pages - Ecology & environment
It has been put in evidence that 85 percent of the energy consumed by humans comes from fossil fuels. This statement pointed out one of the most important problems currently faced by humans. The generation of energy depends on the use of fossil fuels. The problem which appears is that these fuels...
Environmental issues in the air transport industry
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The air transport industry uses air craft to transport people, cargo, and mail. Civil aviation includes two major categories; first one is the scheduled air transport, which includes passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly-scheduled routes; and general aviation, including all other...
The Eden Project
Case study - 10 pages - Ecology & environment
The Eden Project is a multiple greenhouse complex in the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest greenhouses. The complex is dominated by two gigantic enclosures consisting of adjoining domes that house plant species from across the world. Each enclosure imitates a natural biome. The...