global warming, climate change, temperatures increase, US, United States, carbon dioxide, human activities, weather trends, greenhouse gases
These are terms used to describe increased earth's temperatures. Human activities and natural occurrences are said to be the major contributors to this increase. Increase in greenhouse gases for example carbon dioxide result to the temperatures increase. The U.S. have been a major contributor to global warming and may suffer the more. This article seeks to explore how the warming planet results into climate change, its effects on the weather and how the U.S. could suffer the more from these.
[...] is most responsible in contributing to global warming and hence the consequences (Mooney 7-9). The U.S. has over the decades been a great emitter of greenhouse gases. Though recent reports show that China has of late been a major emitter but this has not been over a very long time. A recent report by the World Resources Institute showed that the US has contributed over twenty seven percent of the world's emissions of carbon dioxide between 1850 and 2011. The US surpassed all other countries in the report. [...]
[...] have been a major contributor to global warming and may suffer the more. This article seeks to explore how the warming planet results into climate change, its effects on the weather and how the U.S. could suffer the more from these. There are many indicators of change in climate and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in their 2010 report named them as; humidity, near the surface air temperatures, sea levels, oceans' temperatures, temperatures of the sea surface, heat content of the ocean and land temperatures increase and decrease in the snow cover, sea ice and glaciers (NOAA). [...]
[...] Paragraph 1-30. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). “The Carbon Cycle; The Human role.” Earth Observatory. Accessed June
[...] being a very rich country; it can afford to pay more to help in adapting to changes in climate and the rising levels of the sea. Poor countries may not get much rise in sea levels as discussed in this article but may find it difficult to deal with the consequences (Mooney 29). Works Cited Cook, John. “10 Indicators of a Human Fingerprint on Climate Change.” Skeptical Science 2010. Mooney, Chris. “The U.S. Has Caused More Global Warming Than Any Other Country. Here's How The Earth Will Get Its Revenge.” Energy and Environment; The Washington Post. (2015). [...]
[...] He says, ”Escape of less heat to the space, shrinking of the thermosphere, stratosphere's cooling, rising of the tropopause, reduced oxygen levels in the atmosphere, increased carbon from fossil fuels , warm nights than days, and return of more heat on the Earth's surface are sure signs of human- induced changes in climate.” The Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) which is part of NASA, tracks the air global temperatures climatic changes. They found out that the Global temperatures are rising significantly since the year 1880. The coverage given by the institute this time facilitated only recording of data about global temperatures. Increase in emissions of the greenhouse gases from industries, energy production and vehicles result into rising temperatures. [...]
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