The 2015 UN Paris Climate Agreement: success or a failure?
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The Paris Agreement adopted in December 2015, aims to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to levels that would prevent global temperatures from increasing more than 2 °C (3.6 °F) above the temperature benchmark set before the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The goal is to achieve a...
Why do motorbikes pay significantly lower fees on toll roads in Melbourne?
Case study - 2 pages - Ecology & environment
From basic economic perspective, this may appear like a needless revenue loss for CityLink charging biker's less than half price for using the toll roads. However, charging them as such makes economic sense, which raises approximately $15.80 and $21.40 for car and heavy commercial vehicles...
How is Mont-Saint-Michel a textbook case of Operation Grand Site (OGS)?
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Alarm bells are ringing to save Mont-Saint-Michel. The site was massively developed for tourism in the 19th and 20th centuries, but the environmental degradation of the site will lead us to rethink its management. A victim of over-visitation, the site needs to be transformed into a sustainable...
Virunga National Park
Case study - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
Virunga National Park is subject to numerous ethnic conflicts. This is due to the presence of numerous groups, the main ones being the Nande, Hutu, Tutsi, Hunde and Bashi (Bodson et al., 2009). The Tutsi genocide in Rwanda in 1994 led to the arrival of refugees, increasing insecurity around the...
The Difficult Beginnings of "Interpretation" in the Face of the Challenges of Raising Awareness About the Preservation of France's Natural Heritage
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The challenge of raising awareness of our natural heritage arose against a backdrop of growing awareness of environmental problems. In the twentieth century, the focus of nature enhancement turned to remarkable areas. "Interpretation" thus became a means of promoting nature as something to be...
Wind power in the United Kingdom
Case study - 1 pages - Ecology & environment
The environmental situation in the world is critical. Indeed, today we are witnessing significant deforestation, rising sea levels, ever-increasing pollution, the disappearance of protected animal species and so on. This is why most countries in the world are now focusing on the issues, but also...
Wind Farm Project in Victoria, Australia
Case study - 30 pages - Ecology & environment
For our project, we were tasked with finding a country and building some form of clean energy system in the country of our choice. Our group decided to go with Australia and to build a wind farm there. We came to this conclusion after searching on Google, "locations with the highest amount of...
Can France abandon nuclear power in favor of renewables?
Case study - 12 pages - Ecology & environment
From a social, economic and political point of view, the subject of energy transition is more relevant than ever in France. Indeed, the energy transition aimed at reducing the consumption of fossil fuels, fighting against global warming and promoting renewable energies are major challenges for...
Impact of agroforestry and social forestry on wildlife: birds and smaller animals
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
Most modern systems of raising animals separate animals from their natural environment. In these systems, many of the cycles of nature which are beneficial to both animals and their environment are broken. The use of animals can be a controversial topic. In many situations, especially in the...
The future of nuclear energy: The European Energy Policy
Case study - 6 pages - Ecology & environment
It is hard to forecast with any certitude what the 21st century will hold for nuclear power. Still, the issues that will form its future are slightly clear. The goal of this paper is to study the possible role of nuclear energy in the formation of sustainable development in Europe, on the basis...
Environmental issues in the air transport industry
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
The air transport industry uses air craft to transport people, cargo, and mail. Civil aviation includes two major categories; first one is the scheduled air transport, which includes passenger and cargo flights operating on regularly-scheduled routes; and general aviation, including all other...
The Eden Project
Case study - 10 pages - Ecology & environment
The Eden Project is a multiple greenhouse complex in the United Kingdom. It is one of the world's largest greenhouses. The complex is dominated by two gigantic enclosures consisting of adjoining domes that house plant species from across the world. Each enclosure imitates a natural biome. The...
Microsoft Green Solutions : Communication Plan (April 2008)
Case study - 11 pages - Ecology & environment
A recent trend in customer relationships puts an important emphasis on corporations' behavior towards environmental issues. Several non-governmental organizations have pointed out companies that had been engaged in activities damaging the environment. Among them was Greenpeace which targeted...
Did the city of Toronto and the province of Ontario ban the right 'pests'?
Case study - 14 pages - Ecology & environment
Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to the issue of cosmetic pesticide use in Canada. For years, chemical pesticides were readily sprayed on gardens and lawns across the country, with very little consideration given to the fact that they might be harmful to the environment. However, with...
Why people don't recycle
Case study - 7 pages - Ecology & environment
You and your fellow U.S. citizens produced 4.4 pounds of waste per day during 2000. This is the equivalent of over 1600 pounds of trash per year per person or more than 220 tons of waste being generated each year.1 Although recycling has been increasingly integrated into many...
Effects of environmental enrichment on the consumption of a palatable food reward
Case study - 13 pages - Ecology & environment
Environmental enrichment (EE) is the study of organisms reared in complex, varied environments and the subsequent influences on behavior. Studies have shown many mechanisms for how EE elicits changes in behavior, mental and physical processes, and neurophysiology. EE has been shown to work as a...
Hurricane Katrina: The Aftermath of a Government Failure
Case study - 5 pages - Ecology & environment
In the late days of August 2005, forecasters and meteorologists closely watched a storm soon to be named Katrina brewing in the Gulf of Mexico. Like many other infamous hurricanes of similar magnitude, the tropical storm began rather quietly and only caused initial high winds and some tangential...