UK United Kingdom, sustainable development, sustainability, renewable energy, wind, wind power
The environmental situation in the world is critical. Indeed, today we are witnessing significant deforestation, rising sea levels, ever-increasing pollution, the disappearance of protected animal species and so on. This is why most countries in the world are now focusing on the issues, but also on the remedies and solutions to this huge problem. Specifically, the United Kingdom is moving towards a sustainable, resilient and smart future. This includes the use of wind wisely.
[...] Importance of the mix ? The use of this natural energy makes it possible to alternate the use of fossil fuels and polluting energies. Moreover, it reduces carbon emissions and fights global warming. It's the small gestures that make things happen in a sustainable and positive way. In addition, there are many advantages to using wind. First, it provides a reliable source of electricity. Secondly, it is a cost-effective energy. Finally, it promotes energy independence. Indeed, it is not necessary to import wind, unlike some fossil fuels. [...]
[...] Wind power in the United Kingdom The environmental situation in the world is critical. Indeed, today we are witnessing significant deforestation, rising sea levels, ever-increasing pollution, the disappearance of protected animal species and so on. This is why most countries in the world are now focusing on the issues, but also on the remedies and solutions to this huge problem. Specifically, the United Kingdom is moving towards a sustainable, resilient and smart future. This includes the use of wind wisely. [...]
[...] Micro-wind turbine projects are also emerging. Public policies are largely involved in projects. The path taken is very positive. Future perspectives ? Its future prospects look promising as the government has announced ambitious targets to expand the process. Work still needs to be done on the efficiency of certain wind turbines but also on offshore wind turbines. However, the overall cost will be much lower than with the use of fossil fuels. To put it in a nutshell, UK is becoming a model to follow for all other countries around the world. [...]
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