Tarleton, GA: Dead or Alive?
Essay - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
For those caught up in the Southern Myth, antebellum southernmost Georgia is a lot like Heaven. F. Scott Fitzgerald follows a Confederate dreamer to the North and back home to Tarleton, Georgia, in his short story The Ice Palace. The Southern girl, Sally Carrol Happer, finds herself...
The Church's Grasp: Captivity in Joyce's Dubliners
Essay - 2 pages - Linguistics & languages
It is easy to recognize when one is held captive by the unfamiliar, but the crippling effect of familiar forces is not so easily realized. Throughout American captivity narratives, typically female Anglo-Americans are ensnared by Native Americans, the other of early Anglo-American...
Love: Better Lost or Unfulfilled?
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
While unrequited love is typically viewed as among the most torturous emotions one can imagine, when compared to experiencing the decay of a once fulfilled, true love, the ever-longing heart may have its merits. Thomas Hardy's Neutral Tones attests to the misery of love gone sour,...
The Call of the Orient for Joyce's Dubliners
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
When the body is unable to physically escape from the familiar, the mind will journey to the land of the other, the unknown that promises relief from everyday, prosaic existence. For the captives of Dublin in Joyce's Dubliners, the paralyzing effects of the city cause their thoughts...
Masking the Profound: Yeats and Nietzsche's Masks
Essay - 3 pages - Linguistics & languages
Though it is impossible to measure the degree of influence that the work of Friedrich Nietzsche had upon William Butler Yeats, a definite change in Yeats' poetry occurred soon after the point in which the Irishman received a copy of Thus Spake Zarathustra in 1902. The masks that...
It's Funny because it's True: The Role of Comedy in the Alternative Media
Essay - 8 pages - Literature
Humor is a powerful tool that can be harnessed by the alternative media in an effort to give a voice to the disenfranchised and to attract an audience for alternative thought. For the purposes of this project, alternative media is an amorphous term that can be applied to any media...
Selling Books in a Niche Market: Boys' Love Manga
Essay - 6 pages - Literature
Marketing is a crucial element of any successful publishing enterprise, especially for a book that is intended for a niche market. When the target audience is small, it is infinitely more important to market the books strategically. Otherwise, a publishing house risks losing its core audience,...
Consequences of the Encounter
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
When the Europeans first made contact with the natives of the Americas, religion played a large part in the encounter. The two groups underwent many stages such as native destruction, native conversion, and the suppression of native voices. In this way Europeans and Native Americans conflicted...
Pithas: The Seats of the Goddess And Their Hindu and Buddhist Connections
Essay - 5 pages - Literature
In India, there are many cities and other sites that are considered especially sacred to the Goddess and her devotees. These places are called p?th?s. P?th?s provide unique insight into Goddess worship and what the Goddess; the Dev?; the Mother means to her followers. What follows here is a brief...
A Study On Literature on Vampires
Essay - 5 pages - Literature
This paper will deal with immortality and the fear of death as embodied in the vampire: its construction, its body, and its pop culture eminence. The impetus for this line of thought began with our reading of White Noise, where Jack and his wife are consumed by their fear of death, a death that...
The House Behind the Cedars: A Summary
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
The Charles Chesnutt novel, The House Behind the Cedars, is the tale of a young woman of mixed race trying to make it in the antebellum South. She ultimately fails, dying mere months after an unsuccessful romance with a white man. Chesnutt's views on miscegenation can be discerned through the...
The Dharmaraja Ratha
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
The temple site of Mamallapuram contains many impressive examples of mostly unfinished south Indian architecture. The Dharmaraja ratha is one of the better, if not just bigger, examples. It's unfinished as well, but the telltale signs of South India influence can be seen in its components. This...
Comparative Study: The Awakening and The Beloved
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
This is a study of two books, The Awakening by Kate Chopin and Beloved by Toni Morrison. Both authors are women, and the main characters in their novels are also women. However, Chopin is writing from the nineteenth century about the nineteenth century, while Morrison is a modern author looking...
Comparison of Two Essays on Goddess Identity
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
The book Seeking Mah?dev?: Constructing the Identities of the Hindu Great Goddess, edited by Tracy Pintchman, contains ten essays dealing with the different ways Hindus construe the distinct image of Mah?dev?. I will compare two of those essays here and determine their approach and what they add...
Transcendentalist Theory in Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer"
Thesis - 3 pages - Literature
Walt Whitman, a well-known Transcendentalist, believed that humans and nature share an intimate relationship. His poem "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" illustrates this communion with the natural world. It contrasts this view with the scientific view of nature that distances humans...
Is Cohen More "Jewish" Than Dylan - or vice versa? Why or Why Not?
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
During the sixties, which came along with the Civil Rights movement, the diverse ethnic whites in the United States displayed an increase willingness to emphasize their distinct identity. Leonard Cohen and Robert Allen Zimmerman, alias Bob Dylan, were two major musical figures of this era. Both...
Essays on Jewish Culture
Essay - 4 pages - Philosophy
This paper includes two essays: -A Jewish-Christian Symbiosis: The Culture of Early Ashkenaz, Ivan G. Marcus : Ashkenazic Jews living in Northern and Eastern Europe differ from Sephardic Jews from Southern Europe in their respective relationships with surrounding religions. Whereas Sephardic...
Essays on Works by American Expaitriate Writers
Essay - 4 pages - Literature
The first essay is a short analysis of Ernest Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises". The second essay is a critical essay treating "Action is character F. S. Fitzgerald. The work is discussed in relation to "The Sun Also Rises" and "Tender Is The Night", and gives specific examples and...
Book Report: Romantics, Rebels & Reactionaries by Marilyn Butler
Book review - 7 pages - Literature
Offering a precise and coherent definition of artistic movements has always been a tempting prospect for whoever seeks to make sense out of our historical and cultural background. One has to confess, that it is equally tempting to approach the Romantic period in an attempt to set fixed...
The Magazine Press in Britain
Tutorials/exercises - 4 pages - Literature
The British are often imagined as newspaper addicts impatiently waiting for the postman to deliver their paper on Sunday morning. Yet, it would be wrong to believe that they do not share a similar interest for the booming world of the magazine press. As we will see, the magazines sector in...
Book Report : "Reflections on the Revolution in France" By Edmund Burke
Book review - 3 pages - Literature
When the writer and politician Edmund Burke published his Reflections on the Revolution in France in 1790, Britain was particularly focused on what had just happened on the other side of the Channel. At a time when radical societies were emerging in Britain and dissenters were about to claim new...
Unger's Views on Skepticism and Certainty
Essay - 2 pages - Philosophy
Peter Unger applies a unique approach to skepticism. In his essay, An Argument for Skepticism, he endorses the concept by insisting that if one is not a skeptic, he/she must be (more or less) dogmatic. The way in which he supports this is by attempting to prove that nobody ever...
Jane Eyre's Preservation of Self
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is a novel that focuses heavily on the protagonist's sense of self-respect and her insistence on remaining true to her principles and standards despite all odds. One of the most fundamental aspects of Jane's character is her refusal to sacrifice her own values for...
The Presence of Walt Whitman in "A Supermarket in California"
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
Allen Ginsberg's poem A Supermarket in California is a vivid depiction of the contrast between a lighted, populated American supermarket and the dark, solitary streets outside; a contrast between the youthful American generation and the aged, solitary Walt Whitman who is contained...
Cesario and Homosexuality in The Twelfth Night
Essay - 2 pages - Literature
Found within William Shakespeare's play The Twelfth Night are many aspects of irony that contribute to its comical nature. In particular, the character Cesario, whose actor is veiled under two layers of falsity, is interesting not only because of the humor that surrounds him, but because of his...
Hilary Putnam on Realism and Relativism
Thesis - 4 pages - Philosophy
Perhaps one of the most widely and longest-held issues that have been debated in the study of philosophy, is that of the dispute over the way in which we as humans can accurately describe the external world with regards to our everyday lives. Philosophers range in opinion from a view in...
Divine Flaws
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
The question of whether gods are capable of being flawed has long preoccupied theologists and philosophers alike. The mythological deities of the ancient Greek pantheon possessed a myriad of humanistic attributes, including a wide range of notable character flaws; Zeus, of course, was infamous...
Homer's epic poem, The Iliad
Essay - 3 pages - Literature
Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, creates two very distinct heroic figures: Achilles and Hektor. These men come from different backgrounds and have different reasons for fighting in the Trojan War; Achilles fights for honor, whereas Hektor fights to defend his city, and yet both know that if they...
The Road to the Good Life?
Thesis - 3 pages - Philosophy
Today, when people use the word stoic, they often are not referring to the philosophical tradition, but to a type of person who does not show much outward emotion, someone who is strong in the face of tragedy or pain. However, in a culture in which we are encouraged to express our emotions (to...
The Two Theban Tragedies: Antigone and Oedipus the King
Thesis - 2 pages - Literature
Greek tragedies all possess a common trait: the protagonist displays a tragic flaw, which ultimately leads to his or her downfall. In the two Theban tragedies, Antigone and Oedipus the King, Creon's tragic flaw is immoderation, while Oedipus' unwillingness to accept his fate causes his demise....